This Part 1, inclusive of all amendments and supplements that may be hereafter in effect, may be cited as the "Borough of Medford Lakes Zoning Ordinance."
The purpose of this part shall be to establish a pattern for the use of land and buildings based upon the Borough Master Plan and the Pinelands Comprehensive Management Plan and enacted in order to promote and protect the public health, safety, morals, comfort, convenience and the general welfare of the people. This part is intended to regulate the use of land within zoning districts; secure safety from fire and other dangers; provide adequate light and clean air; promote orderly development and redevelopment; prevent the overcrowding of land or buildings; establish standards of development; limit congestion in the streets; prohibit incompatible uses; regulate the alteration of existing buildings; preserve and protect historic features; conserve the taxable value of land; preserve and protect open space, forests and natural features; promote environmental education; and encourage the inclusion of aesthetics, tradition and a balance of pubic services.
This part is further intended to implement the objectives of the Pinelands Protection Act and the Pinelands Comprehensive Management Plan and to conform with the minimum standards contained in said plan. These objectives with respect to the Pinelands are to protect, preserve and enhance the significant values of our resources including natural, ecological, agricultural, archaeological, historic, scenic, air quality, cultural and recreational resources of the Borough of Medford Lakes and the Pinelands.
The provisions of this Part 1 shall be held to be the minimum requirements. Where this part imposes a greater restriction than other provisions of law, the provisions of this part shall control. Where other provisions of law require greater restrictions than this part, the provisions of such other laws shall control.