[Approved 10-17-1967 by Ch. No. 1135 as Secs. 12-1 and 12-2 the 1966 Code]
There is hereby created a Fire Prevention Section within the Fire Division of the Department of Public Safety. Such section shall be headed by a Chief Fire Inspector and shall be operated under the direct command of the Chief of the Fire Division.
The Chief Fire Inspector shall be appointed to the position by the Director of Public Safety in accordance with the provisions of Article VII of the Charter of the city.
[Amended 7-25-1996 by Ch. No. 2420]
The Chief of the Fire Division, with the approval of the Director of Public Safety, may detail such members of the Fire Division as inspectors as shall from time to time be necessary. The Chief of the Fire Division shall recommend to the Director of Public Safety the employment of technical inspectors as necessary.
The Fire Prevention Section shall administer and enforce the Fire Prevention Code adopted by Article II of this chapter.
A report of the Fire Prevention Section shall be made annually and shall be transmitted to the City Council through the Chief of the Fire Division, Director of Public Safety and Mayor of the city. Such report shall contain all proceedings under the Fire Prevention Code, with such statistics as the Director of Public Safety may wish to include therein. The Director of Public Safety shall also recommend any amendments to the Fire Prevention Code which, in his or her judgment, shall be desirable.
One or more special firefighters shall be stationed in every theater in the city at such times as may be determined by the Chief of the Fire Division, which special firefighters shall be paid by the owner or operator of such theater. Such special firefighters shall perform such duties as from time to time may be prescribed by the Fire Chief to guard against fire and to protect life and property in case of fire therein.
The owner or operator of any theater may select any suitable person to perform the duties set forth in this section, but such person shall first be approved by the Chief of the Fire Division before appointment as a special firefighter. When appointed, such special firefighter shall have all the powers granted and perform all the duties required under Section 4-702 of the Charter of the city.
[Amended 7-25-1996 by Ch. No. 2420]