Any person aggrieved by any regulation, order, decision, or action made by the Commission pursuant to this chapter may file appeal in accordance with Section 22a-43 of the Connecticut General Statutes, provided that such appeal is commenced by service of process within 15 days from the date that notice of the decision was published as required by the General Statutes.
Any person or his or her agent who commits, takes part in, or assists in any violation of any provision of this chapter shall be fined not more than $1,000 for each offense. Each violation shall be a separate and distinct offense and, in the case of a continuing violation, each day's continuance thereof shall be deemed to be a separate and distinct offense. The Superior Court, in any action brought by the Commission, the Town of Griswold, or any person, shall have jurisdiction to restrain a continuing violation of this chapter and to issue orders directing that the violation be corrected or removed. All costs, fees, and expenses in connection with such action shall be assessed as damages against the violator. The monies collected pursuant to this section shall be used to restore the affected wetland or watercourse to its condition prior to the violation.
If the Commission finds that any person is conducting or maintaining any activity, facility, or condition which is in violation of this chapter, the Commission and/or its designated agent may issue a written order by certified mail, return receipt requested, to such person maintaining such facility or condition to immediately cease such activity or to correct such facility or condition. Within 10 calendar days of the issuance of such order, the Commission shall hold a hearing to provide the person an opportunity to be heard and to show cause as to why the order should not remain in effect. The Commission shall consider the facts presented at the hearing and, within 10 days of completion of the hearing, notify the person by certified mail that the original order remains in effect, that a revised order is in effect, or that the order has been withdrawn. The Commission shall publish notice of its decision in a newspaper having a general circulation in the municipality. The original order shall be effective upon issuance and shall remain in effect until the Commission affirms, revises, or withdraws the order. The issuance of an order pursuant to this section shall not delay or bar an action pursuant to the Section 22a-44(b) of the Connecticut General Statutes, as amended.