No person shall pile, deposit or place or cause or permit to be deposited, piled or placed any rubbish, wood or coal, merchandise, dirt, impediment or obstruction of any kind upon or over any sidewalk or so occupy or obstruct any sidewalk as to interfere with the convenient use of the same by pedestrians.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
No person shall erect, set up or maintain any portico, platform or doorstep extending into any street, town way or sidewalk.
No person shall erect, construct, maintain or keep any cellar door or passageway into any cellar, basement or excavation of any kind extending into or occupying part of any street, town way, sidewalk or public passageway unless such doorway, passageway or excavation is kept covered with a suitable and substantial plank covering or grate, level with the sidewalk or street.
[Added 5-9-2000; amended 3-26-2024]
It shall be unlawful for any person to place installations for food and retail business on sidewalks or parking spaces appurtenant and contiguous to said person's restaurant or retail facility without first obtaining an outdoor restaurant and retail ("ORR") permit in compliance with the provisions of this section.
Such an ORR permit shall allow outdoor restaurant and retail areas between April 1 and November 30 annually. The period of time may be extended at the discretion of the City Manager.
Applicants for an ORR permit under this chapter must file with the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) an application in writing, on a form to be furnished by the DDS, which shall give the following information:
A neatly drawn, scaled site plan depicting the precise area of the proposed outdoor dining or retail area, the arrangement of outdoor furniture, perimeter fencing, umbrellas, outdoor heaters, and any other equipment that is required, photographs of any proposed furniture, and areas designated for picking up take-out food;
A certification that all current property taxes due on the applicant's licensed premises are paid if the property is owned by the applicant;
An agreement to permit the City to periodically verify the accuracy of information contained in the application and an agreement to provide information requested to verify the accuracy of the information and the certifications contained in the application.
Requirements for licensing of ORR permits under this chapter shall be as follows:
All services and customer activity must occur within the designated outdoor dining or retail area;
Patrons must always wear shoes and shirts;
Smoking is prohibited in all outdoor dining and retail areas;
All outdoor installations must maintain at least one opening for ingress and egress;
All outdoor installations shall abide by all requirements of the currently adopted International Building Code;
All outdoor installations shall abide by all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations, including but not limited to the Americans with Disabilities Act;
To the extent applicable, outdoor installations must adhere to all regulations pertaining to food and beverage enforced by the Board of Health and License Commission. Outdoor food preparation is not allowed unless specifically authorized by the Health Department. Approval of an outdoor dining area shall not be construed as approval for the alteration or extension of the premises where alcoholic beverages are served. The serving or consumption of alcohol outside the premises of a duly licensed establishment to serve alcohol must be approved by the License Commission on a case-by-case basis. Establishments with alcohol licenses may submit an additional request for a temporarily amended alcohol license to the License Commission. The only change permitted is to the description of the premises providing that alcohol may be served in outdoor seating that was added or re-configured pursuant to this section;
All areas within and surrounding an outdoor dining or retail area must be maintained in a clean, neat, and sanitary condition;
In no event shall the overall number of seated customers exceed the number of seats available; and
Outdoor installations proposed for a private parking lot shall not occupy more than 50% of the parking in the private lot.
The permit holder is responsible for proper supervision of the outdoor dining or retail area to ensure the requirements of this chapter are met.
For every ORR permit granted under this chapter there shall be paid to the DDS a fee set by said Department.
The DDS shall have aesthetic review responsibility for seating enclosures, tables, chairs, and accessories and may establish standards for the same.
The Department of Developmental Services (DDS) shall, upon written application and payment of any required fees, review said applications and use their discretion to notify appropriate departments including but not limited to the License Commission, Economic Development, Historic Board, and Health Department of the application. The DDS shall also refer the application to the Department of Public Works for the Fire Department of the application contains elements that warrant their review, including but not limited to parklet barriers, accessible ramps, or outdoor heaters. If the outdoor seating plan is approved by each of the aforementioned departments, each said department shall forward said approval to the DDS for administrative approval. If the application for the ORR permit involves the installation of outdoor dining or retail areas in public parking spaces, the DDS shall forward the application to the City Council for their review.
Provided that the applicant submits evidence of compliance with the requirements of this chapter, the DDS shall issue an ORR permit. Upon approval of an ORR permit, the owner and operator of the business and DDS shall sign the permit. Once the DDS provides an ORR permit, the permit holder shall abide by the following additional requirements:
No person or entity shall cause to be placed within the City's public ways any furniture without applying for a permit to the DDS and receiving approval from the City. Such a permit shall be considered separate and distinct from other permits and licenses issued by the City, including those for a common victualler license;
The location of the outdoor dining or retail installation must be directly in front of the business operating the installation and may not extend beyond the side property lines;
Tables, chairs, benches, food equipment shall be located so that they do not impede, endanger, or interfere with pedestrian traffic, with a minimum width of four feet of unobstructed passage for pedestrian traffic. The permit holder may, with prior approval from the DDS and the Department of Public Works (DPW), erect temporary barriers on the street to allow for the passage of pedestrians around the portion of sidewalks devoted to outdoor dining or retail, provided said temporary barriers are in compliance with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations, including but not limited to the Americans with Disabilities Act;
No installation of furniture or other infrastructure shall be affixed, erected, installed, placed, used, or maintained within five feet of any marked or unmarked crosswalk or handicapped ramp; or within five feet of any fire hydrant, fire lane, call box, or bus stop;
Unlicensed furniture within the public ways of the City will be subject to removal with the cost thereof to be borne entirely by the owner. Fines may be imposed by the City Council not to exceed $300 per day for removal, storage, or destruction;
No fixtures or devices on which food or beverages are sold or consumed shall be attached to the sidewalk or other public area. The property owner is responsible for the restoration of the sidewalk or public right-of-way if any damage is caused by any such fixtures or devices attached;
Lighting for outdoor installations is subject to approval during the permitting process. Tabletop lighting may include candles and battery-operated fixtures. Seating capacity may not exceed the maximum number of allowed seats per accessible room according to the Massachusetts State Building Code; and
Physical barricades surrounding sidewalk dining or retail are required. Appropriate perimeter materials include but are not limited to demountable wrought-iron fences, wood or terra cotta planters, or other fencing deemed acceptable by the DDS. The public sidewalk or street may not be damaged by the installation of any perimeter treatment. Cafe umbrellas and furniture should be of a design appropriate to the character of the building. Trash receptacles are the responsibility of the applicant to empty and maintain and should be integrated in the design and materials with other outdoor cafe elements.
Insurance required. The permit holder shall carry the following forms of insurance:
Workers' compensation insurance for all employees and those of its contractors and/or subcontractors engaged in work at the outdoor dining or retail installation, in accordance with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts' workers' compensation laws;
Comprehensive public liability and property damage liability insurance with limits hereinafter set forth to cover the permit holder and its contractors and/or subcontractors against claims due to accidents which may occur or result from operations regarding outdoor dining or retail installation; and
Comprehensive public liability and property damage liability insurance against all claims and demands for personal injury and property damage with respect to the permitted outdoor facilities and services, with limits of $1,000,000 for property damage, $1,000,000 for injury or death to one person, and $2,000,000 for injury or death of more than one person in a single accident.
If such limits are not commercially available at a reasonable cost to the permit holder, such insurance may be maintained at such lower limits that are commercially available at a reasonable cost; provided; however, that the permit holder shall notify the DDS in advance of the effective date of any such lower limits. The DDS shall name as an additional insured in all policies for such insurance and the permit holder shall furnish a certificate of insurance to the City prior to commencing provision of the facilities and services authorized under these regulations. Where such insurance is renewed or replaced the business owner shall furnish the City with a certificate of insurance evidencing the same.
The DDS may revoke ORR permits for failure to maintain the standards set forth in this chapter. Before such revocation, the DDS shall issue a notice of intent to revoke an ORR permit, which shall be given seven days' prior to actual revocation and shall specify the areas of failure to meet requirements and maintain conditions the City may have imposed. If, during that period, proof of compliance is made to the satisfaction of designated City inspectors by the permit holder, the permit shall be continued in force.
All ORR permits issued under the provisions of this chapter/section shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of issue. The fee for each renewal ORR permit shall be as provided by the DDS.
[Added 1-6-2015]
Sidewalk signs and/or sandwich boards pursuant to this section shall be permitted, on a yearly basis.
Sidewalk signs and/or sandwich boards shall be temporary in nature and designed so that the sidewalk signs and/or sandwich boards can be easily removed during periods of nonuse. The City reserves the right to require the user to remove the sidewalk signs and/or sandwich boards if and when it determines it to be necessary, for any reason and at any time. During winter months, sidewalk signs shall not be permitted during or after a snowstorm unless and until the sidewalk has been cleared of all snow, ice or slush.
Only establishments situated at the ground floor of a building and/or at street level are permitted to have a sidewalk sign and/or sandwich board.
The sidewalk sign and/or sandwich board for the establishment shall conform to the following requirements:
The sidewalk sign and/or sandwich board shall consist of one double-sided A-frame that shall not exceed 24 inches in width and 42 inches in height.
The sidewalk sign and/or sandwich board must be freestanding and cannot be anchored to the sidewalk or be chained or otherwise attached to the establishment, building, pole, post, tree, bench, or other sidewalk feature or streetscape element.
The sidewalk sign and/or sandwich board must have a wood or metal frame. Metal angle tent frames with inserts are also allowed.
The sidewalk sign and/or sandwich board shall have black or white dry erase or chalkboard panels.
The sidewalk sign and/or sandwich board may have a permanent application or etching of the business name on the top of the panel on both sides.
The sidewalk sign and/or sandwich board may be individually illuminated by an external light.
Sidewalk signs and/or sandwich boards shall not encroach within the minimum width of walkways as established in 521 CMR 22.2 (Architectural Access Board Regulations). To provide safe, adequate circulation for patrons and pedestrians on the sidewalk, the width of walkways that will allow an unobstructed flow of pedestrians shall at all times not be less than 48 inches, excluding curb stones. Path obstructions include parking meters, traffic signs, light poles, benches, and trees with or without grates and guards.
Sidewalk signs and/or sandwich boards may not extend beyond the frontage face of the facility, and the nearest part of the sign cannot be more than two feet from the wall of the building.
Sidewalk signs and/or sandwich boards shall be displayed only during the establishment's hours of operation. The establishment must promptly secure the sidewalk sign and/or sandwich board when not in use or after the establishment's hours of operation.
The Division of Development Services and the Lowell Police Department shall be the enforcing agents for the City of Lowell for the sidewalk signs and/or sandwich boards.
No portion of the sidewalk may be used for any purpose other than the sidewalk signs and/or sandwich boards except for the use of an approved sidewalk seating license agreement.
All sidewalk signs and/or sandwich board placement must comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations, including the Americans with Disabilities Act.
The Division of Development Services shall have aesthetic review responsibility for sidewalk signs and/or sandwich boards and may establish standards for same.
The user who applies for a sidewalk sign and/or sandwich board license shall bear all financial responsibility for any and all improvements necessary to the public space, both within and surrounding the licensed area. A license agreement between the user and the City shall be required. The agreement shall address liability, maintenance, hours and days of use, a permit, a yearly expiration, design, size and material approval as well as any other details and requirements as determined by the City and shall provide a hold harmless and indemnification provision protecting the City from liability in the sidewalk sign and/or sandwich board area.
In the event that there is an underground vault below the space where the proposed sidewalk sign and/or sandwich board will be placed, the user shall notify the City Engineer, whose approval must be obtained after a determination is made regarding the risks associated with the proposed sidewalk sign and/or sandwich board.
The user's ability to operate a sidewalk sign and/or sandwich board shall be conditioned upon the user's obtaining and maintaining liability insurance for the period covered by the license. Any person erecting a sidewalk sign and/or sandwich board shall indemnify and hold harmless the City of Lowell and its officers, agents, and employees from any claim arising out of the presence of the sidewalk sign and/or sandwich board on a public way.
Sidewalk signs and/or sandwich board signs shall only be allowed in the following zoning districts: Neighborhood Business (NB), Downtown Mixed-Use (DMU), Traditional Mixed-Use (TMU) and Urban Mixed-Use (UMU).
The City Manager, or his designee, is authorized to issue licenses for sidewalk signs and/or sandwich boards pursuant to these regulations. The City of Lowell reserves the right to terminate a license agreement for a sidewalk sign and/or sandwich board at any time.
[Added 6-9-2015[1]]
Definitions. As used in this section, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any type of unmanned device used in furtherance of a business, including but not limited to the receiving of items for shipment or other processing.
Any type of unmanned device for the vending or free distribution of newspapers, periodicals or printed material of whatever nature.
It shall be unlawful for any person to place on any publicly owned property within the corporate limits of the City, any newsrack or commercial receptacle without first obtaining a license for the location of same in compliance with the provisions of this chapter.
Applicants for a license under this chapter must file with Department of Developmental Services ("DDS") an application in writing, in duplicate, on a form to be furnished by the DDS, which shall give the following information:
Information on the person responsible for the operation of the newsrack or commercial receptacle; said information must contain the name, street address, city or town, state, zip code and telephone number of the person responsible for its maintenance;
Proposed location and size of the newsrack or commercial receptacle. The location must be described in detail and include: the side of the street or corner on which the device will be placed, the number of feet the device will be from curbs, crosswalks, fire hydrants, street lights, trash receptacles, traffic signal equipment, bike racks, bus stops and mail boxes within a twenty-foot radius of the newsrack or commercial receptacle;
If more than one location is being applied for, the application must contain a description for each proposed location;
A signed statement holding the City harmless for any damage to the newsrack(s) or commercial receptacle(s) as the result of routine City maintenance, including but not limited to snow plowing and street cleaning, or as the result of reasonable enforcement of these provisions;
Proof of insurance as required by Subsection D(6).
Requirements for licensing of newsracks or commercial receptacles shall be as follows:
The newsrack or commercial receptacle must not occupy an area greater than nine square feet, nor be more than 52 inches tall;
The placement of the newsrack or commercial receptacle must not result in less than four feet of pedestrian traffic width on the sidewalk;
The placement of the newsrack or commercial receptacle shall not be less than four feet from any road surface, fire hydrant, U.S. postal receptacle or handicapped person access ramp;
The newsrack or commercial receptacle shall be well maintained and shall have no sharp edges or corners which would be likely to cause personal injury;
The newsrack or commercial receptacle must display information regarding the person responsible for the operation of the device; said information must contain the name, street address, city or town, state and zip code and telephone number of the person responsible for its maintenance. On a newsrack, this information must be placed on the device on the same side and as near as practical to any coin-receiving element; or on a device with no coin-receiving element, the required information shall be on the main display panel. On a commercial receptacle, this information must be displayed near the receiving compartment.
The applicant shall obtain and maintain general liability insurance for the period covered by the license.
For every license granted under this chapter there shall be paid to the Department of Developmental Services a fee as set by said Department.
The Department of Developmental Services ("DDS") shall, upon written application and payment of any required fees, issue a license for the location of the installation and operation of a newsrack or commercial receptacle, provided that the applicant submits evidence of compliance with the requirements of Subsection D.
Proposed locations shall be approved on a first come, first serve basis by the DDS. No preference shall be given to applicants who might have had newsracks or commercial receptacles in a particular location prior to the effective date of this section. No applicant shall be approved for more than one newsrack or commercial receptacle at any particular location.
If an application for a newsrack or commercial receptacle is denied, the DDS shall issue a written statement of denial, stating the specific reasons for denial. The applicant may reapply once, per proposed location, for a substitute alternative location without having to pay an additional application fee.
The DDS shall issue with every license for a newsrack or commercial receptacle a decal which shall contain the license number and the license expiration date. Said decal must be affixed to the device in such a manner as to make the decal visible from the nearest street or public way.
Any newsrack or commercial receptacle found on any publicly owned property within the corporate limits of the City without a valid decal may be removed and stored by the City. The City shall notify the operator listed on the license of the removal.
A newsrack shall be deemed abandoned if no printed material is found in the newsrack for a period of more than 15 consecutive days. In the event a device is determined to be abandoned, the City shall remove it and notify the operator listed on the license.
The owner of a removed device may reclaim the device from the City upon payment of reasonable removal and storage fees, as determined by the DDS. Any device removed by the City will be stored for up to 30 days, after which time it will be considered the property of the City to dispose of as it sees fit.
Failure of the operator to retrieve a newsrack within the specified thirty-day period shall not operate to dismiss any fees owed to the City for removal and storage of such newsrack. Unpaid fees accrued pursuant to this section shall be considered a debt payable to the City.
All licenses issued under the provisions of this chapter/section shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of issue. The fee for each renewal license shall be as provided by the DDS.
Editor's Note: This ordinance adopted this material as § 243-23.1, but the section was renumbered to account for a new section previously added with that number on 1-6-2015.