The Commission shall be notified by the Building Department regarding any application for a permit, other than demolition permits which are subject to the provisions of Article VIII, involving a designated landmark or a building, structure or site identified on the Proposed Landmark and Historic District Map. No permit shall be issued for a period of 30 working days following referral of the application to the Commission unless the Commission shall sooner indicate that no prior review, comment or advice by the Commission is required.
Although all permit applications involving a designated landmark or a building, structure or site identified on the Proposed Landmark and Historic District Map shall be referred to the Commission, the thirty-day referral period referred to in Subsection A of this section shall not apply as regards plumbing, fence, grading, driveway, interior renovation, curb, clearing of land or cesspool permits or permits requiring immediate issuance for public health, safety or welfare reasons or in the event of an emergency.
Where an application for a permit involving a designated landmark or a building, structure or site identified on the Proposed Landmark and Historic District Map is not reviewable by the Architectural Board of Review, and provided that the Commission has advised the Building Department within the thirty-day referral period that the Commission wishes to make determinations with respect to the application, the thirty-day period shall be extended to 60 days and the Commission shall submit its comments and recommendations to the Building Department and the applicant within such sixty-day period. The applicant's rejection of or refusal to abide by such comments or recommendations shall not delay or in any way impede otherwise favorable action on the application.
Where an application for a permit involving a designated landmark or a building, structure or site identified on the Proposed Landmark and Historic District Map is otherwise reviewable by the Architectural Board of Review, the Commission shall submit its comments and recommendations to the Architectural Board of Review at least seven days prior to the hearing scheduled on the application. The hearing shall not be scheduled until at least 60 days after the application is referred to the Commission, or until at least seven days after the Commission's comments are submitted to the Architectural Board of Review, whichever shall first occur. Such comments and recommendations shall be considered by the Architectural Board of Review in its review of the application but shall not be binding upon such Board.
Any comments and recommendations accepted by the Architectural Board of Review shall be set forth in its decision, but shall be clearly indicated as being advisory only. The applicant's rejection of or refusal to abide by such comments or recommendations shall not delay or in any way impede otherwise favorable action on the application.
As regards buildings and structures, the Commission shall pass on modifications or additions involving only the exterior architectural features which are visible from a public street, other rights-of-way or parks, and shall have no jurisdiction to consider changes to interior walls, arrangements, structures or spaces or other changes that are not visible from a public street, right-of-way or park unless they are open to the public.
Nothing contained in this chapter shall be construed to prevent the ordinary maintenance and repair of any exterior architectural feature or premises designated as a landmark which does not involve a significant change in design, material or the outward appearance thereof.
Other than as provided in Article VIII, no obligation or responsibility shall be created or imposed on the owner of a designated landmark as a result of such designation, nor shall a landmark designation in any way restrict the use, development or modification of the premises by the owner.