In accordance with the provisions of § 156-4, traffic control signals shall be installed at the following described intersections:
In accordance with the provisions of § 156-5, speed limits other than 30 miles per hour are established as indicated upon the following streets or parts of streets:
Name of Street
Speed Limit
Krieger Road
[Added 8-11-2005 by L.L. No. 6-2005[1]]
Entire length
Orchard Street
[Added 10-24-2002 by L.L. No. 1-2002]
From Route 250 west to the Village line
Phillips Road
Entire length
Editor's Note: This local law also provided for the installation of a wheelchair sign.
In accordance with the provisions of § 156-6, the following described streets or parts thereof are hereby designated as one-way streets in the direction indicated:
Name of Street
Direction of Travel
Parking lot entrance and driveway at 45 North Avenue
Between its intersection with North Avenue and its intersection with the Utz Lower Parking Lot
In accordance with the provisions of § 156-8, no person shall make a U-turn at any of the following locations:
Name of Street
In accordance with the provisions of § 156-9, no person shall make a turn of the kind designated below at any of the following intersections:
Name of Street
Direction of Travel
Prohibited Turn
At Intersection of
In accordance with the provisions of § 156-10, no person shall make a right turn when facing a steady red signal (stop indication) at any of the following locations:
Name of Street
Direction of Travel
Prohibited Right Turn on Red Signal Onto
In accordance with the provisions of § 156-11, the following described intersections are hereby designated as stop intersections, and stop signs shall be installed as follows:
Stop Sign on
Direction of Travel
At Intersection of
Apartment parking lot exits
Daniel Drive
Ashwood Lane
Reynolds Road
Baker Street
Main Street
Barrett Drive
Main Street
Blue Vista Trail
[Added 4-13-2023 by L.L. No. 2-2023]
Kittelberger Park traffic circle
Champion Avenue
Cobb Street
Champion Avenue
Phillips Road
Clover Drive
Dunning Avenue
Clover Drive
South Avenue and North Avenue
Cobb Street
Champion Avenue
Commercial Street
South Avenue and North Avenue
Corning Park
Main Street
Corning Park
Sanford Street
Corning Park Parking Lot
Corning Park
County Manor Way
Phillips Road
Curtice Park
Main Street
Curtice Park
Fuller Avenue
Curtice Park
Its extension westerly through the Village Manor Subdivision
Daniel Drive
Main Street
Daniel Drive
Reynolds Road
Daniel Drive exits
Apartment parking lot
Dean Springs Drive parking lot
Main Street
Dean Springs Drive
Parking lot road
Dean Springs Drive
Reynolds Road
Donovan Street
Phillips Road
Donovan Street
South Avenue and North Avenue
Dunning Avenue
Main Street
Dunning Avenue
Meadow Drive
Dunning Avenue
South Avenue and North Avenue
Dunning Avenue
Fuller Avenue
Elm Street
Dunning Avenue
Elm Street
Lapham Park
Firehouse parking lot exit
South Avenue and North Avenue
Foster Drive
[Added 1-25-2001 by L.L. No. 1-2001]
Krieger Road
Foster Drive
[Added 1-25-2001 by L.L. No. 1-2001]
Phillips Road
Fuller Avenue
Dunning Avenue
Fuller Avenue
[Added 11-25-2008 by L.L. No. 12-2008]
London Road
Fuller Avenue
South Avenue and North Avenue
Fuller Avenue
Curtice Park
Fuller Avenue
Dunning Avenue
Gordon Park
Park Avenue
Harmon Street
Curtice Park
Harmon Street
Judson Street
Hefner Drive
Judson Street
Hefner Drive
Phillips Road
Iroquois Street
Seneca Street
Iroquois Street
State Road
Judson Street
Harmon Street
Judson Street
Hefner Drive
Judson Street
[Added 10-13-2005 by L.L. No. 7-2005]
Kent Drive
Judson Street
London Road
Kent Drive
[Added 10-13-2005 by L.L. No. 7-2005]
Judson Street
Kent Drive
London Road
Kircher Park
Main Street
Kircher Park
May Street
Kittelberger Park
[Added 2-23-2012 by L.L. No. 1-2012]
Wishing View
Kittelberger Park
[Amended 2-23-2012 by L.L. No. 1-2012]
North Avenue
Kittelberger Park
[Added 4-13-2023 by L.L. No. 2-2023]
Kittelberger Park traffic circle
Krieger Road (2)
[Added 1-25-2001 by L.L. No. 1-2001]
Phillips Road
Lapham Park
Main Street
Lapham Park
Park Avenue
Lincolnshire Road
[Added 4-13-2023 by L.L. No. 2-2023]
Meadow Drive
Lincolnshire Road
Southwick Drive
Lincolnshire Road
State Road
London Road
Judson Street
London Road
Kent Drive
Main Street
South Avenue and North Avenue
Martin Street
Orchard Street
May Street
Kircher Park
May Street
South Avenue and North Avenue
McKay Drive
[Added 6-14-2001 by L.L. No. 2-2001]
Phillips Road
Meadow Drive
Dunning Avenue
Mentis-Suter Alley
West Main Street
Mohawk Street
Iroquois Street
Mohawk Street
Seneca Street
North Avenue
Main Street
Northwest parking lot exit
South Avenue and North Avenue
Orchard Street
Phillips Road
Orchard Street
South Avenue and North Avenue
Park Avenue
Dunning Avenue
Park Avenue
South Avenue and North Avenue
Parking lot road
Dean Springs Drive
Pierce Street
Main Street
Pierce Street
Sanford Street
Pontiac Street
Iroquois Street
Pontiac Street
South Avenue and North Avenue
Railroad Street
South Avenue and North Avenue
Sanford Street
South Avenue and North Avenue
Sanford Street
Sherwood Avenue
Seasons Trail
[Added 4-13-2023 by L.L. No. 2-2023]
Kittelberger Park traffic circle
Seneca Street
Iroquois Street
Seneca Street
Pontiac Street
Sherwood Avenue
Main Street
Sherwood Avenue
Sanford Street
Sherwood Avenue
Sanford Street
Southwick Drive
Lincolnshire Road
Walnut Circle
Reynolds Road
Wishing View
[Added 2-23-2012 by L.L. No. 1-2012]
Kittelberger Park
Woodstone Circle
Orchard Street
In accordance with the provisions of § 156-12, the following described intersections are hereby designated as yield intersections, and yield signs shall be installed as follows:
Yield Sign on
Direction of Travel
At Intersection of
In accordance with the provisions of § 156-13, trucks in excess of the weights indicated are hereby excluded from the following streets or parts thereof, except for the pickup and delivery of materials on such streets:
Name of Street
Weight Limit
In accordance with the provisions of § 156-17, no person shall park a vehicle at any time upon any of the following described streets or parts thereof:
Name of Street
Baker Street
[Added 8-8-2019 by L.L. No. 2-2019]
For a distance 130 feet south of the south edge of the bike path along NYS Route 104
Commercial Street
[Added 6-9-2005 by L.L. No. 3-2005]
For a distance of 200 feet west of the west curblines of North Avenue
Corning Park
For a distance of 200 feet south of the south curbline of West Main Street
Curtice Park
For a distance of 293 feet south of the south curbline of East Main Street
East Main Street
[Added 6-9-2005 by L.L. No. 2-2005]
For a distance not to exceed 185 feet west of the west curblines of North Avenue
East Main Street
For a distance of 410 feet west of the center line of Phillips Road
Foster Drive
From Krieger Road to a point of intersection approximately 300 feet east of the Phillips Road center line
Gordon Park
From a point 221 feet north of the north curbline of Fuller Avenue to a point 284 feet north of the north curbline of Fuller Avenue
Gordon Park
From Park Avenue to Fuller Avenue
Gordon Park
From Park Avenue to Fuller Avenue
Iroquois Street
North of Seneca Street
Kircher Park
[Added 8-8-2019 by L.L. No. 2-2019]
For a distance 90 feet south of the south edge of the bike path along NYS Route 104
Kittelberger Park
For a distance of 770 feet west of the west curbline of North Avenue
Krieger Road
Entire length
Lapham Park
For a distance of 188 feet south of the south curbline of East Main Street
Lyon Drive
[Added 8-8-2019 by L.L. No. 2-2019]
At the east end of Lyon Drive: for a distance of 165 feet west of the west ROW line of Baker Street as extended to intersect the center line of Lyon Drive; at the west end of Lyon Drive: for a distance of 130 feet east of the east ROW line of Kircher Park as extended to intersect the center line of Lyon Drive
Main Street
From Barrett Drive east to Sherwood Avenue
Main Street
For a distance of 99 feet east and west of the center line of Kircher Park
Main Street
For a distance of 20 feet east of the exit driveway of the Village Hall parking lot
May Street
Entire length
Parking lot entrance
North of 39 West Main Street, 60 feet north of the north curbline of West Main Street
Phillips Road
Within the Village limits north from Ridge Road to Klem Road
Sanford Street
[Added 5-13-1999 by L.L. No. 3-1999]
From South Avenue (N.Y. Route 250) right-of-way west to Corning Park
South Avenue
For a distance of 180 feet south of the Main Street south curbline
South Avenue
For a distance of 90 feet north and south of the center line of Park Avenue
South Avenue
For a distance of 264 feet south of the Main Street south curbline
Village right-of-way
Between South Avenue (U.S. Route 250) right-of-way and the Village-owned property known as the "Milton R Case Memorial Park"
West Main Street
For a distance of 20 feet east and west of the existing parking lot driveway at 75 West Main Street
West Main Street
From Sherwood Avenue east to Corning Park
West Main Street
From Barrett Drive west to the corporation line approximately 150 feet
In accordance with the provisions of § 156-18, no person shall stop a vehicle upon any of the following described streets or parts thereof:
Name of Street
In accordance with the provisions of § 156-19, no person shall stand a vehicle upon any of the following described streets or parts thereof:
Name of Street
In accordance with the provisions of § 156-20, no person shall park a vehicle between the times specified upon any of the following described streets or parts thereof:
Name of Street
Hours/Days or Events
Foster Drive
[Added 12-27-2001 by L.L. No. 4-2001]
9:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m./All
Entire street
North Avenue
7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m./All
North from the Main Street curb to the south curbline of Orchard Street
Sanford Street
[Added 8-25-2016 by L.L. No. 2-2016]
During the annual Firemen's Carnival, beginning at 12:00 midnight on the first day of the carnival and ending at 12:00 noon the first Sunday after carnival
On the north side a distance of 1,725 feet, beginning at the west right-of-way line of South Avenue and continuing westward along Sanford Street to the west end at the west Village corporation line. On the south side, a distance of 1,300 feet, beginning at the west end of the existing "No Parking" area, approximately 325 feet west of the west right-of-way line of South Avenue, and continuing westward along Sanford Street to the west end at the west Village corporation line
Sherwood Avenue
[Added 8-25-2016 by L.L. No. 2-2016]
During any and all sporting events as defined in § 156-1 that are held at Spry Middle School
For a distance of 1,600 feet, beginning at the south right-of-way line of Sanford Street and continuing southward to the south right-of-way line of Wood Street
Sherwood Avenue
[Added 8-25-2016 by L.L. No. 2-2016]
During the annual Firemen's Carnival, beginning at 12:00 midnight on the first day of the carnival and ending at 12:00 noon the first Sunday after carnival
For a distance of 2,550 feet, beginning at the south right-of-way line of West Main Street and continuing southward to the south right-of-way line of Wood Street
In accordance with the provisions of § 156-21, no person shall stop a vehicle between the times specified upon any of the following described streets or parts thereof:
Name of Street
In accordance with the provisions of § 156-22, no person shall stand a vehicle between the times specified upon any of the following described streets or parts thereof:
Name of Street
In accordance with the provisions of § 156-23, no person shall park a vehicle for longer than the time limit specified upon any of the following described streets or parts thereof:
Name of Street
Time Limit; Hours/Days
Lapham Park
1 hr.; 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m./Monday through Saturday
From the south side of Main Street's south sidewalk south to a point 30 feet north of the traffic island
Main Street
1 hr.; 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m./Monday through Saturday
From each curbline of Pierce Street and its northerly projection, east to the west curbline of Kircher Park and its southerly projection; except the no-parking zones established by the State of New York at the Four Corners and by the Village of Webster in front of the Village Hall
South Avenue
10 mins.; 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m./Monday through Saturday
From a point 180 feet south of the Main Street south curbline to a point 200 feet south of the Main Street curbline
South Avenue
1 hr.; 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m./Monday through Saturday
From a point 230 feet south of the Main Street south curb to the south line of the Fire Hall property projected easterly
South Avenue
10 mins.; 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m./Monday through Saturday
From a point 264 feet south of the Main Street south curbline to a point 304 feet south of the Main Street south curbline
In accordance with the provisions of § 156-24, no person shall park a vehicle upon any of the streets or parts thereof described below, except at the angle designated:
Name of Street
In accordance with the provisions of § 156-25, the following described locations are hereby designated as loading zones:
Name of Street
In accordance with the provisions of § 156-26, the following described locations are hereby designated as bus stops:
Name of Street