The Manager shall cause to be prepared a Village
budget for financing the Village operations for the ensuing fiscal
year which begins January 1.
The proposed budget shall be reviewed by the
Village Board prior to a public hearing.
The public hearing on the proposed budget shall
be held no later than December 15 and no less than 15 days after publication
of notice of such hearing in accordance with Wisconsin Statutes.
The Village Board shall adopt the budget by
majority vote after the public hearing on or before December 15.
The Village Board shall, on or before December
15, levy a tax on all taxable property in the Village of Shorewood
which, when taken into consideration with all other revenues, will
produce an amount sufficient to defray expenses for municipal purposes
for the ensuing fiscal year. Said tax will not exceed limitations
set forth in the Wisconsin Statutes.
[Amended 6-19-1989 by Ord. No. 1556]
The Village Treasurer, under the supervision
and direction of the Village Manager, shall be responsible for controlling
Village expenditures within budgetary limits.