The purpose of this article is to promote the conservation of energy through the use of planning practices designed to reduce energy consumption; applicants are encouraged to design subdivisions and streets so as to maximize solar orientation in accordance with the guidelines set forth in this article.
Where possible subdivision designs should orient as many buildings as possible with the longest wall within 30º of true south.
Unobstructed access to direct sunlight should be available continuously during daylight hours.
Trees and shrubs should not adversely affect solar access to buildings.
Where possible, streets should be designed so that adjacent buildings can be properly oriented for solar gain.
Applicants are encouraged to design structures that incorporate modern energy-saving features.
Where necessary, the Planning Board may require solar easements or deed restrictions to guarantee the preservation of solar access.
Solar easements and deed restrictions, if any, shall be approved by the Planning Board.
The following additional information may be required by the Planning Board.
True North arrow.
A typical lot and building illustration showing solar orientation.
The Planning Board and Zoning Board of Adjustment may waive or reduce any requirements of this article when the applicant demonstrates that it is not practical or feasible to comply with these regulations.