[Adopted 9-18-2006 by Ord. No. 2006-30[1]]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also repealed former Art. III, Police Department, adopted 9-15-1969 over veto by Ord. No. 1969-16 (Ch. 47, Art. IV, of the 1977 Code), amended in its entirety 7-21-2003 by Ord. No. 2003-24.
There is hereby recreated in and for the Borough of South River a Police Department which shall consist of one Chief of Police, one Deputy Chief of Police, no more than three Lieutenants, no more than six Sergeants, and no more than 24 regular police officers to carry out the functions of the Police Department for the protection and promotion of the general health, safety and welfare of the residents of the Borough of South River.
The Police Department of the Borough of South River shall have as its major functions and duties, which shall be the obligation of all sworn police personnel of the Police Department of the Borough of South River, the following:
The preservation of peace.
The protection of life and property.
The arrest of violators of the law and recovery of property.
The prevention and detection of crime.
The enforcement of all laws of the United States of America, the State of New Jersey, the County of Middlesex and all ordinances of the Borough of South River.
Aid and service to the public.
Regulation of traffic and parking.
Youth guidance.
The Public Safety Committee shall be designated as the appropriate authority as provided in the New Jersey statutes. The appropriate authority shall be responsible for the overall performance of the Police Department. The appropriate authority shall adopt and promulgate rules and regulations for the governing of the Police Department and for the discipline of its members.
All necessary orders and directives for the management and regulation of the Police Department shall be given through the chain of command. The chain of command shall be as follows:
The Chief of Police;
The Deputy Chief of Police;
The Lieutenant(s);
The Sergeant(s);
The regular police officers.
The head of the Police Department shall be the Chief of Police, who shall be appointed pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:14-118 et seq. from the Lieutenant(s) and Deputy Chief of the South River Police Department by nomination of the Mayor, with the advice and consent of the Borough Council.
In accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:14-118, as adopted June 22, 1981, and amended from time to time thereafter, known as the "Chief's Responsibility Act," the Chief of Police shall be head of the police force, and he shall be directly responsible to the appropriate authority for the efficient and routine day-to-day operations thereof. He shall, pursuant to the policies established by the appropriate authority:
Administer and enforce rules and regulations and special emergency directives for the disposition and discipline of the Police Department and its members and officers.
Have exercise and discharge the functions, powers and duties of the Police Department.
Prescribe the duties and assignments of all members and officers.
Delegate such of his/her authority as he/she may deem necessary for the efficient operation of the Police Department to be exercised under his/her direction and control.
Report at least monthly to the appropriate authority in such form as shall be prescribed by the appropriate authority on the operation of the Police Department during the preceding month, and make such other reports as may be requested by the appropriate authority.
In the event that the Chief of Police is unable to perform his/her duties due to vacation, ill health, leave of absence, suspension or any other reason, and the Deputy Chief of Police is unable to assume his/her duties, the Chief of Police shall designate an officer who shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the Chief of Police in his/her absence.
Editor's Note: Former § 72-19, Deputy Chief of Police, as amended, was repealed 12-27-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-24.
[Amended 12-18-2006 by Ord. No. 2006-35]
There shall be within the Police Department of the Borough of South River a maximum of three Lieutenants to properly maintain the efficiency of the Police Department. The Lieutenant(s) shall supervise all personnel as assigned by the Chief of Police and shall promote, enforce and abide by the rules and regulations of the Police Department of the Borough of South River. In the event that a Lieutenant is unable to perform his duties due to vacation, ill health, leave of absence, suspension or any other reason, the Chief of Police may designate a Sergeant who shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the Lieutenant in his/her absence.
There shall be within the Police Department of the Borough of South River a maximum of six Sergeants to properly maintain the efficiency of the Police Department. Each Sergeant shall supervise all personnel as assigned by the Chief of Police and shall promote, enforce and abide by the rules and regulations of the Police Department of the Borough of South River. A Sergeant shall be scheduled to work on each working shift within the Borough of South River. In the event that a Sergeant is unable to perform his duties due to vacation, ill health, leave of absence, suspension or any other reason, the Chief of Police may designate an officer who shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the Sergeant in his/her absence.
Regular police officers shall be divided into the following categories:
Regular full-time officers, regardless of rank:
All appointments as regular police officers shall be on a full-time basis only, and no part-time police officers shall be appointed.
All regular officers of the Police Department, including the Deputy Chief of Police, Lieutenants, Sergeants, patrol officers and detectives, shall serve as full-time police officers at such hours and in such manner as directed by the Chief of Police.
Each full-time member shall devote his time and attention to the services of the Department, with certain hours being allocated for the performance of regular hours of duty. Full-time officers are considered to be at all times available for duty and must act promptly at any time that their services are required, except when on authorized leave or if a disability occurs.
There shall be established a Detective Bureau:
This bureau shall be responsible for the follow-up investigation of all crimes, including those that are juvenile in nature.
The Detective Bureau shall consist of officers assigned by the Chief of Police to carry out their prescribed functions.
The Detective Bureau shall be staffed by as many detectives as deemed necessary by the Chief of Police.
Qualifications. Specific entrance qualifications for persons to be appointed as regular members of the Police Department shall be as follows:
United States citizenship.
A resident of the State of New Jersey pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:14-122.8.
Age of not less than 21 years or more than 35 years. However, age restrictions shall not conflict with current state or federal law pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:14-127.
A minimum of a high school diploma or a GED equivalent shall be required at the time of appointment.
[Amended 1-27-2014 by Ord. No. 2014-3]
The applicant must pass a physical agility test which determines that the applicant has adequate height, weight, strength and endurance for the performance of essential job functions.
Vision and hearing adequate to perform essential job functions.
If an applicant has a criminal conviction, other than a disqualifying conviction pursuant to N.J.S.A. 2C:51-2, the Detective Bureau of the South River Police Department shall investigate such record and consider such factors as may be required by law to determine whether the applicant is qualified.
The applicant must possess a valid motor vehicle license that is in good standing and issued by this state.
The applicant must be able to pass a psychological and/or psychiatric evaluation prior to appointment as a regular police officer.
The applicant must be able to pass a comprehensive medical examination prior to appointment as a regular police officer.
Application process. All applicants for appointment as regular members of the South River Police Department must submit a completed application for appointment to the Chief of Police. Said application shall be on a form promulgated by the Chief of Police.
Examination process. Each applicant for appointment to the Police Department shall undergo the following application process, in the following order:
Written examination.
A written examination for appointment as a regular police officer will be conducted by the New Jersey State Chiefs of Police Association Examinations Committee, which is hereby established as the South River Police Department's choice to conduct written examinations for appointment, which are job-related and nondiscriminatory.
The New Jersey State Chiefs of Police Association will be responsible for scoring the written test. The written test is scored on a one through 100 scale.
Passing score equals 70.
Candidates must receive a passing score to continue their eligibility for the examination process.
Physical agility examination.
The physical agility test shall be conducted by members of the South River Police Department as designated by the Chief of Police.
All candidates for appointment who have qualified to participate in the physical agility examination by obtaining a passing score of 70% or higher on the written examination shall be required to obtain a certification from a physician, licensed in the State of New Jersey, stating that the applicant is physically fit and shall be able to engage in strenuous exercise.
All exercises performed during the physical agility test shall be job-related for the position of police officer.
The South River Police Department’s physical agility test shall be comprised of five events: push ups, sit ups, fifty-yard dash, pull ups (flex arm hang – females) and a one-and-a-half-mile run.
[Amended 9-28-2015 by Ord. No. 2015-23]
Passing score equals 70.
Candidates must receive a passing score to continue their eligibility for the examination process.
Scoring. Those individuals who have successfully passed both the written and physical agility examinations shall have their scores from both examinations combined and then averaged to produce an overall score for this portion of the appointment process. Candidates shall be ranked, with the person achieving the highest overall score ranked number one. The list of eligible candidates for consideration for appointment will begin with the officer who finished number one in the process.
Background examination. Pass/Fail.
All background investigations for appointment to the position of regular patrol officer shall be conducted by the Detective Bureau of the South River Police Department.
[Amended 12-18-2006 by Ord. No. 2006-35]
The names of the top 10 candidates for appointment as established under Subsection D shall be submitted to the Detective Bureau for background investigation.
As part of the background investigation process, each applicant shall have his or her fingerprints taken and forwarded to the New Jersey State Police and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Considered during the background investigation will include, but not be limited to:
Applicant's criminal record.
Applicant's driving history.
Applicant's prior law enforcement experience.
Applicant's prior work history.
Applicant's current and prior credit history.
Applicant's truthfulness in completing the application.
Candidates must receive a passing result during their background investigation in order to continue their eligibility for the examination process.
If any of the top 10 candidates for appointment fails his/her respective background investigation, the name of the next candidate on the list of eligible candidates shall be submitted to the Detective Bureau for background investigation.
This process shall continue until the Detective Bureau has established a list of 10 candidates for appointment who have passed their background investigation and are now eligible to continue to the oral examination phase of the appointment process.
Oral examination. Pass/Fail.
Oral examination shall be conducted by an interview board consisting of the Chief of Police, Deputy Chief of Police and one additional superior officer holding the rank of Sergeant or higher within the South River Police Department to be designated by the Chief of Police.
No more than 10 candidates for appointment will be eligible to participate in the oral examination phase of the appointment process based on their overall scores pursuant to Subsection D and who have successfully passed their background investigation.
The oral examination shall consist of a review of the applicant's initial application, background investigation, and a series of situational questions to test the candidate's overall qualifications.
Candidates must receive a passing score to continue their eligibility for the examination process.
Medical examination. Pass/Fail. Candidates must receive a passing result to continue their eligibility for the examination process.
Psychological and/or psychiatric examination. Pass/Fail. Candidates must receive a passing result to continue their eligibility for the examination process.
Mandatory substance abuse test. Pass/Fail. Candidates must receive a passing result to continue their eligibility for the examination process.
Training course required. A training course shall be required as follows:
No person shall be given or shall accept a permanent appointment as a regular police officer unless such person has successfully completed a police training course at a school approved and authorized by the Police Training Commission in the State Department of Law and Public Safety pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 52:17B-66 et seq.
This subsection shall not prohibit the giving or accepting of a probationary or temporary appointment as a police officer for a period not to exceed six months to enable a person seeking a permanent appointment to complete a police training course as prescribed by the Police Training Commission.
Every person holding a probationary or temporary appointment as a police officer in the Borough of South River shall enroll in a police training course as prescribed by the Police Training Commission, and such appointee shall be entitled to a leave of absence with pay during the period of the police training course.[1]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection J(4), regarding specific training course requirements, which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 1-27-2014 by Ord. No. 2014-3.
A list of eligible candidates for appointment will be created based on the candidate's oral interview, with consideration given to the candidate's performance in the written examination, physical agility examination and background investigation.
The Chief of Police is not bound to make recommendations based solely on the numerical rankings of the candidates who have successfully completed the process.
All recommendations for appointment as regular police officers shall originate with the Chief of Police as head of the Police Department.
All candidates recommended for appointment by the Chief of Police must successfully pass a medical examination, psychological and/or psychiatric examination and substance abuse test prior to appointment as regular police officers with the South River Police Department.
The Mayor and Council shall not appoint a candidate to the position of regular police officer who has not been recommended for appointment by the Chief of Police.
Probationary period.
All appointments to the position of regular police officer shall be probationary from the date of hire and shall continue for one year from the date of certification by the Police Training Commission. However, if the applicant holds a valid certification at the time of appointment, the probationary period shall be for one year from the date of appointment by the Mayor and Borough Council.[2]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection L(2), regarding the extension of the probationary period, which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 1-27-2014 by Ord. No. 2014-3.
Oath of allegiance. Any member appointed or hired shall, as a requisite to becoming a member of the Police Department and before entering upon his duties as such, take and subscribe to the oath of allegiance, as set forth in N.J.S.A. 41:1-1, and shall further swear or affirm to abide by, uphold and enforce the ordinances of the Borough, including the provisions of this article, and to further swear or affirm to faithfully, impartially and justly perform all the duties of his position or office to the best of his ability. Such oath or affirmation shall be filed with the Borough Clerk.
[Added 2-14-2011 by Ord. No. 2011-2]
Notwithstanding any eligibility hiring list process, the governing body may make appointments to fill vacancies in accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 52:17B-69.1 and N.J.S.A. 52:17B-69.2 for individuals who have completed a police training course certified by the New Jersey Police Training Commission, who have been individually recommended by the Chief of Police and who have been discharged from police service for no longer than one year due to budgetary constraints of a prior employer.
The purpose of this subsection is to permit the hiring of individuals who have served as sworn officers in other jurisdictions and who have been certified by the New Jersey Police Training Commission.
The following screening process will be utilized for appointment of such eligible police officers.
Such candidates shall participate in the oral interview with the Chief of Police, a background investigation, a medical examination, and a psychological examination.
Any candidate failing any phase of the hiring process as outlined above will cease to be a candidate for the position of Police Officer in the South River Police Department.
[Added 1-27-2014 by Ord. No. 2014-3]
Notwithstanding any eligibility hiring list which may be in existence, the governing body may make appointments to fill vacancies in the Police Department in accordance with N.J.S.A. 52:17B-69.1 et seq. by hiring individuals via the alternate route, who have been individually recommended by the Chief of Police. Individuals appointed pursuant to this section must have completed, prior to appointment, a police training course certified by the New Jersey Police Training Commission and must have passed and received PT certification from the respective Police Academy.
The purpose of this section is to permit the hiring of individuals who have attended and graduated from a Police Academy and have been certified by the New Jersey Police Training Commission.
The following screening process will be utilized for appointment of such eligible alternative route police officers:
Alternative route candidates shall:
Participate and pass an oral interview with the Chief of Police and two superior officers holding the rank of Sergeant or above in the South River Police Department to be designated by the Chief of Police; and
Undergo and pass a background investigation conducted by the Detective Bureau of the South River Police Department in accordance with § 72-23E.
Following successful completion of the oral interview and background investigation, and upon recommendation for appointment by the Chief of Police, the governing body may make a conditional offer of employment to a candidate subject to:
Successful completion of a medical examination confirming that the candidate can perform the essential functions of the position of police officer, with or without accommodation;
Successful completion of a substance abuse test; and
Successful completion of a psychological examination confirming that the candidate is fit for duty as a police officer.
The governing body may, prior to a conditional offer of employment, interview any candidate recommended for appointment by the Chief of Police.
Any candidate failing any phase of Subsection C(2) above will have his or her conditional offer of employment with the Borough of South River withdrawn.
Upon successful completion of all phases of the hiring process as outlined above, the appointment to the position of regular police officer pursuant to this section shall be probationary for a period of one year from the date of appointment. Upon expiration of the probationary period, the appointment shall become permanent unless, at any time prior thereto, the Chief of Police shall terminate the probationary appointment.
[Amended 12-18-2006 by Ord. No. 2006-35; 6-22-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-13]
Promotion eligibility.
A member of this Police Department must serve at least five years with this Police Department before becoming eligible for promotion to the rank of Sergeant.
Supervisory personnel with a rank greater than patrol officer (Sergeants, Lieutenants, and Deputy Chief) shall not be eligible for additional promotion until they have completed at least one year of service in that grade.
Candidates for promotion must have completed their necessary year(s) of service as set forth in this section prior to the start of the promotional testing procedures.
When the length of service standards of this section provide two or fewer candidates for a promotional examination, the Chief of Police may open the examination to members of the Police Department in the next lower rank who meet the criteria set forth in this section.
Candidates who have completed their necessary year(s) of service with this Police Department as set forth in this section and who are desirous of competing in the promotional testing shall indicate in writing their intent to take part in the process and submit same to the Chief of Police.
In accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:14-129, due consideration shall be given to the length and merit of service and preference shall be given according to seniority of service within this Police Department during promotional testing procedures.
A candidate for promotion must successfully pass all sections of the promotional testing procedures prior to being eligible for promotion.
The Chief of Police may designate a patrol officer to act in the capacity of a sergeant or designate a sergeant to act in the capacity of lieutenant or designate a lieutenant to act in the capacity of Deputy Chief until such time as there is an officer who has met the length of service in rank as set forth in Subsection A(1) and (2).
All promotions in the Police Department shall be made on the basis of general qualifications, service record and examination to determine police knowledge, skills, abilities and methods.
The Chief of Police recognizes, maintains and asserts the right to recommend for promotion within the top three ranked individuals after completion of the entire testing process, based on previous evaluations, job performance, leadership qualities, disciplinary history and attendance record. The list of eligible candidates for promotion will be adjusted after each selection by the Chief of Police to maintain a ranking of first through last based on the overall scores of the remaining candidates for promotion.
The Chief of Police is not bound to make recommendations based solely on the numerical rankings of the officers who have successfully completed the process.
The Mayor and Council shall not promote any officer who has not been recommended for promotion by the Chief of Police.
The list of eligible officers for consideration for promotion will begin with the officer who finished number one in the process.
A list of these candidates who successfully pass all phases of the promotional process shall be maintained for a period of three years from the date of the completion of the written test.
If a position in the Police Department becomes vacant within three years from the date of completion of the written test, the Chief of Police shall make his recommendation from those remaining and available officers.
Promotional criteria.
The promotional criteria for the ranks of Sergeant and Lieutenant shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
Eligibility for promotion.
Educational background.
Written examination.
Oral examination as referenced in Subsection C(2)(a) through (f).
Psychological and/or psychiatric examination certifying the candidate's fitness for the duty.
Each candidate for promotion shall be required to meet all the eligibility requirements and successfully pass the written examination, oral interview and psychological and/or psychiatric examination prior to being placed within the promotion list or actually being promoted.
Review and appeal by employees of adverse decisions for eligibility, review of written exams and any facets of promotional procedure will follow the grievance adjustment procedure as outlined in the agreement between the Borough of South River and the current collective bargaining agreement.
Each candidate shall be permitted a review of the testing key, provided it is authorized by the testing agency.
Examination for promotion for the Lieutenant and Sergeant.
Written examination (50% of total weighted score).
A written examination for the ranks of Lieutenant and Sergeant will be conducted by the New Jersey State Chiefs of Police Association Examinations Committee, which is hereby established as the South River Police Department's choice to conduct written examinations for promotion, which are job-related and nondiscriminatory.
The New Jersey State Chiefs of Police Association will be responsible for scoring the written test.
The maximum obtainable score for the written examination conducted by the New Jersey State Chiefs of Police Association shall be 100%.
The New Jersey State Chiefs of Police Association will provide study guides and a book list of sources for study purposes.
Each candidate will be allowed a minimum of eight weeks from the date of the promotional announcement to the date when the written test is given.
All eligible candidates for the ranks of Lieutenant and Sergeant, who achieve a score of 70% or higher on the written examination conducted by the New Jersey State Chiefs of Police Association, will be eligible to advance in the selection process as detailed below.
Candidates who receive written test scores of 70% or above and who want to proceed in the selection process shall submit, in memorandum form, a memorandum detailing their respective experiences with the South River Police Department. This memorandum should reflect the assignments held by each individual within the Department, a description of any program or programs that the individual participated in or initiated. Additionally, such things as productivity, attendance, experience, education, training and departmental awards should be mentioned in this writing. This memorandum shall be submitted to the Chief of Police at least four weeks prior to the date of the oral interview. These memoranda will be reviewed for accuracy by the Chief of Police or designee and will be forwarded to the oral interview panel for its review and use during the oral interviews.
Candidates for the rank of Lieutenant and Sergeant who achieve a score of 70% or above on the written examination and advise the Chief of Police that they wish to proceed in the promotional process will be further evaluated in the following three areas: oral interview, seniority, and education. Each of these areas and their respective ranking and weights are defined as follows.
Oral examination (50% of total weighted score).
The oral examination for the rank of Sergeant and Lieutenant will be administered by the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police (NJSACOP) Examination Committee. The oral examination will be conducted by a panel of three Police Chiefs who are members of the Examination Committee. Each oral examination is about 45 minutes to one hour in length.
The scheduling of these oral examinations will be announced when the actual number of individuals to be interviewed is determined after the written examination.
The posting of the dates and times of the oral examinations shall contain a list of publications related to the issues of supervision, organization, and command that each candidate can utilize in preparing for his/her oral interview.
Each candidate for promotion shall appear in his/her departmental Class A uniform for his/her scheduled oral examination.
Subject matter for these oral examinations will include, but will not be limited to:
Arrest search and seizure
Organization and command
Supreme Court decisions (New Jersey and United States)
Laws of evidence
Criminal law
New Jersey Attorney General guidelines and directives
School memorandum of understanding
Court procedures
Motor vehicle laws
Megan's Law
Candidates for the rank of Lieutenant and Sergeant must achieve a score of 70% or above during their oral examination to be considered eligible for promotion and continue in the promotional process.
Seniority and educational background. Additional points will be added to the candidate's overall score, independent of the possible top score of 100 in the written examination and oral interview as referenced in Subsection C(1) and (2), based on the candidate's seniority and educational background utilizing the following criteria:
Seniority for the rank of Sergeant is defined as time with the South River Police Department at the rank of patrolman. Candidates with equal time at the rank of patrolman will receive equal rankings.
Seniority for the rank of Lieutenant is defined as time with the South River Police Department at the rank of Sergeant. Candidates with equal time at the rank of Sergeant will receive equal rankings.
Seniority for the rank of Deputy Chief is defined as time with the South River Police Department at the rank of Lieutenant. Candidates with equal time at the rank of Lieutenant will receive equal rankings.
Seniority points will be given for fully completed years of service on the South River Police Department as of the announced closing date for eligibility to take the written test as follows:
Completed Years of Service
Seniority Points
Candidates for promotion who have 31 or more years of completed service will receive 0.25 seniority point for each additional fully completed year of service.
Candidates shall be ranked against competing candidates based upon the level of education attained. Candidates will receive the following ranking for their respective levels of education:
High school diplomas or GED equivalent: one (1).
Associate's degree(s) or in excess of 63 college credits accumulated towards a bachelor's degree: two (2).
Bachelor's degree: three (3).
Master's degree(s): four (4).
PhD or J.D. degree(s): five (5).
The ranking for any category shall not exceed the number in parenthesis at the end of each category. By way of example, if a candidate has two associate's degrees, his ranking will be two and not four.
For degrees or college credits accumulated towards a bachelor's degree, said degree or college credits must be received from a college whose accreditation meets the standards set for college accreditation by the State of New Jersey.
Candidates who intend to assert their level of education attained as part of this promotional process shall be required to have a certified copy of their high school diploma or GED equivalent and their college transcript(s) forwarded to the Chief of Police from their respective high school, college, or university no later than the date of their oral interview. The early submission of this information will allow for the resolution of any conflicts prior to the selection process and will avoid any delay in the final tabulation of overall scores.
Those individuals who have successfully passed both the written examination and oral interview shall have their scores from both examinations combined. Additional points for seniority and educational background will then be added to establish each candidate's combined score to produce an overall score for the promotional process. Candidates shall be ranked, with the person achieving the highest overall score ranked number one. The list of eligible officers for consideration for promotion will begin with the officer who finished number one in the process.
The Chief of Police shall certify the composite score of each candidate and shall post the same in a conspicuous place in police headquarters, indicating the order of finish of the candidates; such list shall be posted within 30 days after the completion of all tests and interviews.
Any candidate, upon written request to the Chief of Police within five working days of the posting of such results, shall be entitled to a review of his/her test scores and ranking with the Chief of Police or his/her designee.
For each promotion, the Chief of Police shall consider the first three names of candidates standing highest on the list of eligible candidates. The Chief of Police shall select one of the three eligible candidates. In the event that the candidates have the same score, preference shall be given to Borough of South River residents, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:14-122.6.
The list of eligible candidates for promotion will be adjusted after each selection by the Chief of Police to maintain a ranking of first through last based on the overall scores of the remaining eligible candidates for promotion.
Procedure for promotion to the rank of Deputy Chief.
Eligibility requirements. All candidates for promotion to the rank of Deputy Chief must meet the following eligibility requirements:
A member of this Police Department must serve at least five years with this Police Department before becoming eligible for promotion to the rank of Deputy Chief.
Supervisory personnel with a rank greater than patrol officer (Sergeants and Lieutenants) shall not be eligible for additional promotion until they have completed at least one year of service in that grade.
Candidates for promotion must have completed their necessary year(s) of service prior to the time they provide written notification to the Chief of Police of their intention to compete for the vacant position of Deputy Chief.
When the length of service standards established in this section provide two or fewer candidates for the promotional selection process to the rank of Deputy Chief, the Chief of Police may open the selection process to members of the Police Department in the next lower rank who meet the criteria set forth in this section.
Promotional selection process.
Personnel eligible for promotion to the rank of Deputy Chief who wish to participate in the promotional selection process shall provide written notification to the Chief of Police of their intention to compete for the vacant position. This notice of intent shall be completed on a South River Police Department official report form, and shall be submitted to the Chief of Police no later than four weeks from the date of the promotional procedure announcement.
All eligible candidates for promotion to the rank the rank of Deputy Chief shall also be required to submit, in memorandum form, a memorandum detailing their respective experiences with the South River Police Department. This memorandum should reflect the assignments held by each individual within the Department, a description of any program or programs that the individual participated in or initiated. Additionally, such things as productivity, attendance, experience, education, training and departmental awards should be mentioned in this writing. This memorandum shall be submitted to the Chief of Police no later than four weeks from the date of the promotional procedure announcement.
Candidates will be evaluated by the Chief of Police. The Chief of Police shall consider the length of service and the merit and fitness of all eligible candidates for possible promotion to the rank of Deputy Chief as required and in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:14-118 et seq. The Chief of Police shall then select the eligible candidate of his choice to be promoted to the rank of Deputy Chief.
Promotion notifications.
Whenever any promotional examination is to be conducted, the Chief of Police shall notify the eligible members of this Police Department of the vacancy, and the promotional examinations, criteria, evaluations and procedures to be employed in filling the vacancy.
This notification shall be contained in a written announcement that shall either be posted in a prominent location within the Police Department available to all personnel, and/or shall be issued to each eligible candidate personally.
This written notification shall be issued at least eight weeks prior to the date of the written examination.
This written notification will include but not be limited to job title opening, date, time and location of the exams, eligibility requirements and the process to be used. These notices will include the numerical weight(s) assigned to each part of the promotional procedure.
Personnel eligible for promotion who wish to participate in the promotional process shall provide written notification to the Chief of Police of their intention to compete for the vacant position. This notice of intent shall be completed on a South River Police Department official report form, and shall include the officer's hiring date as a police officer with South River Borough and the level of education that he/she intends to assert during this selection process and should be submitted to the Chief of Police no later than four weeks prior to the date of the examination. The early submission of this information will allow the Chief of Police or designee to verify the information contained in the individual's personnel file. The early submission of this information will allow for the resolution of any conflicts prior to the start of the selection process and will avoid any delay in the final tabulation of overall scores.
Upon completion of promotional testing procedures, all eligible candidates for promotion shall be notified in writing of their score and of their ranking within those eligible for promotion to the vacant position.
Preference to residents. In accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:14-122.6, when a resident and a nonresident of South River Borough have achieved the same final score in the promotional testing procedures, the resident of South River Borough shall be ranked above the nonresident.
If a tie still exists because two or more candidates are residents, the officers' written test scores will be used as a tiebreaker.
If a tie still exists after utilizing the officers' written test score, the officer's oral interview scores will be used as a tiebreaker.
If a tie still exists after utilizing the officer's written test and oral interview scores, the officers' date of hire in the Police Department will be used as a tiebreaker.
Psychological and/or psychiatric examination. All candidates for promotion must pass a psychological and/or psychiatric examination certifying the candidate's fitness for duty prior to being recommended for promotion by the Chief of Police.
Promotional appointments.
The Chief of Police recognizes, maintains and asserts the right to recommend for promotion to the Mayor and Council within one of the top three ranked individuals for each vacancy after completion of the entire testing process, based on previous evaluations, job performance, leadership qualities, disciplinary history and attendance record. The list of eligible candidates for promotion will be adjusted after each selection by the Chief of Police to maintain a ranking of first through last based on the overall scores of the remaining candidates for promotion.
The Chief of Police shall only recommend for promotion from the list of candidates who have successfully completed and passed all aspects of the promotional testing procedures.
The Chief of Police is not bound to make recommendations based solely on the numerical rankings of the officers who have successfully completed the process.
All recommendations for promotion will originate from the Chief of Police, who shall forward the names of the recommended candidate(s) to the Mayor and Borough Council for appointment.
[Amended 12-18-2006 by Ord. No. 2006-35]
In accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:14-147, no member of this Police Department shall be demoted or reduced in rank, except for just cause, and without a proper complaint being filed and heard by the proper authority. Any such action asserted by the Borough Council, or any agent or representative thereof, shall be subject to the grievance procedure as set forth by the collective bargaining agreement.
Such demotion or reduction in rank procedures shall apply to all probationary promotions, as well as permanent grades or positions.
No member or officer of the Police Department shall be suspended, removed, fined, or reduced in rank for any cause other than for incapacity, misconduct or disobedience as provided in the New Jersey Statutes and the Police Department rules and regulations.
There shall be within the Police Department the position of Administrative Assistant of the Police Department, to be located in the Department of Police Records. Said position shall be a full-time nonsworn position.
Appointment. The Administrative Assistant of the Police Department to be located in the Police Records Department shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the advice and consent of the Borough Council, for an indefinite term and shall not be removed except as required by law.
Salary. The Administrative Assistant of the Police Department to be located in the Police Records Department shall receive as compensation for his/her services an annual salary as set forth in the Borough of South River annual salary ordinance.
Qualifications. The Administrative Assistant of the Police Department to be located in the Police Records Department must possess a high school diploma and have knowledge of office procedures, typing and computers and demonstrate skill in correspondence and written and oral communications.
Responsibilities and job duties. The individual will be responsible for various clerical work of moderate complexity involving the processing and keeping of various police records. Said position shall also require the employee to perform any and all clerical functions as directed within the scope of the operations of the South River Police Department, all at the direction of the Chief of Police.
Oath of confidentiality. The individual shall be required to sign a confidentiality agreement as promulgated by the Chief of Police.
[Added 7-14-2014 by Ord. No. 2014-19]
There shall be within the Police Department the position of Executive Assistant to the Chief of Police, to be located within the Office of the Chief of Police. Said position shall be a full-time, nonsworn position, nonunion position.
Appointment. The Executive Assistant to the Chief of Police shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the advice and consent of the Borough Council, for an indefinite term and shall not be removed except as required by law.
Salary. The Executive Assistant of the Chief of the Police Department shall receive as compensation for his/her services an annual salary as set forth in the Borough of South River annual salary ordinance.
Qualifications. The Executive Assistant of the Chief of Police must possess a high school diploma and have knowledge of office procedures, typing and computers and demonstrate skill in correspondence and written and oral communications.
Responsibilities and job duties. The individual will be responsible for the following:
Coordinating and performing a variety of confidential and complex secretarial functions for the Chief of Police and staff.
Providing executive-level administrative support to the Chief of Police.
Responding to phone, mail, e-mail and in-person inquires and requests from citizens and staff.
Scheduling appointments, meetings and conferences and making travel and training arrangements.
Preparing written correspondence, written reports and other documentation.
Gathering data and information and performing research and analysis as assigned.
Maintaining supplies and preparing requisitions, purchase orders and other agreements.
Preparing the Department's payroll.
Maintaining vacation, personnel and compensatory time-off records for the Police Department.
Updating and maintaining departmental records and files.
Answering, screening, and directing incoming calls.
Attending meetings, recording proceedings, and preparing summaries or minutes.
Assisting with administrative duties for community policing events.
Tracking and maintaining a record of all residential/commercial alarms.
Performing other related duties as directed by the Chief of Police.
Oath of confidentiality. The individual shall be required to sign a confidentiality agreement as promulgated by the Chief of Police.
[Amended 5-29-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-19; 5-11-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-11]
Establishment. The position of Special Law Enforcement Officer is hereby established.
Placement. Special Law Enforcement Officers shall be assigned within the Administration Bureau.
Definitions. As used in this section, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any person appointed pursuant to this article to temporarily or intermittently perform duties similar to those performed regularly by members of the Police Department or to provide assistance to the Police Department during unusual or emergency circumstances or at individual times during intermittent peak periods.
Any person appointed pursuant to this article to exercise full powers and duties similar to those of a permanent, regularly appointed full-time police officer. The use of a firearm by an officer of this class may be authorized only after the officer has been fully certified as successfully completing training as prescribed by the Police Training Commission.
Any person appointed pursuant to this article to exercise full powers and duties similar to those of a permanent, regularly appointed full-time police officer while providing security at a public or nonpublic school on the school premises during hours when the public or nonpublic school is normally in session or when it is occupied by public or nonpublic school students or its teachers.
Any sudden, unexpected or unforeseeable event requiring the immediate use or deployment of law enforcement personnel as shall be determined by the Chief of Police or, in the absence of the Chief, other chief law enforcement officers to whom the authority of designating an emergency has been prescribed by local ordinances.
Class One Special Law Enforcement Officers.
Application, appointment and qualifications for employment.
A person may apply for the position of Class One Special Law Enforcement Officer by submitting a written application for appointment or reappointment to the Chief of Police. Said application shall be on a form prescribed by the Chief of Police.
No person shall be appointed as a Class One Special Law Enforcement Officer unless that person meets the qualifications of N.J.S.A. 40A:14-146.10 et seq.
If appointed, such appointment shall be for a period of one year, beginning January 1 and terminating December 31 of the same year, or such part of any year beginning upon date of appointment and terminating on December 31 of the same year.
After appointment, no Class One Special Law Enforcement Officer may commence his duties as a Class One Special Law Enforcement Officer unless he has successfully completed a training course established by the municipality and approved by the New Jersey Police Training Commission.
A maximum of 20 Special Law Enforcement Officers may be appointed in any one calendar year.
The number of Class One Special Law Enforcement Officers shall consist of a maximum of two Class One Special Law Enforcement Officer Sergeants and 18 Class One Special Law Enforcement Officers.
The Chief of Police shall be responsible for designating up to two Class One Special Law Enforcement Officers who will hold the position of Sergeant during their period of appointment.
Residency. All Borough of South River Class One Special Law Enforcement Officers shall be residents of the State of New Jersey.
Duties and limitations of authority.
Class One Special Law Enforcement Officers shall be authorized to perform routine traffic details, court security details, spectator control at any and all public events and other such similar duties. Class One Special Law Enforcement Officers shall have the power to issue summonses for disorderly persons offenses, petty disorderly offenses, violations of municipal ordinances, and violations of Title 39 of the Revised Statutes of the State of New Jersey and have arrest powers as allowed by Title 39 of the Revised Statutes of the State of New Jersey.
All Class One Special Law Enforcement Officers shall be under the supervision and direction of the Chief of Police or his direct designee and shall perform all of their duties only in the Borough of South River unless they are in fresh pursuit of any person who has committed an offense in the Borough of South River.
A Class One Special Law Enforcement Officer shall be deemed to be on duty while performing the public safety function on behalf of the Borough of South River and when receiving compensation, in any way, from the Borough of South River at a rate hereinafter established.
The Class One Special Law Enforcement Sergeants will be responsible for the scheduling of Class One Special Law Enforcement Officers to any given assignment at the direction of the Chief of Police or his direct designee.
All Special Law Enforcement Officers appointed by the Borough of South River shall not commence their duties until they have obtained a uniform authorized by the Borough of South River, which uniform shall include state insignia issued by the New Jersey Police Training Commission. The cost of said uniform shall be paid by the individual Special Law Enforcement Officer after his or her appointment.
Each Class One Special Law Enforcement Officer shall be compensated, as a clothing allowance, at the rate of $250 per year, conditioned on each individual law enforcement officer working as a Class One Special Law Enforcement Officer for a minimum of 100 hours during his or her period of appointment. The compensation shall be paid only upon the above condition having been met.
The Class One Special Law Enforcement uniform shall prominently display a patch that clearly indicates the status as a Class One Special Law Enforcement Officer.
Employment status. All Class One Special Law Enforcement Officers shall be considered part-time employees of the Borough of South River. No vacation or sick leave shall be accrued during the period of employment as a Class One Special Law Enforcement Officer, nor shall the Class One Special Law Enforcement Officer be entitled to receive other benefits which are accrued to full-time employees of the Borough of South River, except those required to be provided by state law, including but not limited to workers' compensation insurance and liability insurance.
Carrying of weapons. No Class One Special Law Enforcement Officer shall carry any firearms or other similar weapon when off duty. Class One Special Law Enforcement Officers shall not be allowed to carry weapons or self-defense equipment while on duty except as expressly authorized by the Chief of Police and the Revised Statutes of the State of New Jersey.
Fingerprinting and background investigations.
Every applicant for the position of Class One Special Law Enforcement Officer shall have his or her fingerprints taken, which fingerprints shall be filed with the Division of State Police and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Every applicant for the position of Class One Special Law Enforcement Officer must successfully pass a background investigation conducted by the South River Police Department.
Supervision; applicable regulations.
Each appointed Class One Special Law Enforcement Officer shall be under the direct supervision of the Chief of Police and shall abide by the rules and regulations applicable to the conduct and decorum of the regular police officers of the municipality and such other rules and regulations as the Chief of Police may from time to time promulgate with regard to training, duties, and use limitations of authority.
While on duty, all Class One Special Law Enforcement Officers will be under the direct supervision of the patrol shift supervisor or the senior police officer assigned to any given event or assignment.
All Class One Special Law Enforcement Officers shall perform their duties in accordance with the policies, procedures, rules, and regulations that govern the South River Police Department.
All Class One Special Law Enforcement Officers who fail to comply with the policies, procedures, rules, and regulations of the South River Police Department shall be subject to the progressive discipline process.
Class One Special Law Enforcement Officers will be entitled to receive salary compensation at the following rates while working their respective regular hours of employment with the Borough of South River:
During academy and through the first year: minimum wage.
Second year through the third year of service: minimum wage plus $2 per hour.
Fourth year through the fifth year of service: minimum wage plus $4 per hour.
Six or more years of service: minimum wage plus $6 per hour.
Class One Sergeants: minimum wage plus $8 per hour.
Outside/quasi-duty employment: $32 per hour.
All Class One Special Law Enforcement Officers shall be paid for all hours actually worked or the sum of two hours, whichever is greater.
All Class One Special Law Enforcement Officers shall be paid for a minimum of four hours for all outside/quasi-duty assignments.
All Class One Special Law Enforcement Officers shall be limited to a maximum of 20 hours of special law enforcement work in any one week. This will not include outside/quasi-duty assignments where the Class One Special Law Enforcement Officer's salary is being paid to the Borough of South River by a third party.
Class One Special Law Enforcement Officers who are assigned to work at any South River public school event will be compensated at a rate of pay determined through agreement with the South River Police Department and the South River Board of Education.
Class One Special Law Enforcement Officers may not be compensated from private sources unless authorized by the Chief of Police or his or her designee.
Class Two Special Law Enforcement Officers.
Application, appointment and qualifications for employment.
A person may apply for the position of Class Two Special Law Enforcement Officer by submitting a written application for appointment or reappointment to the Chief of Police. Said application shall be on a form prescribed by the Chief of Police.
No person shall be appointed as a Class Two Special Law Enforcement Officer unless that person meets the qualifications of N.J.S.A. 40A:14-146.10 et seq.
If appointed, such appointment shall be for a period of one year, beginning January 1 and terminating December 31 of the same year, or such part of any year beginning upon date of appointment and terminating on December 31 of the same year.
After appointment, no Class Two Special Law Enforcement Officer may commence his or her duties as a Class Two Special Law Enforcement Officer unless he or she has successfully completed a training course established by the municipality and approved by the New Jersey Police Training Commission.
The aggregate number of Class Two Special Law Enforcement Officers shall not exceed 25% of the number of full-time police officers employed by the Borough.
Residency. All Borough of South River Class Two Special Law Enforcement Officers shall be residents of the State of New Jersey.
Duties and limitations of authority.
Class Two Special Law Enforcement Officers shall be authorized to exercise full powers and duties similar to those of a permanent, regularly appointed full-time police officer.
All Class Two Special Law Enforcement Officers appointed by the Borough of South River shall not commence their duties until they have obtained a uniform authorized by the Borough of South River, which uniform shall include the state insignia issued by the New Jersey Police Training Commission.
The Class Two Special Law Enforcement Officer's uniform shall prominently display a patch that clearly indicates his or her status as a Class Two Special Law Enforcement Officer.
Employment status. All Class Two Special Law Enforcement Officers shall be considered part-time employees of the Borough of South River. No vacation shall be accrued during the period of employment as a Class Two Special Law Enforcement Officer, nor shall the Class Two Special Law Enforcement Officer be entitled to receive other benefits which are accrued to full-time employees of the Borough of South River, except those required to be provided by state law, including but not limited to workers' compensation insurance and liability insurance.
Carrying of weapons and use of authorized equipment.
Class Two Special Law Enforcement Officers are authorized to carry a South River Police Department-issued handgun and must qualify and demonstrate proficiency with the handgun and any other authorized firearms with the same frequency as a regular police officer.
Class Two Special Law Enforcement Officers are authorized to carry batons, OC spray, handcuffs and other restraining devices consistent with the Police Department's policies, procedures and rules and regulations and only after demonstrating proficiency in the use of these devices with the same frequency as a regular police officer.
Class Two Special Law Enforcement Officers are only permitted to carry and use Department-issued and approved firearms, ammunition, holsters and accessories.
Class Two Special Law Enforcement Officers are not permitted to carry or take home the Department-issued firearm while off duty.
Fingerprinting and background investigations.
All applicants for the position of Class Two Special Law Enforcement Officer must successfully pass a background investigation conducted by the South River Police Department.
As part of the background investigation, each applicant shall have his or her fingerprints taken and forwarded to the New Jersey State Police and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Supervision; applicable regulations.
Each appointed Class Two Special Law Enforcement Officer shall be under the supervision of the Chief of Police and shall abide by the rules and regulations applicable to the conduct and decorum of the regular police officers.
While on duty, all Class Two Special Law Enforcement Officers will be under the direct supervision of the patrol shift supervisor or the senior police officer assigned to any given event or assignment.
All Class Two Special Law Enforcement Officers shall perform their duties in accordance with the policies, procedures, rules and regulations that govern the South River Police Department.
Class Two Special Law Enforcement Officers will be entitled to receive salary compensation at a rate set by the Borough of South River and the Chief of Police while working their respective regular hours of employment with the Borough of South River.
All Class Two Special Law Enforcement Officers shall be paid for all hours worked or the sum of two hours, whichever is greater.
Class Three Special Law Enforcement Officers.
Application, appointment and qualifications for employment.
A person may apply for the position of Class Three Special Law Enforcement Officer by submitting a written application for appointment or reappointment to the Chief of Police. Said application shall be on a form prescribed by the Chief of Police.
No person shall be appointed as a Class Three Special Law Enforcement Officer unless that person meets the qualifications of N.J.S.A. 40A:14-146.10 et seq.
If appointed, such appointment shall be for a period of one year, beginning January 1 and terminating December 31 of the same year, or such part of any year beginning upon date of appointment and terminating on December 31 of the same year.
After appointment, no Class Three Special Law Enforcement Officer may commence his or her duties unless he or she has successfully completed a training course established by the municipality and approved by the New Jersey Police Training Commission.
Residency. All Borough of South River Class Three Special Law Enforcement Officers shall be residents of the State of New Jersey.
All Class Three Special Law Enforcement Officers must complete a training course for safe schools resource officers developed pursuant to N.J.S.A. 52:17B-71.8.
All Class Three Special Law Enforcement Officers must be retired law enforcement officers who are less than 65 years of age. Note: A law enforcement officer shall not be considered retired if the officer's return to employment violates any federal or state law or regulation which would deem the officer's retirement as not being bona fide.
All Class Three Special Law Enforcement Officers must have served as a duly qualified, fully trained, full-time officer in any municipality or county of this state or as a member of the New Jersey State Police and have separated from that prior service in good standing, within three years of appointment. Note: Until December 1, 2017, the separation period from prior service can be within five years of appointment. "Good standing" means to exclude a retirement resulting from injury or incapacity.
All Class Three Special Law Enforcement Officers must be physically capable of performing the functions of the position, determined in accordance with PTC guidelines.
All Class Three Special Law Enforcement Officers must possess a valid New Jersey PTC Basic Police Officer certification or New Jersey State Police Academy certification.
All Class Three Special Law Enforcement Officers must be hired only in a part-time capacity.
Duties and limitations of Class Three Special Law Enforcement Officers.
Class Three Special Law Enforcement Officers and personnel are employees of the South River Police Department and are subordinate to the Chief of Police and his or her designees. Class Three Special Law Enforcement Officers are not school employees and not subject to the school's chain of command.
Class Three Special Law Enforcement Officers should not refuse any reasonable request by a school official if the duty is consistent with this article and the Police Department's policies, procedures and rules and regulations.
Class Three Special Law Enforcement Officers shall contact the shift supervisor for guidance if a request appears to be in conflict with this article and/or the Police Department's policies, procedures and rules and regulations.
Class Three Special Law Enforcement Officers are responsible for security in their assigned school and shall work in cooperation with the school security supervisor/administrator.
Class Three Special Law Enforcement Officers shall provide security at school activities and functions, including, but not limited to:
School opening;
Student assembly;
Recess (where applicable);
School dismissal.
Class Three Special Law Enforcement Officers may be reassigned to different schools and to different hours depending on the school, its specific security needs, and the school's specific extracurricular activity schedule.
Class Three Special Law Enforcement Officers are also responsible for conducting security assessments and vulnerability studies as directed by the Chief of Police or his or her designee.
While on duty, Class Three Special Law Enforcement Officers can respond to offense or emergencies off school grounds if they occur in the officer's presence while traveling to a school facility, but an officer shall not otherwise be dispatched or dedicated to any assignment off of school property.
All Class Three Special Law Enforcement Officers appointed by the Borough of South River shall not commence their duties until they have obtained a uniform authorized by the Borough of South River, which uniform shall include the state insignia issued by the New Jersey Police Training Commission.
The Class Three Special Law Enforcement Officer's uniform shall prominently display a patch that clearly indicates his or her status as a Class Three Special Law Enforcement Officer.
Employment status. All Class Three Special Law Enforcement Officers shall be considered part-time employees of the Borough of South River. No vacation or sick leave shall be accrued during the period of employment as a Class Three Special Law Enforcement Officer, nor shall the Class Three Special Law Enforcement Officer be entitled to receive other benefits which are accrued to full-time employees of the Borough of South River, except those required to be provided by state law, including but not limited to workers' compensation insurance and liability insurance.
Carrying of weapons and use of authorized equipment.
Class Three Special Law Enforcement Officers are authorized to carry a South River Police Department-issued handgun and must qualify and demonstrate proficiency with the handgun and any other authorized firearms with the same frequency as a regular police officer, but must first comply with the requirements of N.J.S.A. 2C:39-6, authorizing a retired law enforcement officer to carry a handgun.
Class Three Special Law Enforcement Officers are authorized to carry batons, OC spray, handcuffs and other restraining devices consistent with the Police Department's policies, procedures and rules and regulations and only after demonstrating proficiency in the use of these devices with the same frequency as a regular police officer.
Class Three Special Law Enforcement Officers are only permitted to carry and use Department-issued and approved firearms, ammunition, holsters and accessories.
Class Three Special Law Enforcement Officers are not permitted to carry or take home the Department-issued firearm while off duty, but said officer can possess and carry his or her own off-duty firearm if authorized as a retired law enforcement officer under N.J.S.A. 2C:39-6.
Fingerprinting and background investigations.
All applicants for the position of Class Three Special Law Enforcement Officer must successfully pass a background investigation conducted by the South River Police Department.
As part of the background investigation, each applicant shall have his or her fingerprints taken and forwarded to the New Jersey State Police and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Supervision; applicable regulations.
Each appointed Class Three Special Law Enforcement Officer shall be under the supervision of the Chief of Police and shall abide by the rules and regulations applicable to the conduct and decorum of the regular police officers.
While on duty, all Class Three Special Law Enforcement Officers will be under the direct supervision of the patrol shift supervisor or the senior police officer assigned to any given event or assignment.
All Class Three Special Law Enforcement Officers shall perform their duties in accordance with the policies, procedures, rules and regulations that govern the South River Police Department.
All Class Three Special Law Enforcement Officers who fail to comply with the policies, procedures, rules and regulations of the South River Police Department shall be subject to the progressive discipline process.
Class Three Special Law Enforcement Officers will be entitled to receive salary compensation at a rate set by the Borough of South River and the Chief of Police while working their respective regular hours of employment with the Borough of South River.
All Class Three Special Law Enforcement Officers shall be paid for all hours actually worked or the sum of two hours, whichever is greater.
[Amended 2-27-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-08]
Establishment. There is hereby established by the Borough of South River the position of Police Dispatcher and Police Dispatcher Supervisor in the Police Department for the Borough of South River. The position of Police Dispatcher and Police Dispatcher Supervisor is a nonsworn position under the direction of the Chief of Police or his/her designee that is responsible for, but not limited to, receiving and dispatching emergency and nonemergency police, fire and EMS calls for service by telephone, radio, and/or computer, and providing information to the public. The position of Police Dispatcher may be either full-time or part-time depending upon the needs of the department.
Police Dispatcher qualifications:
United States citizenship.
Age of not less than 18 years. However, age restrictions shall not conflict with current state or federal law.
A minimum of a high school diploma or a GED equivalent.
Vision and hearing adequate to perform essential job functions.
If an applicant has a criminal conviction, other than a disqualifying conviction pursuant to N.J.S.A. 2C:51-2, the Police Department shall investigate such record and consider such factors as may be required by law to determine whether the applicant is qualified.
The applicant must possess a valid motor vehicle license that is in good standing and issued by this state.
The applicant must be able to pass a comprehensive medical examination prior to appointment as a police dispatcher.
Application. All applicants for appointment to the position of police dispatcher with the South River Police Department must submit a completed application for appointment to the Chief of Police. Said application shall be on a form promulgated by the Chief of Police.
Fingerprinting and background examination. Each applicant for appointment to the position of police dispatcher with the South River Police Department shall undergo a background investigation. The items to be considered during the background investigation will include, but not be limited to:
Applicant's criminal record.
Applicant's driving history.
Applicant's prior law enforcement experience.
Applicant's prior work history.
Applicant's current and prior credit history.
Applicant's truthfulness in completing the application.
As part of the background investigation process, each applicant shall have his or her fingerprints taken and forwarded to the New Jersey State Police and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Duties and responsibilities. Duties and responsibilities of the police dispatcher include, but are not limited to, the following tasks and assignments:
Police Dispatchers shall receive and relay messages to police patrol vehicles or other concerned personnel in the Borough of South River.
Police Dispatchers shall operate any wireless equipment of the Borough of South River located in the municipal building to communicate with mobile wireless radio units of the Borough of South River and such other governmental agencies as may be necessary; shall perform responsible and clerical work of a varied nature requiring knowledge of the related function in the Police Department; and shall perform typing as required.
Maintains a complete working knowledge of the function and operation of the telephone, radio, computer-aided-dispatch systems.
The Mayor and Council, with the recommendation of the Chief of Police, can appoint part-time dispatchers for a period of one year, beginning January 1 and terminating December 31 of the same year, or such part of any year beginning upon date of appointment and terminating on December 31 of the same year.
The annual salary for the position of part-time Police Dispatcher shall be determined from time to time by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of South River and shall be paid in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Salary Ordinance of the Borough of South River.[1]
Editor's Note: The Salary Ordinance is on file in the office of the Borough Clerk.
All Police Dispatchers shall be required to sign a confidentiality agreement as promulgated by the Chief of Police.
Police Dispatcher Supervisor qualifications: Successful candidates for the position of Police Dispatcher Supervisor must possess the minimum following qualifications:
At least 10 years experience as a full-time police dispatcher with the South River Police Department.
Completion of training and achieved certification by the Office of Emergency Telecommunications Services (OETS) in the Department of Law and Public Safety as required by N.J.A.C. 17:24-2.2.
Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with department personnel and the public.
Willingness to maintain departmental social media outlets during off-hours and as needed.
Possess a current Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Certification issued by the State of New Jersey - Office of Emergency Medical Services (OEMS).
Duties and responsibilities. In addition to the duties and responsibilities of a police dispatcher outlined in § 72-28E, the Police Dispatch Supervisor will also be accountable for the following duties and responsibilities:
Shall direct the day-to-day operations of the Communications Division.
Shall provide direct line supervision of all Police Communication Operators.
Shall ensure that dispatch and communications involving all emergency services are performed in a professional, competent, and effective manner.
Ensure policies and procedures are followed and adhered to in the operations of the Communications Center.
Shall establish, upgrade, and maintain Communications Policies and Procedures.
Shall seek to identify and correct any observed or reported problems or deficiencies in the communications function or the personnel.
Shall handle the work scheduling as well as the maintenance of time off and attendance. The Communication Supervisor shall provide for adequate coverage on all shifts and minimize overtime.
Shall maintain a viable list of trained part-time communication personnel for employment.
Complete yearly evaluations as well as routinely evaluate the communication personnel.
Schedule, maintain, and document training of communications personnel.
Serve as the Terminal Agency Coordinator for the NCIC and SCIC system for the South River Police Department. The Communication Supervisor will be responsible for the validation, audits, and maintenance of the NCIC/NJLETS records.
Shall be responsible for performing routine maintenance of computer hardware and software and ensure all necessary radio, computer, phone and communications equipment are operable and in good working condition. The Communication Supervisor shall order any repairs needed on any equipment to the responsible vendors.
Responsible for the Mobile Command Center operation, maintenance, and upgrades.
Ensure that all radio licenses are valid and current.
Ensure that all Communications Division maintenance contracts are current and up to date.
Shall be responsible to ensure that all necessary communication, whether verbal or written, that are received in the Communications Division, be forwarded to the proper authorities and through the appropriate chain of command.
Shall seek, develop, and promote harmony and a positive work environment between communication personnel and all emergency service personnel.
Shall perform any duties and responsibilities assigned to him by the appropriate chain of command authority.
Administrative oversight of eAgent, NCIC 2000, 911 inform, NJ Courts, Rapid SOS, departmental website, and social media accounts.
Conduct initial training of dispatch personnel, conduct ongoing dispatch training as required by statue or departmental policy, as well as holding biannual CJIS security awareness training.
Assisting with and conducting audits as required by statue, FBI and/or New Jersey State Mandate(s).
Copy G (Ch. 80)
There is hereby established by the Borough of South River the position of Domestic Violence Crisis Team member in the Police Department of the Borough of South River. There shall be as many members as deemed necessary by the Chief of Police.
Duties. The duties of the Domestic Violence Crisis Team member shall be as follows:
Respond to the scene of a domestic violence situation as follows:
After the assigned police officers have stabilized the violence and the offender has been removed from the scene.
If the offender cannot be removed from the scene, the victim may be transported to police headquarters to meet with a Crisis Team member.
A Crisis Team member may be contacted in the following domestic violence circumstances:
Whenever an arrest is made regardless of the offense or degree, including the violation of a restraining order.
Visible violence to person or property.
Threat of violence to person or property.
If the abuser is under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs.
Situations including the welfare of minor children.
Custody disputes (court-controlled visitations, only if the parties involved are unable to come to satisfactory terms).
A Crisis Team member should not be contacted in the following circumstances:
Minor verbal abuse cases (name-calling).
Nonviolent domestic disputes resolved by the parties at the scene.
Neighborhood disputes.
Domestic Violence Crisis Team members shall be dispatched as set forth in the rules, regulations and procedures by the South River Police Department.
Said Domestic Violence Crisis Team members shall be appointed for a term of one year from the date of appointment and shall serve without compensation.
Domestic Violence Crisis Team members shall have all the rights, duties, responsibilities and protections as granted to Domestic Violence Crisis Team members by N.J.S.A. 2C:25-17 et seq.
There is created a position entitled "Domestic Violence Crisis Team Coordinator," said position to be appointed by the Mayor with advice and consent of the Borough Council.
The duties and responsibilities of Domestic Violence Crisis Team Coordinator shall be to manage and coordinate all actions of members of the Domestic Violence Crisis Team.
The position of Domestic Violence Crisis Team Coordinator shall be a part-time position, and the annual salary for the position shall be determined from time to time by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of South River and shall be paid in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Salary Ordinance of the Borough of South River.
There is hereby established in the Borough of South River the position of school crossing guard. The school crossing guards shall be nonsworn personnel under the direction and supervision of the Chief of Police. The Chief of Police shall be responsible for determining the locations where school crossing guards shall be utilized within the Borough of South River.
Age of not less than 18 years. However, age restrictions shall not conflict with current state or federal law.
A minimum of a high school diploma or a GED equivalent.
Must be a citizen and resident of this state.
Must be sound in body and of good health with vision and hearing adequate to perform essential job functions.
The applicant must possess a valid motor vehicle license that is in good standing and issued by this state.
Must be of good moral character, and have not been convicted of any criminal offense involving moral turpitude.
Application. All applicants for appointment to the position of school crossing guard with the South River Police Department shall be required to submit a completed application in a form required by the office of the Borough Administrator of the Borough of South River. This application shall include, but not be limited to, the following information:
The applicant's name, address and telephone number.
The applicant's social security number.
The applicant's New Jersey driver's license number and date of expiration.
The applicant's employment history, listing both past and present employers.
The applicant's educational record.
A minimum of three personal references.
An authorization for the release of information signed by the applicant.
Fingerprinting and background examination. Each applicant for appointment to the position of school crossing guard with the South River Police Department shall undergo a background investigation. The items to be considered during the background investigation will include, but not be limited to:
Applicant's criminal record.
Applicant's driving history.
Applicant's prior employment history.
As part of the background investigation process, each applicant shall have his or her fingerprints taken and forwarded to the New Jersey State Police and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Full-time school crossing guards shall be appointed by the Mayor and Council, with the recommendation of the Chief of Police, for a term not exceeding one year beginning January 1 and terminating December 31 of the same year, or such part of any year beginning upon date of appointment and terminating on December 31 of the same year.
The Mayor and Council, with the recommendation of the Chief of Police, can also appoint part-time school crossing guards for a period of one year, beginning January 1 and terminating December 31 of the same year, or such part of any year beginning upon date of appointment and terminating on December 31 of the same year.
The annual salary for the position of school crossing guard shall be determined from time to time by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of South River and shall be paid in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Salary Ordinance of the Borough of South River.
To be appointed to the position of school crossing guard, an individual must meet the requirements established pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:9-154.1.
All appointed school crossing guards shall receive training in accordance with the requirements established pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:9-154.2.
Intermunicipal police assistance will be provided if and when the Borough of South River has an emergency within its boundaries requiring additional police assistance to protect life and property or to assist in suppressing a riot or disorder and whenever another municipality, which has enacted a similar reciprocal ordinance, may experience a similar emergency requiring additional police assistance.
Authorization to request assistance. The Chief of Police of the Borough of South River or the highest ranking officer on duty at the time is hereby authorized to request assistance from the Director of Public Safety or highest ranking officer on duty of the Police Departments of other municipalities for intermunicipal police assistance during and/or after an emergency situation.
Requests for assistance from other municipalities. The Chief of Police of the Borough of South River or the highest ranking officer on duty at the time shall provide assistance to another municipality or municipalities making a valid request to supply such personnel and equipment to the extent possible without endangering persons or property within the Borough of South River.
Powers and authority. Members of the South River Police Department supplying emergency assistance to another municipality shall have the same powers and authority as the members of the Police Department of the municipality in which said assistance is being rendered. Additionally, said member shall also have, while so acting, said rights and immunities as he/she may otherwise enjoy in the performance of his/her normal duties within the Borough of South River.
Costs of assistance. The Borough of South River shall, upon providing assistance to another municipality which has enacted a similar intermunicipal assistance ordinance, assume the cost and expense of providing said personnel and equipment to the requesting municipality excepting such incidences when the requesting municipality receives state or federal aid as reimbursement or if private concerns are involved and the requesting municipality receives reimbursement. Therefore, in this event, the cost incurred by the Borough shall be submitted to the municipality which requested assistance for reimbursement.
Designation of senior ranking officer. As such times as an emergency may occur and intermunicipal police aid is requested, the Director of Public Safety or highest ranking officer of the municipality wherein said emergency situation exists shall be the senior ranking officer of all members of any Police Department rendering assistance within the boundaries of said municipality.
Injuries or death in performance of duties; benefits to accrue as normal. In the event that any member of a police force summoned pursuant to an agreement to render assistance suffers injuries or death in the performance of his or her duties, said individual or individual's designee or legal representative shall be entitled to such salary, pension, rights, worker's compensation or other benefits as would have accrued if such injury or death had occurred in the performance of his or her normal duties.
[Added 5-11-2009 by Ord. No. 2009-12]
Purpose. For the convenience of those persons and entities which utilize the services of off-duty law enforcement officers of the Borough of South River Police Department, and to authorize the outside employment of Borough police while off-duty, the Borough of South River has established a policy regarding the use of said officers in compliance with Attorney General Formal Opinion 1997- No. 23.
Members of the South River Police Department shall be permitted to accept police-related employment from private employers or school districts only during off-duty hours and at such time as will not interfere with the efficient performance of regularly scheduled or emergency duty of the Borough.
Any person or entity wishing to employ off-duty police shall first obtain the approval of the Chief of Police or his or her designee, which approval shall be granted if, in the opinion of the Chief or his or her designee, such employment would not be inconsistent with the efficient functioning and good reputation of the Police Department and would not unreasonably endanger or threaten the safety of the officer or officers who are to perform the work.
Escrow account.
To assure the timely payment of wages to police officers who perform off-duty services and to meet the requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act, the Borough of South River hereby establishes a trust fund to be known as the "Off-Duty Employment Escrow Account," which trust fund shall be dedicated for the receipt of fees collected from private persons or entities for the payment of wages to police officers for off-duty or outside employment services.
Any person or entity requesting the services of an off-duty officer in the South River Police Department shall execute an agreement to be provided by the Police Department setting forth the terms and conditions of such employment and shall also estimate the number of hours for which law enforcement services are required, which estimate shall be approved in writing by the Chief of Police or his or her designee, and shall establish an escrow account with the Chief Financial Officer of the Borough of South River by depositing an amount sufficient to cover the rates of compensation and administrative fees set forth in Subsection D of this section for the total estimated hours of service.
In an instance where the number of hours required is unknown and cannot be reasonably estimated or is anticipated to be in excess of 10 days, the person or entity requesting the services of an off-duty law enforcement officer shall deposit an amount sufficient to cover the rate of compensation and administrative fees set forth in Subsection D for the equivalent of 10 days prior to the commencement of any work. Any unused portion of the deposit shall be returned or credited against the final amount owed.
Prior to posting any request for services of off-duty law enforcement officers, the Chief of Police or his or her designee shall verify that the balance in the escrow account of the person or entity requesting services is sufficient to cover the compensation and fees for the number of hours specified in the request for services. The Chief of Police or his or her designee shall not post a request for services from any person or entity unless all fees and compensation required in the manner described above have been deposited with the Chief Financial Officer. All payments must be remitted directly to the Borough of South River. No officer shall provide any such services for more hours than are specified in the request for services.
In the event that funds in such an escrow account should become depleted, service of off-duty law enforcement officers shall cease, and requests for further or future services shall not be performed or posted until additional funds have been deposited in the escrow account in the manner prescribed above. In the event of an unforeseen emergency situation that would require an officer to remain beyond the time for which funds have been posted, the Chief of Police or his or her designee may waive the requirements for posting additional funds after the first 10 hours for any person or entity exhibiting a previous satisfactory payment history. However, payment for additional hours shall be made by the person or entity requiring the extended service within 48 hours.
The person or entity requesting such services shall be responsible for ensuring that sufficient funds remain in the escrow account in order to avoid any interruption of services.
Failure to pay. In the event the person or entity contracting for such services should fail to pay any balance due for services performed by the members of the South River Police Department, such failure shall be forwarded to the Borough Attorney for appropriate legal action to collect said funds.
Exemption. All public utility companies that are under the jurisdiction of and regulated by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities are exempt from the provisions set forth in this section requiring advance payment to the escrow account; provided, however, that there are no amounts previously due that are outstanding prior to any officer engaging in any further off-duty assignments.
Requests for services.
All requests to the Borough for the services of off-duty law enforcement officers in the South River Police Department for any period shall be forwarded to the Chief of Police or his or her designee for posting at least 48 hours before such services are required. Any law enforcement officers, when so employed by the Borough, shall be compensated at the rates established in Chapter 155-3.2 and treated as an employee of the Borough provided, however, the wages earned for outside employment shall not be applied toward pension benefits of law enforcement officers so employed.
In emergency situations, request to the Borough for the services of off-duty law enforcement officers in the South River Police Department shall be made as necessary to the Chief of Police or his or her designee, who shall make every effort to accommodate such request in a reasonable manner in his or her discretion. Any law enforcement officers, when so employed by the Borough, shall be compensated at the following hourly rate and treated as an employee of the Borough; provided, however, the wages earned for outside employment shall not be applied toward pension benefits of law enforcement officers so employed.
Rates of compensation; administrative fee; payment for services. Rates of compensation and fees for contracting the services of off-duty law enforcement officers are established in Chapter 155, § 155-3.2.
Cancellation. In the event that the person or entity requesting the services of off-duty law enforcement officers fails to contact the South River Police Department at least two hours prior to the scheduled start time to cancel the job, or the officer works less than four hours and the job is completed, the Borough is entitled to be paid for a minimum of four hours at the established rate of compensation.
Public emergency. The Chief of Police or his or her designee shall have the authority to order any police officer engaged in off-duty assignments within the Borough to respond to an emergency situation within the Borough of South River. The Chief of Police or his designee shall also have the right to order an off-duty assignment to be terminated whenever said assignment creates an unacceptable risk to the health, safety and welfare of the off-duty officer and/or the citizens of the Borough of South River. In the event that a police officer is assigned to an emergency situation, the Police Chief or his designee shall make note of said off-duty assignment. In any situation where an off-duty police officer is called to an emergency situation, any contracting person or entity shall not be responsible for the payment of the officer's hourly rate, administrative fee or any other fees to the Borough of South River until such time as said police officer and/or equipment returns to the assignment with the off-duty employer.