Any person found to be violating any provision of this chapter shall be served by the Village with written notice stating the nature of the violation and providing a reasonable time limit for the satisfactory correction thereof. The offender shall, within the period of time stated in such notice, permanently cease all violations. In the event of refusal or failure to cease all violations, the Village may terminate water service to the offending premises, or obtain an injunction against the offender, or seek such other appropriate relief, or utilize any or all of the foregoing remedies.
Any person who shall continue any violation beyond the time limit provided for in Article X, § 149-42, shall be guilty of a violation and, on conviction thereof, shall be fined in an amount not exceeding $250 for each violation or imprisonment for a term not to exceed 15 days, or both such fine and imprisonment. Each day in which any such violation shall continue shall be deemed a separate offense.
Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall become liable to the Village for any expense, loss or damage occasioned the Village by reason of such violation, which amount may be recovered by the Village in a civil proceeding.