[Adopted 3-14-2007 by Ord. No. 10-2007]
It is recognized that the Borough Tenants' Rights Committee has existed for many years, but now is being formalized by ordinance and shall forthwith be named and called the "Eatontown Tenants' Rights Committee."
The members of the Tenants' Rights Committee, including ex-officio members, shall receive no compensation for their services as members thereof, but may be reimbursed for reasonable and necessary appropriations made available therefor, but only upon request to and approval by the Borough Council. The governing body may also, in its discretion, allow the employment of clerical assistance and legal assistance for the Tenants' Rights Committee and annually appropriate funds for compensation and/or reimbursement of expenses for said clerical and/or legal assistance (if so assigned by the governing body).
The powers and duties of the Tenants' Rights Committee shall be to:
Serve as a forum for regular discussions concerning problems facing and confronting tenants living in apartments and mobile homes in the Borough of Eatontown.
Undertake fact finding investigation to determine the need to create, continue or amend local regulation that serves to protect and enhance the lifestyle of tenants in the Borough of Eatontown.
Encourage and serve as a vehicle for dissemination of information to the public as to protections available both on the federal, state, County and local level which is of interest to tenants within the Borough of Eatontown.
Monitor and receive input concerning the existing Rent Control Ordinance[1] and other local regulations that benefit tenants to determine the need to continue, amend or terminate, where necessary, such regulations.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 256, Rent Control.
Advise the Borough Council of matters affecting tenants' rights, including recommendations concerning existing local regulation and needed regulation that will assist tenants in the Borough of Eatontown.
Seek to coordinate, assist, and unify the efforts of private groups, institutions, and individuals within the Borough of Eatontown in accord with the purposes of this article.
Maintain liaison and communication with the public and private agencies and organizations of local, state, and national scope, whose programs and activities have an impact on the protection of tenants or who can be of assistance to the Tenants' Rights Committee.
Carry out other such duties as may be assigned from time to time by the Borough Council.
The Tenants' Rights Committee shall consist of a minimum of 12 members, but this article provides for additional members at the discretion of the Mayor and Council, all of whom shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the consent of the majority of the members of the Borough Council as a whole, and shall serve at the pleasure of the Borough Council, along with ex-officio members, as provided herein. Persons residing within the Borough who are interested in tenants' rights shall be eligible for appointment as members of the Tenants' Rights Committee. The Council shall seek members who live in apartment, mobile homes, senior citizen complexes and other interested citizens from the Borough. All 12 members of the Tenants' Rights Committee shall be appointed to serve for a term expiring December 31 of each year. Said members shall serve in an advisory capacity only. Any member who has served shall be eligible for reappointment, subject to satisfying the continued residency requirement.
In addition to the regular 12 members, the Mayor and Council shall appoint a Councilman to serve as the liaison to the Tenants' Rights Committee, the Housing Inspector and the Construction Code Official, all of whom shall be nonvoting ex-officio members of the Committee.
The Tenants' Rights Committee shall be encouraged to seek participation of other residents of the Borough in all activities.
The Tenants' Rights Committee, at its annual meeting, shall designate a Chairperson, who shall serve for a term of one year. At each annual meeting of the Tenants' Rights Committee, its members shall elect, from among themselves, all officers of the Tenants' Rights Committee and establish rules and procedures for its members to follow. The Tenants' Rights Committee shall keep accurate records of its meetings and activities and shall file an annual report with the Borough Council. This report should be coordinated with the annual report required of the Local Historian. The annual report shall cover the activities and work of the Tenants' Rights Committee and include recommendation as may be necessary to fulfill the purposes of this article.
This article shall be deemed an exercise of the powers of the Borough Council to protect and preserve the rights of tenants in the Borough of Eatontown and it shall not be deemed to impair the powers of the Borough Council, the Planning Board, the Board of Adjustment, or other committees created by the Borough Council. It is also the intent that this Tenants' Rights Committee encourage public participation and education concerning the rights of tenants and serves as a vehicle for that purpose.