The office of the Village Treasurer shall receive
all moneys belonging or accruing to the Village from any source whatsoever,
including Water Utility funds, and the Village Treasurer shall deposit
all such moneys in public depositories as ordered by the Village Board.
[Amended 6-19-1989 by Ord. No. 1556]
All orders on the Village treasury shall be
drafted in the office of the Village Clerk and shall be signed by
the Village Clerk and the Village President. The use of facsimile
signatures shall be permitted as provided by Wisconsin Statutes. Said
orders on the Village treasury shall be executed only after the issuance
of vouchers or payroll journals, signed by the Village Manager or
by any other person delegated by the Village Manager to do so in his
absence, who shall be approved by the Village Board; said vouchers
or payroll journals shall be reviewed and approved by the Budget and
Finance Committee of the Village Board and by the Village Board prior
to the execution of orders thereon.