In accord with § 501 of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, provisions regulating manufactured home parks shall be separate and distinct. The standards and regulations provided herein shall apply to both the development and expansion of manufactured home parks. The development and/or expansion of a manufactured home park shall be deemed a subdivision or land development and shall be subject to design standards in Article
VI and regulations provided within this article.
A. Acreage. All manufactured home parks shall have a total
land area of not less than five acres.
B. Floodplain. The site of any proposed manufactured home
park shall not be located within a 100-year frequency floodplain as
defined by the Federal Flood Insurance Rate Maps.
C. Nuisances. The site of any proposed manufactured home
park shall be free from adverse influence by swamps, marshes, garbage
or rubbish disposal areas, or other potential breeding places for
insects or rodents and shall not be subject to any hazard or nuisance,
such as excessive noise, vibration, smoke, toxic matter, radiation,
heat, odor, or glare.
D. Soils and slope. The site of any proposed manufactured
home parks shall be located on well drained land, and the average
natural slope of the area of the site intended for development shall
not exceed 10%.
E. Access. Any proposed manufactured home park shall have
direct access to a public street.
F. Home sales. The commercial sale of manufactured homes
within a manufactured home park is prohibited. This shall not prohibit
the individual sale by the owner of a home located on a lot in the