No person shall open or enter or cause to be opened or entered any manhole in any public sewer to dispose of garbage or other deleterious substances or storm or surface waters or for any other like purpose.
No person shall remove any covering or cause any covering to be removed from any manhole in any public sewer in the Town of Cortlandt, except properly authorized public officers of the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County or State of New York or their representatives or inspectors.
When cesspool effluent is dumped into a specified manhole under permission from the Engineer, it shall be discharged through a pipe or hose in such a manner that none of the effluent shall be left adhering to the sides or shelf of the manhole, and if any such effluent is inadvertently allowed to adhere to the sides or shelf of the manhole, the manhole shall be thoroughly cleaned with clear water by the person or firm using the manhole.