[Amended 1-20-2021 by Ch. No. 1999]
The Department of Public Works shall authorize sewer main extensions within those portions of the Town as delineated in the shaded portions of that certain map of the sewer district, Town of Westerly, dated April 11, 1988, and on file with the Town Clerk and referred to as "the locus," and in which the developer or owner bears all costs and expenses of such sewer extension, including all construction costs for extending the sewer main and the necessary lateral lines. The owner or developer shall indemnify the Town from any loss or damage that may directly or indirectly be occasioned by the installation of such extension. Any extension proposal which would result in any cost to the Town shall require approval of the Town Council after public hearing. The Department of Public Works shall have the control, management and care of construction, maintenance and operation of the system of sewers and any of the public streets and highways within the locus, subject to such rules and regulations as the Town Council may from time to time by ordinance prescribe.
Request to extend. Any property owner may petition the Town Council to extend the public sewer system such that their property may connect to the public sewer system. Upon filing such a petition, the petitioner must send written notice by certified mail to all property owners abutting the proposed extension giving such property owners the option to join said petition. Whenever greater than 50% of all abutting property owners join such a petition, extension of the sewer system may be considered in the best interest of the Town. The cost of such connection may be supported by way of the Sewer Improvement Loan Program of Article VIII herein.
[Amended 1-20-2021 by Ch. No. 1999]
Extension of the sewer system outside of the locus described in § 206-3 shall be authorized solely by the Town Council after public hearing. The Town Council shall provide such terms and conditions under which any person not within the locus may enter and connect with such sewer system.
Request to extend. Any property owner may petition the Town Council to extend the public sewer system such that their property may connect to the public sewer system. Upon filing such a petition, the petitioner must send written notice by certified mail to all property owners abutting the proposed extension giving such property owners the option to join said petition. Whenever greater than 50% of all abutting property owners join such a petition, extension of the sewer system may be considered in the best interest of the Town. The cost of such connection may be supported by way of the Sewer Improvement Loan Program of Article VIII herein.