As used in these regulations, words in the singular include the plural and those in the plural include the singular. The word "person" includes a corporation, unincorporated association and a partnership, as well as an individual. The word "building" includes a structure and shall be construed as if followed by the phrase "or part thereof." The word "street" includes avenue, boulevard, court, expressway, highway, lane, arterial and road. The word "watercourse" includes channel, creek, ditch, drain, dry run, spring and stream. The word "may" is permissive; the words "shall" and "will" are mandatory, subject, however, to the provisions of Article VII hereof.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A minor right-of-way providing secondary vehicular access to the side or rear of two or more properties.
An area bounded by streets.
The Planning Board of the Village of New Paltz.
A low barrier usually along the pavement line of a street, road or highway, controlling surface drainage and separating vehicular areas from pedestrian and/or landscaping areas.
The deliberate appropriation of land by its owner for any general and public uses, reserving to himself no other rights than such as are compatible with the full exercise and enjoyment of the public uses to which the property has been devoted.
A right-of-way granted for limited use of private land for a public or quasi-public purpose.
A tract or parcel of land intended for transfer of ownership, use or improvement.
A map established by the Village Board under § 7-724 of the Village Law, showing streets, highways and parks therefore laid out, adopted and established by law and any amendments thereto adopted by the Village Board or additions thereto resulting from approval of subdivision plats by the Planning Board and the subsequent filing of such approved plats.
A security which may be accepted by the municipality in lieu of a requirement that certain improvements be made before the Board gives final approval to a subdivision plat. Such security shall be sufficient to cover the full cost of all uncompleted improvements in the subdivision as estimated by the Board or agency designated by the Board. Securities shall include such collateral or agreements acceptable to the Village Board or a bond issued by a surety company and to run for a term not to exceed three years; provided, however, that the term may be extended by the Board with the consent of the parties thereto.
A drawing or drawings clearly marked "preliminary plat" showing in detail the features of a subdivision submitted to the Planning Board for consideration and conditional approval in accordance with § 178-22 of these regulations.
The final drawing or drawings of the subdivision submitted to the Planning Board which, if approved, may be duly filed in the office of the County Clerk in accordance with § 178-23 of these regulations.
A privately owned strip of land of less width than the lot depth permitted by the applicable regulations, bounded on one side by a proposed street and on the other by the boundary of a subdivision containing said proposed street.
A lot extending between and having frontage on a major traffic street and a minor street, and with vehicular access solely from the latter.
The line within a property defining the required minimum distance between any enclosed structure and adjacent right-of-way.
The maximum extent of unobstructed vision (in a horizontal plane) along a street from a vehicle located at any given point on the street.
A freehand sketch showing the general features of a proposed subdivision in accordance with § 178-21 of these regulations.
A right-of-way for vehicular traffic, including road, avenue, lane, highway or other way which is an existing public way, or a way shown upon a subdivision plat approved by the Village Planning Board as provided by law, or on a plat duly filed and recorded in the office of the County Clerk. Classes of streets are as follows:
Major streets are those which serve or are designated to be used primarily for fast moving traffic volumes and are used primarily as routes for traffic between communities.
Collector streets are those which, in addition to giving access to abutting properties, are designated to connect minor streets to the major street system.
Minor streets are those used primarily to provide access to abutting properties.
A cul-de-sac is a street with only one means of vehicular ingress and egress and with a turnaround as its terminus.
Any person, firm, corporation, partnership or association who shall lay out any subdivision or part thereof, as defined herein, either for himself, itself or others.
The division of land into two or more lots, plots, blocks, or sites with or without streets or highways, for the purpose of offering such lots, plots, blocks, or sites for sale, transfer of ownership, or development, or any other reason. The term “subdivision” shall include any alteration of lot lines or dimensions of any lots, plots, blocks, or sites shown on a plat previously approved and filed in the office of the County Clerk or previously established by deed transfer, with or without subdivision approval.
[Amended 7-16-2016 by L.L. No. 3-2016]
The date when a sketch plan, preliminary plat or subdivision plat shall be considered submitted to the Planning Board is hereby defined to be the date of that regular monthly meeting of the Planning Board at least 10 days prior to which all required surveys, plans, data and fees are filed with the Chairman or other authorized person of the Planning Board.
The Board of Trustees of the Village of New Paltz.
The person duly designated as engineer of the Village on a permanent or consulting basis.
A comprehensive plan prepared by the Planning Board which indicates the general locations recommended for the various functional classes of public works, places and structures and for the general physical development of the Village of New Paltz and includes any unit or part of such plan separately adopted and any amendments to such plan or parts thereof.
An open space as may be required by these regulations of uniform width, or depth on the same lot with a building or group of buildings, which open space lies between the principal building or group of buildings and the nearest lot line and is unoccupied and unobstructed from the ground upward.
YARD, FRONTAn open space extending the full width of the lot between a building and the front lot line, unoccupied and unobstructed from the ground upward.
YARD, REARAn open space extending the full width of the lot between a building and the rear lot line, unoccupied and unobstructed from the ground upward.
YARD, SIDEAn open space extending from the front yard to the rear yard between a building and the nearest side lot line, unoccupied and unobstructed from the ground upward.
The officially adopted Zoning Law of the Village, together with any and all amendments thereto in accordance with Chapter 64, Article 7, of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York.[1]
Editor's Note: See Village Law § 7-700 et seq.