The governing body shall make or cause to have made an analysis of the duties and responsibilities of full-time positions in the Borough and shall assign each position to an appropriate class in accordance with the approved position-classification plan.
Each employee shall be assigned or allocated to an appropriate job classification on the basis of the kind and level of his duties and responsibilities, to the end that all positions in the same classification shall be sufficiently alike to permit the use of a single descriptive title, the same test of competence and the same salary range, thus carrying out the basic principle of classification, which is equal pay for equal work. A job classification may contain one position or a number of positions. The governing body shall from time to time review the job classifications.
The classification plan may be amended from time to time by the governing body. Such changes may result from the need of creating new positions, changes in organization or change in assigned duties and responsibilities.
The Councilman in charge of the respective committee or department shall review all requests for creation of new positions, the abolition or consolidation of present positions, reclassification of positions to different job classes or the reallocation of positions to new salary ranges. In such review, he shall study the current duties and responsibilities of the position concerned and recommend to the governing body appropriate action necessary to ensure the correct classification and allocation of the position.
Each department head shall report to the Chairman of his committee changes in his organization or assignment of duties and responsibilities to a given employee which result in changes in the position-classification plan or in the classification of any of the positions in his department.
An employee may submit a request in writing to the Councilman in charge of the respective committee or department at any time for a review of the duties and responsibilities of his position. Such a request shall be submitted through his department head and shall include the employee's own description of his current duties and responsibilities. The Councilman in charge of the respective committee or department shall then make an investigation of the position to determine its correct allocation. He shall report his findings in writing to the governing body and shall furnish a copy to the employee requesting the review and to his department head.
A position may be abolished or the number of personnel reduced by the governing body for reasons of economy or for reasons of a reorganization within a department or departments. In the Police Department such events shall be governed by the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40A:14-143. Every effort shall be made to reassign any affected permanent employees to another position in the Borough service for which the employee may be qualified, prior to taking applications for the vacancy. If an employee is demoted because of economy or departmental reorganization, he shall be placed in a new salary grade in the same step he held in his prior position before demotion.