Provisions for the Mixed-Use Overlay District
have been enacted to:
A. Comply with Article VII-A of the Pennsylvania Municipalities
Planning Code, Act 247, as amended, in particular, those purposes and
objectives listed in § 10701-A of Article VII-A such as
encouraging innovation for mixed-use pedestrian-oriented development;
extending opportunities for housing; encouraging a more efficient
use of land; allowing for integrated, mixed-use, pedestrian-oriented
neighborhoods; establishing public space; minimizing traffic congestion;
and fostering a sense of place and community.
B. Implement the Downingtown Borough Comprehensive Plan,
and the Downingtown Borough Urban Center Revitalization Plan.
C. Emulate compact, mixed-use, walkable places in other
viable portions of Downingtown Borough.
Design and development in the MU Overlay District
shall comply with the following design principles:
A. Overarching design principles.
Refer to Exhibit A, Key Design Elements: Traditional
Towns and Traditional Neighborhoods, for general design principles.
Refer to the more specific Manual of Written
and Graphic Design Guidelines (as per Section 708.A. of the MPC) that
shall be prepared by the applicant, and subject to approval by the
Borough for matters pertaining to architecture, building materials,
urban design, streetscape design, fences, walls, landscaping, and
the like.
B. Street and alley network. The success of the fabric
of the MU Overlay District will be based in part on an effective and
continuous street and alley network. Through streets enhance connections
between neighborhoods. The alley relieves the frontage street from
certain service functions, preserves the streetscape without curb
cuts, and allows buildings to be placed forward on the lot to provide
curb appeal.
A network system of interconnected streets and
alleys should be created to effectively accommodate vehicular and
pedestrian circulation.
Cul-de-sac streets shall be prohibited.
Any development adjacent to existing streets
and alleys should include extensions thereof to serve new development
or redevelopment.
The street rights-of-way from the MU Overlay
District shall be extended to connect to adjoining tracts.
Extensions of existing streets and alleys should
be named similarly to such streets and alleys.
The streets within the MU Overlay District are
intended to be village-like, not like a highway and not like a conventional
suburban road. The street widths, curb radii, center line horizontal
alignment, and on-street parking conditions shall be in accordance
with the detailed manual of written and graphic design standards to
be prepared by the landowner.
Streets should have minor deflections in their
alignment to provide short, curving vistas.
C. Alley. The alley is very important in that it allows
for the preservation of the frontage of the lot, without curb cuts,
so that the buildings and sidewalk system can be oriented to the pedestrian.
Two-way alleys shall be 16 feet in width to
provide adequate lanes for two-way travel.
Since alleys are a type of a street typically
providing secondary vehicular access to the rear or side of the lot,
garages should be located on either side of the alley approximately
32 feet to 52 feet apart from one another on opposite sides of the
alley as follows:
When an eight-foot-deep driveway is built to
allow for vehicles to park parallel to the sixteen-foot-wide alley,
the garages shall be 32 feet apart from one another.
When an eighteen-foot-deep driveway is built
to allow for vehicles to park perpendicular to the sixteen-foot-wide
alley, the garages shall be 52 feet apart from one another.
Alleys typically have no required sidewalks
or curbs.
Alleys shall be landscaped with trees, shrubs
and fencing.
D. Building height/width/proportion.
New individual commercial or civic buildings
shall be no wider than 36 feet, unless designed with bays and offset
by a one-foot-to-four-foot recess or projection at intervals of 36
No more than five attached dwellings shall be
built in a row, and attached residential units shall not exceed 130
feet along the primary frontage.
Staggered heights. No more than two adjoining
units shall have the same building height so as to create visual interest.
Building heights shall vary by at least two feet for residential buildings.
Commercial buildings may have a parapet wall of up to four feet in
height to provide visual interest.
E. Streetscape. The streetscape is the overall environment
along the street which projects the character of the MU Overlay District,
including features such as the street wall at a build-to line, sidewalks,
on-street parking parallel to the curbline, street trees, and buildings
with porches.
The maximum street width for any new interior
street shall be 36 feet, with on-street parking on both sides within
seven-foot-wide parking bays. There shall be two travel lanes of 11
feet each.
F. Street wall, building location, and build-to line.
The street wall is the line which is generally formed by the walls
of the buildings along the street. The street wall helps to define
the overall streetscape space and, therefore, the "outdoor room" character
of the streetscape. Building location is critical to the creation
of the "public realm" of the MU Overlay District. The streetscape
character of the place is formed by buildings located close to the
sidewalk to promote a pedestrian-friendly frontage. The build-to line
is a line which defines the placement of the building from the street
on which the building fronts. Other structures, such as a wall or
a fence, could be placed at the build-to line.
The street wall of any building shall be the
same as the adjoining buildings on the block, to promote a continuation
of the streetscape character and space.
If any offsets to the street wall are designed,
such as recesses or projections, such offsets shall not exceed four
Variations to the vertical expression of a new
commercial or civic building at the street wall should be made at
intervals up to 36 feet so that the typical shop front width is repeated
in any commercial building.
On a corner lot, the build-to line should be
on both sides of the lot on which the building has street frontage.
Whenever a front porch, portico, or stoop is
involved, it shall be placed on the build-to line.
The build-to line may have up to a four-foot
offset for a recess or projection, in order to provide variety and
diversity in building location relative to the street.
Buildings shall anchor corners where streets
and/or alleys intersect to the maximum extent possible. However, the
Borough Council may permit a pedestrian-accessible green with civic
art at street corners.
On lots where there are existing buildings that
are already set back from the street wall line, existing buildings
shall be adaptively reused within the existing footprint, and thirty-six-inch-to-forty-two-inch-high
walls should be placed to form the street wall line.
G. Parking, off-street.
Off-street parking shall be located to the rear
of building. Parking shall be accessed from alleys.
Off-street parking shall never be located at
a street corner, as buildings should anchor the corners of streets.
Guest parking shall be provided at a ratio of
0.25 guest parking spaces per residential unit calculated over the
entire development within 500 feet of all residential buildings.
H. Parking lots.
Any new open-air surface parking lots shall
be concealed by buildings, low walls, hedges or other landscaping,
or by opaque fencing.
Parking lots shall be landscaped so that their
interiors have at least 10% of the otherwise paved area devoted to
If a new parking lot is built on the side of
a building, or in front of a building, a wall of 36 inches to 42 inches
in height should be constructed at the build-to line to provide an
element of continuity along the streetscape in the form of a street
I. Parking, on-street. On-street parking helps to insulate
pedestrian traffic from vehicular traffic.
On-street parking shall be placed along all
curbs and streets to increase the availability of parking.
On-street parking stalls shall be seven feet
wide and 22 feet long, whenever such parking is parallel to the curb.
J. Sidewalks, walkways, crosswalks, and pedestrian links.
Sidewalks help to create a continuous pedestrian walkway network.
Sidewalks provide a critical element for "wayfinding" as part of the
streetscape and public realm of the MU Overlay District, and for exercise
and passive recreation.
Sidewalks shall be placed on both sides of all
streets to enhance pedestrian circulation.
Sidewalks shall be a minimum width of four feet
six inches in residential areas, and six feet zero inches in commercial
Concrete sidewalks shall be constructed with
a minimum two-inch-wide smooth trowel finish at all joints, and a
broom finish internally.
Sidewalks shall be maintained, repaired, and
extended on an ongoing basis.
Crosswalks shall be at least six feet in width,
and shall be made with unit pavers [such as E. P. Henry Mediterranean
Stone (Z-brick)].
K. Streetlights.
Streetlights shall be no higher than 16 feet,
and shall be placed no further than 80 feet apart.
Streetlight types shall be subject to Borough
approval and shall be in character with the pedestrian-oriented mixed-use
No light shall be attached to a building that
would be unshielded or create trespass glare off the property.
L. Street trees/shade trees and other landscaping. Street
trees add charm, beauty and shade to streets. Street trees also provide
a landscape architectural complement to the architectural alignment
of buildings.
Street trees shall be maintained and replaced
if they become damaged, diseased or otherwise die.
Street trees shall be placed at forty-foot intervals
along both sides of all new streets, or along streets where there
are no existing street trees. Such trees shall be at least two-and-one-half-inch
caliper at the time of planting, and the type of such trees shall
be approved by the Borough Council.
Species for street trees and shade trees may
include species such as those listed below, and others approved by
the Borough:
Japanese zelkova, Zelkova serrata.
London planetree, Platanus acerifolia "Bloodgood."
Green ash (Marshall's Seedless), Fraxinus pennsylvanica
Marshall's Seedless.
Red oak, Quercus borealis.
Scarlet oak, Quercus coccinea.
Shingle oak, Quercus imbracaria.
Landscape design shall also include fences and
walls to soften and screen the appearance of parking areas.
All landscape materials should conform to the
current edition of the "American Standard for Nursery Stock" of the
American Nursery and Landscape Association.
The following lot size, lot width, yards, and
lot coverage regulations shall apply:
A. Lot size (minimum required).
Townhouse unit: 2,000 square feet.
Commercial and civic uses: 20,000 square feet.
B. Lot width.
Townhome: 16 feet minimum.
Live-work unit: 16 feet minimum to 36 feet maximum.
Commercial and civic uses: 30 feet minimum.
C. Yard requirements (minimum required).
Minimum Either Side
Total Two Side(s)
Total Rear
Commercial and civic uses
* No side yard on one side.
D. Maximum impervious surface coverage: 90%.
E. Building height.
For all principal buildings: 20 feet minimum.
The maximum height for principal buildings shall
be 48 feet.