No person appointed to a position in the Police Department pursuant to these rules and regulations may be suspended without pay, removed, or reduced in rank except for the following reasons:
[Amended 2-6-2024 by Ord. No. 967, approved 2-6-2024]
Physical or mental disability affecting the officer's ability to continue in service, in which case the officer shall receive an honorable discharge from service;
Neglect or violation of any official duty;
Violation of any law if such violation constitutes a misdemeanor or felony;
Inefficiency, neglect, intemperance, immorality, disobedience of orders or conduct unbecoming an officer;
Intoxication while on duty;
Engaging or participating in the conduct of a political or election campaign while on duty or in uniform or while using Borough property other than to exercise the officer's own right of suffrage; or
Engaging or participating in the conduct of a political or election campaign for an incompatible office as provided in 8 Pa.C.S.A. § 1104(f) (relating to appointments and incompatible offices).
No officer shall be removed for religious, racial or political reasons. A statement of any charges made against any officer so employed shall be furnished to the officer within five days after those charges have been adopted by the Borough Council.
If, for reasons of economy or other reasons, it shall be deemed necessary by the Borough to reduce the number of full-time police officers in the Department, then the Borough shall apply the following procedure:
If there are any employees eligible for retirement under the terms of any retirement or pension law, then such reductions in numbers shall be made by retirement of such employees starting with the oldest employee and following in order of age respectively.
If the number of full-time police officers eligible for retirement is insufficient to effect the necessary reductions in numbers, or if there are no persons eligible for retirement, or if no retirement or pension fund exists, then the reductions shall be effected by furloughing the person or persons, including probationers, last appointed to the respective force.
Such removal shall be accomplished by furloughing in numerical order commencing with the person last appointed until such reduction shall have been accomplished. In the event that the appointing authority decides to increase the Police Department, the furloughed officers shall be reinstated in order of their seniority in the department if the furloughed officer accepts reinstatement in writing within 30 days of receiving notice of the opening. These reduction in force provisions are not applicable to the Chief of Police.
Whenever a police officer is suspended, removed or reduced in rank, the specific charges warranting such actions shall be stated in writing by the Borough Council. The charges shall be stated clearly and in sufficient detail to enable the officer to understand the charges to allow the officer an opportunity to respond to those charges. The charges shall specify the clause of § 9-39 which provides the basis for the disciplinary action as well as an explanation of the factual circumstances upon which the appointing authority relied in finding a violation of § 9-39.
Within five days after the Borough Council has voted to impose the disciplinary action, a written statement of the charges shall be delivered to the officer either by personal service or by certified and registered mail. In addition, the charges shall notify the officer of the right to appeal under § 9-42 of these rules and regulations. A copy of the statement of charges shall also be served upon the members of the Civil Service Commission.
The officer who has been suspended, removed or reduced in rank may appeal the decision of the appointing authority by written notice to the Secretary of the Commission at the Borough of Shippensburg, 111 North Fayette Street, Shippensburg, Pennsylvania 17257, requesting a hearing. This request shall be received by the Commission within 10 days after the officer received notice of the discipline. The officer may make written answers to any charges filed not later than the date fixed for the hearing. Failure of the officer to provide written answers to any of the charges shall not be deemed an admission by the officer.
The Commission shall schedule a hearing within 10 days from the officer's written request for a hearing unless continued by the Commission for cause at the request of the Commission, the Borough Council or the officer. At any such hearing, the officer against whom the charges have been made may be present and represented by counsel, may call witnesses and present testimony and documentation in defense. The Borough may also be represented by counsel, call witnesses and present evidence as is necessary to support the charges. A stenographic record of all testimony shall be taken at every hearing and preserved by the Commission. In the event the charges are dismissed, the record shall be sealed and not be available for public inspection.
In conducting the hearing, the Commission's standard of review shall be to determine whether sufficient evidence has been presented to support the statutory reason for the disciplinary action. If the Commission finds that sufficient evidence has been introduced to support the charge, the Commission shall not modify the penalty imposed by the Borough Council unless it finds that the penalty imposed was arbitrary, discriminatory or an abuse of the Council's discretion. In considering the appropriateness of the discipline, the Commission shall not substitute its judgment for that of the Borough Council. The Commission may request posthearing briefs and shall issue a written decision containing specific findings of fact and conclusions of law within 60 days of receipt of the hearing transcript.
All testimony shall be given oath administered by the Chairperson or, in absence of the chair, the vice-Chairperson. The Commission shall have power to issue subpoenas as set forth in § 9-13. The hearing shall be open to the public unless, prior to the commencement of the hearing, a written or oral request to close the hearing is made by either the charged officer or the Borough.
If the Commission sustains the charges, the officer who was suspended, removed or reduced in rank may file an appeal with the Court of Common Pleas within 30 days from the date of entry by the Commission of its final order. No order of suspension shall be made by the Commission for a period longer than one year. In the event that the Commission fails to uphold the charges, then the person sought to be suspended, removed or demoted shall be reinstated with full pay for the period of the suspension, removal or demotion, and no charges related to the suspension, removal or reduction in rank shall be officially recorded in the officer's record.