[Added 12-14-1990 by Ord. No. 1290-3[1]]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also repealed former Art. 6, Driveways.
Unless specified in this article, the specifications for materials and methods of construction shall be the same as those specified in Article I of this chapter.
All curb cuts shall be maintained by the owner thereof.
[Amended 12-10-1993 by Ord. No. 1293-2]
All curb cuts shall be designed to comply with Exhibit A or Exhibit B attached hereto and made a part of this article.[1]
Editor's Note: Exhibits A and B are included at the end of this chapter.
Every lot with improvements may have the minimum of one curb cut and shall have a maximum of two curb cuts per lot. When two curb cuts are installed for a single lot, the curb cuts shall be located to maximize the availability of on-street parking spaces. The total linear footage of the width of any one curb cut and/or combined width of any two curb cuts shall not exceed 20 feet.
[Amended 10-18-2004 by Ord. No. 1004-01]
No person shall install and/or maintain a curb cut that is not connected to:
An off-street parking space as required by Chapter 270, Zoning, § 270-30 of the Rehoboth Beach Code.
An off-street parking space as required by § 232-59A of this article, where § 270-30 is inapplicable.
The design and location of all curb cuts shall be at the discretion of the Building Official and subject to his approval.
Where the sidewalk must be sloped upward or downward to meet the driveway apron, such slope shall not exceed the ratio 1:12 along the sidewalk longitudinal axis.
If any curb cut, or part of a curb cut, in front of a lot is rendered obsolete or abandoned due to new construction, the owner of said lot, at his cost, shall restore the curb in the area of where the curb cut is located.
[Added 10-18-2004 by Ord. No. 1004-01]
No curb cut shall be installed until a permit has been obtained and an inspection fee of $25 has been paid. No permit shall be issued for the installation of a curb cut unless the plans for such curb cut show:
That there is at least one off-street hard-surfaced parking space on the property having a minimum dimension of 10 feet wide by 20 feet long, free of trees, flowers, bushes, plantings, undergrowth, buildings or any other obstructions. For the purpose of this article, a "hard-surfaced parking space" shall mean and include a parking space with two inches of stone or surface paved with tar and chip, concrete or blacktop material or being of brick, tile or wood.
That where Article IV of Chapter 270, Zoning, of this Code is applicable, said curb cut shall be connected to a parking space as required by § 270-30 of this Code.