[Amended 7-6-1999 by L.L. No. 3-1999]
All hydrants are under control of the Water Department. No person shall use a wrench for opening hydrants except one furnished for that purpose. No person, except an authorized employee of the Department or of a Fire Department or a person holding a written permit from the Water Department, shall disturb any hydrant or take any water therefrom under any circumstances whatever. In case a permit and taking water from damage is done by any person having a permit and taking water from a hydrant for construction or other purposes, the holder of the permit shall pay such damages and all costs and expenses that may be incurred by reason thereof. When necessary to make temporary connections with the fire hydrants, standard hydrant wrenches and reducing caps, furnished by the Department, must be used, for which a deposit, in an amount as set forth by resolution of the Village Board of Trustees, must be made.[1] These deposits will be refunded if equipment is returned in good condition. Any person causing damage to a fire hydrant by collision or otherwise will be held responsible for any damage thereby, and they should immediately report to the Police Department, giving their name and address.
Editor's Note: The fee schedule is on file in the Village offices.