[Adopted 9-24-1986 by Ord. No. 12-86]
The Mayor with the advice and consent of the Council shall appoint a Relocation Director, whose term shall run from January 1 until December 31 of each year or such shorter period as the Mayor and Council shall determine. The salary shall be as determined by formal action of the Council.
[Amended 10-10-2007 by Ord. No. 26-2007]
The Relocation Officer shall be under the immediate supervision of the Borough Administrator and shall have all the powers to perform all of the obligations that the municipality must perform pursuant to the agreement between the municipality and the Monmouth County Board of Social Services, including but not limited to determining the needs of displaced persons and provide assistance in minimizing the hardships to displaced persons, assist displaced persons to secure decent safe and sanitary dwelling units at prices arranged within his or her means, assist owners of displaced businesses and business concerns in obtaining and becoming established in suitable business locations, provide any displaced person or business concern a reasonable time from the date of displacement within which to apply for a relocation assistance payment, provide fair and reasonable relocation assistance payments and secure, to the greatest extent practical, the coordination of relocation activities with the Monmouth County Board of Social Services.
In the event that the office of the Relocation Director shall become vacant during the term the same shall be filled by the appointment by the Mayor of such successor, with the advice and consent of the Borough Council.