[Added 7-17-1991 by Ord. No. 1991-25]
The position of Deputy Director of Public Works of the Borough of South River is hereby created, and the employment of a person professionally trained and educated and who will qualify by such requirements as set forth herein in order to fill such position is hereby authorized on either a temporary or permanent basis. In the event that the Deputy Director is employed full time, the Deputy Director shall devote full time to the interests of the Borough and shall not hold any other employment. In the event that the Deputy Director is employed part-time, the hours of employment shall be as set forth in the Deputy Director's employment contract.
There shall be a Deputy Director of the Department of Public Works, who shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Borough Council for a term of one year. Said individual may not be removed except in accordance with the statute in such case made and provided or by a majority of vote of the authorized membership of the Council or upon the expiration of his/her one-year term of appointment. In the event that the Mayor fails to appoint an individual to said position within 30 days of the vacancy of the position of Deputy Director of Public Works, said appointment may be by nomination of a Borough Council member and with the advice and consent of the Council.
The Deputy Director of the Department of Public Works shall assist the Director of the Department of Public Works with the duties of the Director's office. The Deputy Director shall act in the capacity of the Director in the Director's absence or if the position is vacant and in such capacity, except as modified herein.
The Deputy Director of the Department of Public Works shall be responsible for supervising the following municipal services:
Streets and roads.
Sewer and water.
Water treatment plant.
Street cleaning.
The Deputy Director of the Department of Public Works shall:
Set up and maintain adequate inventory and control thereof of all materials and supplies needed for the maintenance and repair of all public works under his/her supervision.
Submit to the chairman of the appropriate Council committee a monthly report of all work performed and services furnished, as well as inspections made during the previous month.
Submit to the appropriate Council committee his/her recommendations for budget appropriations for the ensuing year.
Recommend for approval the expenditure of all funds by voucher chargeable against the public works budget.
Be responsible for the inspections to be performed of all sewer lines, waterlines and electric facilities in the Borough, either individually or in conjunction with other designated officials, employees and/or consultants as may be necessary.
Receive all complaints from Borough residents and taxpayers relating to the operations under his/her jurisdiction, investigate the same, take appropriate action and report the results to the Chairman of the Public Works Committee.
Attend Council business meetings and, when required, attend Council meetings and meetings of Council committees.
Supervise the operation, maintenance and repair of any Borough-owned equipment used in the performance of the work assigned to him/her.
Set up, keep and maintain all the necessary books, records, filed notes, maps, surveys and similar records necessary to perform the duties of his/her office, and turn over all such records to his/her successor or the Chairman of the Committee upon the termination of his/her employment with the Borough.
Recommend to the appropriate committee chairman the need for any repairs and replacements to the Borough-owned equipment, structures, buildings or grounds.
Supervise the performance of the work of any personnel assigned to his/her jurisdiction.
Take charge of and be responsible for the construction, development, expansion, operation, maintenance and improvement of all streets, roads, curbs, sidewalks, parks, cutting of brush, mowing of grass, removal of snow, electrical distribution system, sanitary sewer system, storm sewer system, water distribution system and the care of other public works in the Borough, including Borough-owned buildings, either individually or in conjunction with other designated officials, employees and/or consultants as may be necessary, subject to the orders and directions of the Council.
Prepare and supervise the work schedules of the various municipal employees under the control and jurisdiction of the Department of Public Works and assign said personnel where the Director deems necessary.
The Deputy Director of the Department of Public Works shall be chosen on the basis of his/her qualifications and ability and shall be required to have at least five years' work experience or education in the field of public works.
The Deputy Director shall receive as compensation for his/her services an annual salary which shall be fixed in accordance with the provisions of the ordinance governing salaries.
The Deputy Director of the Department of Public Works shall report to the Mayor and Council administratively, unless the Borough of South River employs a Director of the Department of Public Works or Business Administrator, in which case the Deputy Director would report to said Director or Business Administrator.
Political activity shall be controlled by Article X of Chapter 68, Personnel Regulations.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).