No later than 15 working days prior to a regularly scheduled Planning Board meeting, the applicant shall submit 10 copies of the preliminary site plan to the Planning Board Secretary, who shall certify the site plan as complete or incomplete within 45 days from the date of filing. The Planning Board Secretary shall transmit the site plans to the Planning Board for review. The Board shall review the plan at a public meeting, at which time the applicant may be called to explain, amplify or discuss the plan. In the event the plan is denied by the Planning Board, a statement of reasons for the decision shall be given to the applicant. The applicant is not required to amend the plan until after the Planning Board has acted at a public meeting.
The Planning Board shall take action on the site plan in such a manner and within the time period as prescribed by the applicable statutes of the State of New Jersey, N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq. and land use procedures of the Borough of Medford Lakes.
If preliminary site plan approval with conditions is granted, an amended site plan conforming to the amendments or conditions required by the approving resolution shall be submitted to the applicant and certified by the Planning Board Engineer prior to the applicant's submittal of final plans.
Review or approval by the Planning Board does not preclude the necessity for submission, review and approval by another reviewing authorities. These authorities may include but not be limited to the NJDEP, New Jersey Pinelands Commission, Burlington County Planning Board and the Burlington County Soil Conservation District.
No later than 15 working days prior to a regularly scheduled Planning Board meeting, the applicant shall submit nine copies of the final site plan to the Planning Board Secretary, who shall certify the site plan as complete or incomplete within 45 days from the date of filing. The Planning Board Engineer or other municipal designee shall prepare a report which shall include a comparison of the final site plan submission to the approved preliminary site plan.
The Planning Board shall either approve, approve with conditions or deny. In the event of disapproval the applicant shall be given a statement of reasons for the rejection of the plan.
After approval the applicant shall submit six copies of a revised plan which conforms to any conditions imposed by the reviewing authority to the Planning Board Secretary. No building permit shall be issued, constructed or commenced until the final site plan has been certified by the Planning Board Engineer. No certification of the plan by the Planning Board Engineer nor signing of same by the Chairman and Secretary of the reviewing authority shall be done until the required improvement shall be bonded for in conformity with those sections of the Municipal Land Use Law and Borough requirements which deal with the performance and maintenance guaranties. If the performance guaranty is not posted within 190 days from the date of approval, the approval shall expire and become null and void and of no effect.
The applicant may request at the time of preliminary filing that the plan be processed through the preliminary and final stages concurrently. If the Planning Board concurs, the application may be processed in one step with preliminary and final approvals being considered simultaneously. If the Planning Board concurs, the application may be processed in one step with preliminary and final approvals being considered simultaneously. The Planning Board may, however, grant only preliminary approval at the time of first review thereby requiring the applicant to make a separate final site plan submission.
An applicant may submit to the Planning Board for approval a site plan accompanied by a request for a variance from the bulk, and/or use requirements of this chapter.