For the purpose of regulating parking on streets designated in this article and the time whereon parking is permitted, the Superintendent of Police, under the direction of the chief executive officer of the City, is hereby authorized and directed to install parking meters within the areas described in this article, or cause the same to be so installed, and when so installed to maintain the same in good workable condition, except that in the parallel parking zone such meters shall be placed at intervals of not less than 20 feet apart and not less than six inches nor more than 24 inches from the face of the curb, and in a right-angle parking meter zone such meters shall be not less than nine feet apart and not less than six inches nor more than 24 inches from the face of the curb, in such locations within the parking meter zone as are approved by the State Department of Highways, and each location shall thereafter be designated as a parking meter space and shall be indicated by white markings or painted lines upon the surface of the roadway. Such meters shall be so constructed as to display a signal showing a legal parking time upon the deposit therein of the proper coin or coins of the United States as indicated by instructions on the meters and for such period of time as is or shall be indicated by this article. Such signal shall at all times indicate the balance of legal parking time and remain in evidence until the expiration of the parking time designated, at which time a dropping of a signal, automatically or by other mechanical operation, shall indicate expiration of such legal parking period.
Whenever any vehicle shall be parked adjacent to a parking meter, the owner or operator of the vehicle shall park the same parallel to the face of the curb, except when parking in a right-angle parking zone, with the vehicle headed in the direction of permitted travel and with both the front and rear wheels of the vehicle nearest the curb within 12 inches of the curb and within the space designated by street marking lines, and when parking in a right-angle parking zone shall park such vehicle so that the front end of such vehicle is parallel with and within six inches of the face of the curb nearest the vehicle and within the space designated by street marking lines, and upon entering such space shall immediately deposit or cause to be deposited in the meter the required coin of the United States for the maximum legal parking period as indicated or shown on the meter, or for such portion thereof as such person desires to park as provided for in the instructions on the meter.
[Amended 12-23-2008; 4-2-2013; 6-12-2018]
Notwithstanding anything in this Article VII to the contrary, the parking meter rate in the City of Lowell is hereby established according to the following levels of demand:
[Amended 4-23-2024]
High Demand Zones — the parking meter rate for all parking spaces in high demand zones is $0.50 for each 12 minutes and $2.50 for each hour.
Moderate Demand Zones — the parking meter rate for all parking spaces in moderate demand zones is $0.40 for each 12 minutes and $2 for each hour.
Low Demand Zones — the parking meter rate for all parking spaces in low demand zones is $0.30 for each 12 minutes and $1.50 for each hour.
The relative level of demand zone for a particular parking space may be determined by the Parking Director based on an examination of the parking data from the kiosk computer system for a period of at least three months.
If, during the examination period, the level of demand in a particular space or block of spaces exceeds 85%, the Parking Director may, upon approval by the City Manager, designate said spaces as "high demand zones."
If, during the examination period, the level of demand in a particular space or block of spaces is below 15%, the Parking Director may, upon approval by the City Manager, designate said spaces as "low demand zones."
In any zone within the Central Business District, the Parking Director, may with the approval of the City Manager, grant a fifteen-minute grace period, in an effort to promote economic development.
For the purpose of regulating parking on streets designated in this article and the time parking is permitted thereon, the Parking Director is hereby authorized to provide bags or other devices to cover meters for the purpose of prohibiting parking at the associated space when requested. The rate shall be $14 per day per metered space where parking is prohibited for any portion of a day.
It shall be unlawful for any person to deposit or cause to be deposited in a parking meter any coin for the purpose of permitting the vehicle of which he is in charge to remain in the parking space beyond the maximum period of time allowed in a particular zone.
It shall be unlawful for any person to park a vehicle within a parking meter space unless such vehicle is wholly within the painted lines adjacent to such meter.
It shall be unlawful for any person to park a vehicle in a parking meter zone other than in a parking meter space adjacent to a parking meter, except that the operator of a commercial vehicle may park such vehicle for a period of time and for the purposes provided for in this article.
No person shall park a vehicle between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on any of the streets included within the provisions of this article for a period of time longer than is permitted in the parking meter zone established by this article and as shown on the parking meter adjacent to the space wherein such person is parked, on any day except Sundays, legal holidays or during such times as parking is not limited or prohibited by this article or any other ordinance of the City.
It shall be unlawful for any unauthorized person to tamper with, break, injure or destroy any parking meter or parts which support such meter or to deposit or cause to be deposited in such meter any slug, device or other substance or any substitute for the coins required for the purchase of parking time.
The operator of a commercial vehicle may park such vehicle in a metered space without depositing a coin therein for a period of time not to exceed 20 minutes and then only for the purpose of loading or unloading, or the delivering of goods, wares or merchandise to a person in the immediate vicinity of such metered space. Parking in excess of this time limit without depositing the proper coin in the meter shall be deemed a violation of the provisions of this article.
The Superintendent of Police or someone designated by him is hereby designated as the person authorized to collect the money deposited in parking meters, and he shall keep full and accurate records of all the sums so collected. Such money shall be turned over forthwith to the City Treasurer who shall give the Superintendent of Police the proper receipts therefor, and the City Treasurer shall deposit the same in a separate account to be known as the "City Parking Meter Account."
All money received by the City from the operation and use of the parking meters shall be used as authorized by MGL c. 40, §§ 22A and 22B.
One-hour parking meter zones are hereby established on the following streets:
Name of Street
Bridge Street
[Repealed 4-19-2011]
Broadway Street
From Dutton Street to Summer Street
Broadway Street
From Wilder Street to Dugan Hall
Broadway Street
From Dutton Street to a point opposite the easterly line of Dummer Street, as extended
Brookings Street
From Paige Street to French Street
Cardinal O'Connell Parkway (33)
[Added 4-24-2001]
Northeasterly side of Market Street, beginning from a point 40 feet northwesterly from the northeastern curbline of Cardinal O'Connell Parkway running southeasterly a distance of 20 feet along Market Street
Coral Street
From Westford Street to a point 69 feet northerly of Westford Street
Dummer Street
[Repealed 10-25-2011]
Dutton Street
From Merrimack Street to a point 112 feet, 6 inches northeasterly of the northeast side of Broadway and from a point 64 feet, 6 inches northeasterly of the northeast side of Broadway to the northeast side of the Western Canal
Gorham Street[1]
From Appleton Street to Charles Street
Gorham Street
From Appleton Street to West Union Street
Kearney Square
East side of Eastern Canal to west side of Concord River Bridge
Loring Street
From Westford Street to a point 73 feet northerly of Westford Street
Loring Street
From Westford Street to a point 71 feet northerly of Westford Street
Market Street
From a point 150 feet westerly of Central Street to Palmer Street
Market Street
[Repealed 3-26-2013]
Middlesex Street
[Repealed 10-25-2011]
Middlesex Street
[Repealed 10-25-2011]
Pine Street
From Westford Street to a point 287 feet southwesterly to Westford Street
Shattuck Street
From Merrimack Street to Market Street
Summer Street
[Added 2-27-1990]
Beginning at the westerly line of Favor Street and running westerly 260 feet
Summer Street
[Added 2-27-1990]
Beginning at the westerly line of South Street and running westerly to the easterly line of Thorndike Street Frontage Road
Textile Avenue
[Repealed 7-12-2011]
University Avenue
[Repealed 7-12-2011]
Warren Street
[Added 1-25-2000]
North and south
From George Street to Church Street
Westford Street
From the westerly side of Coral Street to a point 92 feet westerly of the westerly side of Loring Street
Westford Street
From westerly side of Osgood Street to a point 215 feet westerly of the easterly intersection of the easterly terminus of Pine Street and Westford Street
William Street
[Repealed 8-14-2012]
Editor's Note: An ordinance adopted 7-13-1999 provided for the deletion of Meter Nos. 2 and 20 from Gorham Street (72).
Two-hour parking meter zones are hereby established on the following streets:
Name of Street
Appleton Street
From Gorham Street to Elliott Street
Appleton Street
From Central Street to Elliott Street
Arcand Drive
From French Street Extension to Worthen Street
Bartlett Street
[Added 4-16-2013]
From Fayette Street to High Street
Bridge Street
[Repealed 5-8-1990]
Bridge Street
[Repealed 4-19-2011]
Brookings Street
From French Street to Amory Street
Brown Street[1]
From East Merrimack Street to Stackpole Street
Brown Street
[Repealed 4-16-2013]
Cabot Street
[Added 4-16-2013]
From Northern Canal to Perkins Street
Cardinal O'Connell Parkway
[Added 1-7-2020]
Beginning at a point 20 feet north of the northeasterly curbline of Market Street for a distance of 40 feet along Cardinal O’Connell Parkway
Cardinal O'Connell Parkway, east side drive
From Market Street to Merrimack Street
Cardinal O'Connell Parkway, west side drive
From Merrimack Street to Market Street
Central Street
From a point 185 feet south of Church Street to a point opposite the northerly line of Union Street as extended
Central Street
From Hurd Street to Church Street
Central Street
[Amended 3-22-2016]
From a point 112 feet southerly of Merrimack Street to a point 65 feet north of Prescott Street
Central Street
From Appleton Street to Union Street
Central Street
From Merrimack Street to Market Street, southerly side of Pawtucket Canal to Appleton Street
Charles Street
[Repealed 4-19-2011]
Charles Street
[Repealed 4-19-2011]
Church Street
From Central Street to George Street
Colburn Street
[Repealed 10-25-2011]
Colburn Street
[Repealed 10-25-2011]
Davidson Street
From the easterly side thereof to Howe Street
Dummer Street
[Added 10-25-2011]
From Market Street to Broadway
Dutton Street
From Merrimack Street to the entrance to the Dutton Street off-street public parking area
East Merrimack Street
[Added 4-16-2013]
From Brown Street to Fayette Street
East Merrimack Street[2]
From the west side of Concord River to Davidson Street
East Merrimack Street
From the west side of Concord River to High Street
Elliott Street
From Appleton Street to Middlesex Street
Elliott Street
From Appleton Street to Middlesex Street
Fayette Street
[Added 4-16-2013]
From East Merrimack Street to Stackpole Street
Fayette Street
[Added 4-16-2013]
Beginning at the northerly curbline of East Merrimack Street and running a distance of 103 feet northerly of East Merrimack Street
French Street
[Repealed 5-8-1990]
French Street
[Added 8-14-2012]
Beginning at a point 33 feet west of the westerly curbline of Bridge Street running west a distance of 104 feet
Gardner Avenue
[Added 10-16-1990; amended 3-22-2016]
Beginning at a point 20 feet west of the westerly curbline of University Avenue and running westerly a distance of 100 feet
Gershom Avenue
[Added 10-16-1990]
Beginning at a point approximately 40 feet westerly of the intersection with University Avenue
Hall Street
[Added 4-16-2013]
From Aiken Street to Cabot Street
Hanover Street
From Moody Street to Market Street
Hanover Street
From Moody Street to Market Street
Hurd Street
From Central Street to Warren Street
Jackson Street
[Added 10-25-2011]
From a point 234 feet east of the easterly curbline of Canal Street to a point 231 feet west of the extension of the westerly curbline of Marston Street
Jackson Street
[Added 10-25-2011]
From a point 183 feet west of the extension of the westerly curbline of Marston Street to a point 28 feet west of the extension of westerly curbline of Marston Street
Jackson Street
[Added 10-25-2011]
From a point 31 feet east of the easterly curbline of Moulton Avenue to Central Street
Jackson Street
[Added 8-27-2002; repealed 4-8-2008]
John Street
From Merrimack Street to Paige Street
John Street
From Lee Street to French Street
John Street
[Added 8-14-2012]
From Merrimack Street to Lee Street
Kearney Square
[Amended 4-16-2013]
From the east side of Eastern Canal to the west side of Concord River
Kirk Street
From French Street to Paige Street
Kirk Street
From Merrimack Street to Paige Street
Kirk Street
From Merrimack Street to French Street
Lee Street[3]
From John Street westerly a distance of 157 feet and from Kirk Street easterly a distance of 175 feet, 10 inches.
Lee Street
From Kirk Street to John Street
Market Street
From Cardinal O'Connell Parkway to Hanover Street
Market Street
From Central Street to Palmer Street
Market Street
From a point 120 feet in a westerly direction from Palmer Street westerly a distance of 48 feet
Market Street
[Added 10-16-2001]
From a point 296 in a westerly direction from Palmer Street westerly a distance of 63 feet along Market Street
Market Street
From a point 367.5 feet in a westerly direction from Palmer Street westerly a distance of 80 feet
Market Street
From Shattuck Street to Cardinal O'Connell Parkway
Market Street
[Added 10-16-2001; repealed 4-17-2007; 7-10-2007]
Market Street
[Added 10-16-2001]
From a point 219 feet in a westerly direction from Central Street westerly a distance of 140 feet
Market Street
[Added 10-16-2001]
From a point 431 feet in a westerly direction from Central Street westerly a distance of 94 feet along Market Street
Market Street
From Dutton Street to Dummer Street
Market Street
[Added 10-16-2001]
Beginning at a point 334 feet easterly from the easterly side of Dutton Street and continuing on an easterly course along Market Street for a distance of 40 feet along Market Street
Market Street
[Added 10-16-2001]
Beginning at a point on the southerly curbline of Market Street, said point being 43 feet westerly of the westerly end of an existing wheelchair ramp at the entrance of 246 Market Street, thence westerly 40 feet along Market Street
Market Street
[Repealed 8-27-2002]
Merrimack Street
From Dutton Street to Hanover Street
Merrimack Street
[Added 4-4-2017]
Beginning at the extension of the northeasterly curbline of Hanover Street and running to a point 316 southeast of the southeasterly curbline of Cabot Street
Merrimack Street
[Added 4-4-2017]
Beginning at a point 256 feet southeast of the southeasterly curbline of Cabot Street running northwesterly to Cabot Street
Merrimack Street
From Kirk Street to Dutton Street
Merrimack Street
[Added 7-8-1997]
Beginning at a point 182 feet easterly from the easterly line of Kirk Street extended, running east for 80 feet
Merrimack Street
From Dutton Street to Hanover Street
Merrimack Street[4]
[Amended 4-4-2017]
From Hanover Street to Cabot Street
Merrimack Street
From Prescott Street to Dutton Street
Middlesex Street
From Central Street to South Street
Middlesex Street
[Added 10-14-2008]
From Marston Street westerly to Revere Street
Middlesex Street
[Added 10-14-2008]
From Garnet Street easterly to South Street
Middle Street
From Central Street to Shattuck Street
Moody Street
[Repealed 4-19-2011]
Paige Street[5]
East and west
From John Street to Kirk Street
Palmer Street
[Added 3-22-2016]
Beginning at a point 23 feet north of the northerly curbline of Market Street running northerly a distance of 60 feet
Palmer Street
[Amended 3-22-2016]
Beginning at a point 80 feet south of the southerly curbline of Merrimack Street running southerly a distance of 60 feet
Prescott Street
[Added 3-22-2016]
Beginning at a point 83 feet northeast from the easterly curbline of Central Street running northeasterly a distance of 120 feet
Shattuck Street
[Added 5-19-2015]
From Merrimack Street to Market Street
Shattuck Street
From Merrimack Street to Market Street
South Street
From Middlesex Street to Appleton Street
South Street
From Middlesex Street to Appleton Street
Suffolk Street
From Market Street to Moody Street
Suffolk Street
From Market Street to Moody Street
Suffolk Street
[Added 4-16-2013]
From Northern Canal to Hall Street
Tilden Street
From Moody Street to Merrimack Street
Tilden Street
From Moody Street to Merrimack Street
University Avenue
[Added 7-12-2011]
From Riverside Street to Gershom Avenue
Warren Street
North and northeast
From Central Street to Church Street
Westford Street
[Repealed 1-21-2003]
William Street
[Added 11-10-2009; repealed 8-14-2012]
From George Street westerly to Central Street
William Street
[Added 8-14-2012; repealed 9-25-2018]
William Street
[Added 8-14-2012]
From George Street westerly to a point 200 feet west of George Street
Williams Street
[Added 9-25-2018]
From George Street westerly to Central Street
Worthen Street
[Added 4-4-2017]
From Arcand Drive to a point 95 feet north of the northerly curbline of Merrimack Street
Worthen Street
[Added 9-25-2018]
From a point 15 feet south of the southerly curbline of Arcand Drive extending 80 feet southerly
Worthen Street
From the place where the Boston & Maine Railroad tracks cross Worthen Street, east of Moody Street, to Market Street
Worthen Street
From the place where the Boston & Maine Railroad tracks cross Worthen Street, east of Moody Street, to Merrimack Street
Editor's Note: An ordinance adopted 10-12-1999 provided for the deletion of Meter No. 2 from Brown Street.
Editor's Note: An ordinance adopted 10-12-1999 provided for the deletion of Meter Nos. 2, 3 and 4 from East Merrimack Street.
Editor's Note: An ordinance adopted 7-8-1997 provided for the removal of Meter Nos. 5, 6 and 7 from Lee Street.
Editor's Note: An ordinance adopted 7-13-1999 provided for the deletion of Meter No. 67 from Merrimack Street (521).
Editor's Note: An ordinance adopted 7-8-1997 provided for the removal of Meter No. 30 from Paige Street.
The following two-hour ninety-degree-angle parking meter zone is hereby established:
Name of Street
Brown Street
[Repealed 4-16-2013]
[Added 2-27-1990]
Four-hour parking meter zones are hereby established on the following streets:
Name of Street
Aiken Street
[Repealed 1-31-2012]
Cabot Street
[Added 10-16-1990; repealed 1-31-2012]
Cabot Street
[Repealed 10-16-1990]
Hall Street
[Repealed 1-31-2012]
Perkins Street
[Repealed 1-31-2012]
Suffolk Street
[Added 10-16-1990; repealed 1-31-2012]
Suffolk Street
[Repealed 10-16-1990]
Editor's Note: Original § 13-239, which provided for ten-hour parking meter zones and immediately followed this section, was repealed 12-23-2008.
[Added 4-16-2013]
Eight-hour parking meter zones are hereby established on the following streets:
Name of Street
Father Morissette Boulevard
From Tremont Place to Pawtucket Street
Perkins Street
From Suffolk Street to Aiken Street
Perkins Street
From Cabot Street to Aiken Street
Suffolk Street
From Northern Canal to Perkins Street
Suffolk Street
From Hall Street to Perkins Street
[Added 1-29-2003]
Fifteen-minute parking meter zones are hereby established on the following streets:
Name of Street
Kirk Street
[Added 4-19-2011]
Beginning at a point 106 feet north of the northerly curbline of Merrimack Street, running northerly a distance of 20 feet along Kirk Street
Merrimack Street
Beginning at a point 87 feet west of the western curbline of Prescott Street, running easterly a distance of 40 feet along Merrimack Street
Shattuck Street
[Repealed 10-25-2011]
Thirty-minute parking meter zones are hereby established on the following streets:
Name of Street
Central Street
Beginning at a point 54 feet southerly of Warren Street and extending southerly to Hurd Street
Hurd Street
Beginning at a point 138 feet easterly of Central Street and extending 118 feet easterly therefrom
Hurd Street
Beginning at a point 60 feet easterly of Central Street and extending 137 feet easterly therefrom
John Street
[Repealed 8-14-2012]
Kearney Square
Beginning at a point 69 feet easterly of the Eastern Canal to a point 139 feet easterly thereof.
Market Street
[Added 8-27-2002]
Beginning at a point 38 feet east of the eastern curbline of Worthen Street running easterly a distance of 100 feet along Market Street
Middlesex Street
Beginning at a point 125 feet southwesterly of Gorham Street and extending 175 feet southwesterly therefrom
Shattuck Street
Beginning at a point 137 feet southwesterly of Merrimack Street and extending southwesterly to Middle Street
Westford Street
[Added 1-21-2003]
Beginning at a point 252 feet east northeasterly curbline of Loring Street running easterly a distance of 40 feet along Westford Street
Westford Street
[Added 1-21-2003]
Beginning at a point 20 feet west of the southwesterly curbline of Hastings Street running westerly a distance of 40 feet along Westford Street
[Added 4-16-2013]
An event rate shall be in effect when events are held at the Tsongas Center, LeLacheur Park, or the Lowell Memorial Auditorium and signage is displayed prominently at least three hours prior to the start of the event rate period to inform motorists when the event rates shall be in effect.
LeLacheur Park event parking areas:
Name of Street
Cabot Street
From Northern Canal to Perkins Street
Father Morissette Boulevard
From Pawtucket Street to Cabot Street
Hall Street
From Aiken Street to Cabot Street
Tsongas Center event parking areas:
Name of Street
Cabot Street
From Northern Canal to Perkins Street
Father Morissette Boulevard
From Cabot Street to Tremont Place
Suffolk Street
From Northern Canal to Perkins Street
Lowell Memorial Auditorium event parking areas:
Name of Street
Bartlett Street
From Fayette Street to High Street
Brown Street
Entire length
Davidson Street
From the easterly side thereof to Howe Street
East Merrimack Street
From the east side of Concord River to Fayette Street
East Merrimack Street
From the east side of Concord River to High Street
Fayette Street
From East Merrimack Street to Stackpole Street
Fayette Street
Beginning at the northerly curbline of East Merrimack Street and running a distance of 103 feet northerly of East Merrimack Street
Kearney Square
From the east side of Eastern Canal to the west side of Concord River