[Adopted 4-5-2006 by Ord. No. 15-2006[1]]
Editor's Note: This ordinance provided that it shall apply to all promotions of police officers effective upon passage, with the exception of § 55-41 only (thus, this ordinance as to sergeants' promotions only shall take effect 6-14-2006). Any promotions to the rank of Sergeant, which are made prior to 6-14-2006, shall be accomplished in accordance with General Order 19.8 and by utilizing the Sergeants' promotional list which was posted by the Police Department on 6-14-004.
The purpose of this ordinance is to establish a policy and procedure by which all police officers and members of the Eatontown Police Department will be considered for promotion within the Eatontown Police Department.
Promotion denotes the vertical movement in the organizational hierarchy from one rank classification or position to another, accompanied by an increase in salary and responsibility. The evaluation and selection of personnel for promotion begins with the identification of employees who possess the qualifications and potential for assuring greater responsibility and leadership, that were demonstrated by their performance, interest, knowledge, skills, talent, aptitude, and abilities required to perform at the promotional level.
All prior ordinances, resolutions, and Police Department general orders and policies concerning promotion are hereby rescinded.
All promotions of employees in the Police Department shall be made by resolution of the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Eatontown.
When the Chief of Police deems that a vacancy exists to be filled in the rank of Sergeant or above in the Eatontown Police Department, the Chief shall so inform the Mayor and Council in writing. Upon receipt of this notice, the Mayor and Council shall decide whether to set in motion the procedures for filling of said vacancy.
If the Mayor and Council decide to fill the aforementioned vacancy, it shall so inform the Chief of Police, who will thereafter issue a memorandum containing the following information:
The position for which the vacancy exists.
The date, time and location of the first phase of the examination process.
The name and/or authority of the organization administering the examination process.
The format and time length of the examination process.
The eligibility requirements for being considered for the promotion.
To be eligible for a promotion to Sergeant, a candidate shall complete a minimum of five years of service as a patrol officer for the Eatontown Police Department. These five years of service must have been completed on or before the date of the written examination. To be considered for promotion to the rank of Lieutenant or above, a police officer must have successfully completed the probationary period for the rank immediately below the promotional position. At the discretion of the Borough Council, candidates not holding the rank directly below what they are being tested for may participate in the examination process.
Since the Department has instituted a college educational requirement as a prerequisite for police officers, an extension of this initiative is an educational standard for promotion. All sworn officers are subject to the following educational provisions for promotions. Those appointed as probationary police officers prior to July 1, 2001, will receive 30 imputed credits which can be applied towards the requirements of Subsection A(1), (2) and (3) of this section. The educational requirements that follow shall apply only to promotional examination processes that commence on or after the effective dates for the ranks in question. Any promotional list already in existence shall not be affected by the newly implemented educational requirement. Note: Imputed credits cannot be applied towards a degree requirement when pursuing a degree at an accredited educational institution.
A minimum of 60 credits will be required as of January 1, 2008, for consideration of promotional eligibility for the rank of Sergeant and above. For those appointed as probationary officers prior to July 1, 2001, a minimum of 48 credits and active enrollment at an accredited college or university will be required. (A candidate is considered "actively enrolled" when he or she is officially registered as a student with an accredited college or university and has successfully completed a minimum of one college-level course within one calendar year prior to the first phase of the promotional process.)
A minimum of 120 credits will be required as of January 1, 2010, for consideration of promotional eligibility to the rank of Lieutenant and above. For those appointed as probationary officers prior to July 1, 2001, a minimum of 90 credits and active enrollment at an accredited college or university will be required.
A minimum of a Bachelor's Degree from an accredited institution will be required as of January 1, 2012, for consideration of promotional eligibility to the rank of Lieutenant. For those appointed as probationary officers prior to July 1, 2001, a minimum of 120 credits and active enrollment at an accredited college or university will be required.
A minimum of 12 graduate-level credits awarded through participation in a Master's Degree program with an accredited institution will be required as of January 1, 2012, for consideration of promotional eligibility to the rank of Captain and above.
A minimum of a Bachelor's Degree from an accredited institution will be required as of January 1, 2014, for consideration of promotional eligibility to the rank of Lieutenant.
A minimum of a Master's Degree from an accredited institution will be required as of January 1, 2014, for consideration of promotional eligibility to the rank of Captain and above.
It shall be the responsibility of each candidate to ensure that his or her official college transcript(s) has been forwarded to the Chief of Police for inclusion in the candidate's personnel file. "Student Copies" will not be accepted.
Credits earned from an accredited institution will not be considered for promotional ranking purposes unless the candidate's official college transcript(s) is on file with the Department.
The examination process for promotion to rank of Sergeant shall consist of the following segments, which shall be given the accompanying weight in the calculation of a possible final score of 100% for each candidate:
Written examination: 35%.
Oral examination: 60%.
Seniority: 5%.
The written examination shall be created by the Chief of Police or his/her designee and shall test the candidate's general knowledge and understanding relative to the position sought. The staff officers shall conduct the oral examination. All candidates obtaining a score of 70 or higher on the written examination shall qualify to advance to the departmental member oral examination, which shall be conducted by the Chief and staff officers. All candidates who score 70 or greater on the written examination, but who are not promoted, shall be permitted, at their option, to carry their score on the written examination to the next promotional process. A candidate shall be permitted to carry their score on the written examination one time and only to the successive promotional process. In the event there are fewer than five candidates with a passing score, then the five highest-scoring candidates shall proceed to the departmental interview level, regardless of the scores. If more than one candidate achieves an identical fifth highest score, then each shall be permitted to continue in the process.
[Amended 5-12-2021 by Ord. No. 07-2021]
Seniority shall be applied only after the candidates who scored at least 70 have completed the departmental level oral examination. Consideration for seniority and experience shall be determined by the candidate's cumulative, uninterrupted years of service as a patrol officer with the Eatontown Police Department. For each complete year of service prior to the day of the written examination, determined by anniversary date of hiring, each candidate shall receive 1/4 of a point. A maximum of 20 years of service may be considered. The official score of the candidate's seniority and experience shall constitute 5% of the candidate's total possible final score of 100% (as set forth above).
Council level: Upon completion of the departmental process, the Chief shall issue a promotional list as stated in § 55-43 of this article. He shall then forward the three highest rated candidates for advancement to the next level. An Interview Committee consisting of the Chief of Police, Captain, and three members of the Eatontown Borough Council will interview these candidates. In the event one of the committee members is unable to participate, the Business Administrator shall participate in his or her stead. The oral interview shall include, but not be limited to, questions relative to the rank of Sergeant. Prior to conducting the interviews, the Interview Committee shall have the opportunity to review the performance appraisals of each candidate for up to three years prior to the interview. The members of the Interview Committee shall give appropriate consideration to these performance appraisals in evaluating the promotional worthiness of each candidate. Following the completion of this round of oral interviews, the Interview Committee shall make a recommendation(s) for promotion to the Borough of Eatontown Mayor and Council, which shall thereafter promote the recommended candidate(s).
The examination process for promotion to the ranks of lieutenant and captain shall consist of the following segments, which shall be given the accompanying weights for the calculation of a possible final score of 100 for each candidate:
Oral interview: 90%.
Seniority and experience: 10%.
The oral interviews shall be conducted solely by the Interview Committee, which shall consist of the same members as set forth above in the promotional policy for Sergeant's promotion. In the case of promotion to the rank of Captain, the Interview Committee shall remain the same, except that the Business Administrator shall participate instead of the Captain. The interview process shall include, but not be limited to, questions relevant to the rank which the Borough is seeking to fill. Prior to conducting the interviews, the Interview Committee shall have the opportunity to review the performance appraisals of each candidate for up to three years prior to the interview. The members of the Interview Committee shall give appropriate consideration to these performance appraisals in evaluating the promotional worthiness of each candidate.
Consideration for seniority and experience shall be determined by the candidate's cumulative uninterrupted years of service with the Eatontown Police Department in rank directly beneath that being offered. For each full year of service in that rank prior to the date of the oral interview, determined by anniversary date of promotion to that rank's probationary status, each candidate shall receive one point. A maximum of 10 years of service will be considered. The official score of the candidate's seniority experience shall constitute 10% of the candidate's possible final score of 100%.
These provisions are applicable to promotions to the classifications of Sergeant, Lieutenant, and Captain.
Upon completion of all stages of examination and compilations of final scores, candidates shall be ranked according to their final scores. A list stating the candidates' names, rankings, and final scores shall be established and posted within the Police Department. In the event of matching final scores, candidates shall be ranked by seniority and experience as determined during the examination process. Tied candidates receiving the identical credit for seniority and experience shall be further distinguished by specific appointment date.
In the event of all factors as outlined previously in this section being identical (final scores, seniority and experience, appointment date), the candidates shall share identical rankings and shall advance to the Council level interview simultaneously, even if their advancement results in more than three candidates moving to that stage of the examination process.
[Amended 9-10-2014 by Ord. No. 14-2014]
The promotional list for the rank of Sergeant shall remain active for a period of two years from the date of announcement and posting of scores by the Chief of Police. In the event another vacancy exists for the rank of Sergeant, the three highest ranking remaining candidates will advance to the Council level interview.
[Added 9-10-2014 by Ord. No. 14-2014]
The promotional lists for the ranks of Lieutenant and Captain shall remain active until such time as the vacancies which set the promotional processes in motion are filled by resolution of Mayor and Council. The promotional lists then expire immediately and any subsequent vacancies shall require the promotional process to begin anew.
[Added 9-10-2014 by Ord. No. 14-2014]
Upon completion of all examinations and posting of the promotional list, the Chief of Police will recommend to the Interview Committee that a person or persons from that list be promoted. Both the Chief and the Interview Committee will have the right to recommend, pursuant to the Rule of Three, appointment of any of the three highest ranking persons on the promotional list. In addition, the Interview Committee shall have the right to reject the recommendation for promotion made by the Chief of Police. Thereafter, the Mayor and Council, by resolution, will make the appointment decision.
All promotions shall be subject to a one-year probationary period. Officers not successfully completing said one-year probationary period will be returned, by demotion, to their previously held rank.