The following shall be submitted with applications for approval of a final plat for a minor subdivision:
Name and address of subdivider and professional advisers, including license numbers and seals.
One copy of the minor subdivision plat which is to be submitted to the County Clerk, drawn with ink on appropriate material, plus two paper copies. The plat map (drawn by a licensed surveyor at a scale of one inch to 100 feet, unless otherwise specified by the Planning Board) shall contain the following information:
Subdivision name, scale, North arrow and date;
Subdivision boundaries;
Contiguous properties and names of owners;
Existing roads, utilities and structures;
Watercourses (including all FEMA federal flood insurance hazard areas), marshes (including DEC-designated wetlands), wooded areas and other significant physical features on or near the site;
Proposed pattern of lots, including lot widths and depths, road layout, open space, drainage, sewerage and water supply, including, if applicable, all distance requirements and other site considerations imposed by and described in Appendix 75A of the New York State Sanitation Code, Waste Treatment Handbook.
Land contours at ten-foot intervals or other suitable indicators of slope.
Copy of tax map(s).
Existing and/or intended restrictions on the use of land, including easements, covenants and zoning.
Total acreage of subdivision and number of lots proposed.
Building types and approximate size and cost.
Environmental Assessment Form (EAF); long or short form as required by the Planning Board.
On-site sanitation and water supply facilities shall be designed to meet the specifications of the State Department of Health, and a statement to this effect shall be made on the application. Unless the subdivision is served by a public sewer system, the results of at least two percolation tests as described in Appendix 75A of the New York State Sanitation Code, Waste Treatment Handbook, shall be reported on the plat and certified by a New York State-licensed professional engineer or New York State-licensed land surveyor. These tests should be performed in the area of each sewage disposal field and at the depth of the bottom of the proposed trench. The results of at least one deep hole or soil boring test performed in the area of the proposed leach field on each of the proposed lots shall also be reported on the plat in table form as evidence of the depth to bedrock or groundwater and types and depths of soils. The results of such deep hole or soil boring tests shall also be certified by a New York State-licensed professional engineer or New York State-licensed land surveyor.
Additional information as deemed necessary by the Planning Board.
Any required fees.
When an application concerns a subdivision of uncomplicated nature, such as a small subdivision along an existing road that requires no installation of public facilities, the Planning Board may waive certain submission requirements as it deems appropriate.