As a condition of approval and the continuance of any use, occupancy of any structure, and operation of any process or equipment, the applicant shall supply evidence, satisfactory to the Planning Board or to its designated representative, that the proposed use, structure, process, or equipment will conform fully with all of the applicable performance standards. As evidence of compliance the Planning Board may require certification of tests by appropriate government agencies or by recognized testing laboratories, any costs thereof to be borne by the applicant. The Planning Board may require that specific types of equipment, machinery, or devices be installed, or that specific operating procedures or methods be followed if the government agencies or testing laboratories examining the proposed operation shall determine that the use of such specific types of machinery, equipment, devices, procedures or methods are required in order to assure compliance with the applicable performance standards. Permits and certificates required by other government agencies shall be submitted to the Planning Board as proof or compliance with applicable law, codes, rules and regulations and other provisions of this Municipal Code.
For use variances which must meet these performance standards the Zoning Board of Appeals shall not issue a permit for any use, structure, process or equipment until it receives a report or recommendation from the Planning Board regarding compliance with the performance standards established herein.
In the event a determination cannot be made at the time of application that a proposed use, process or piece of equipment will meet the standards established in this article, the Planning Board may issue or may recommend issuance of a conditional permit. The conditional permit shall be based on submission of evidence that the proposed use, process or equipment will meet the standards established herein after completion or installation and operation. Within 30 days after a temporary certificate of occupancy is granted a final permit shall be applied for and satisfactory evidence submitted that all standards established by this article have been met.
Continued compliance with the performance standards stated herein shall be a requirement for the continued occupancy of any structure or the operation of any process or equipment.
No activity or use shall be permitted, established, maintained, or conducted in any zoning district unless such activity or use complies with the following standards.
Air pollution. No excessive smoke, fumes, gas, dust, odor or any other atmospheric pollutant shall be permitted beyond the boundaries of the lot whereon the use is located. Excessive smoke shall be all smoke of a shade or appearance darker than No. 2 on the Ringlemann Scale for grading the density of smoke, published by the U.S. Bureau of Mines.
Water pollution.
Open discharge. No pollution by the discharge of any waste material whatsoever into any watercourse, open ditch or land surface shall be permitted.
Sewerage discharges. No waste material whatsoever shall be discharged into any sanitary disposal system or sewerage system except as permitted by relevant public health authorities and public sewerage control bodies. Any chemical or industrial waste which, in the determination of the Village Engineer, places undue loads on the municipal sewerage system, shall not be discharged into such system and must be treated by the use generating such wastes.
Safety hazards. No activity shall create a physical hazard by reason of fire, explosion, radiation or other such cause, to persons or property in the same or adjacent district.
Nuisances. No objectionable vibration, odor or glare shall be perceptible at or beyond the property line. Noises shall be regulated in conformity with the standards established by Chapter 143, Noise, of the Village of New Paltz.
Storage. No equipment or material shall be stored in such a manner that facilitates the breeding of vermin or endangers health in any way.
These standards shall be enforced in accordance with the provisions of § 212-62 et seq. of this chapter.