Site plan review shall include but not be limited to the following:
The height, bulk, area, setback distances and uses of all building structures and facilities.
The architectural design, including the appearance of and materials used on the exterior faces, and historic features as appropriate.
Parking and traffic control, including traffic flow, requirements for curbing, driveways, parking areas, pedestrian walks and other requirements to protect the public health, safety and welfare.
Landscaping, buffering and screening as necessary for the proposed use.
Lighting of buildings and grounds to assure the elimination of any adverse effects on adjoining property owners while providing adequate lighting for the proposed use.
Provisions for the disabled.
Preservation of existing trees, shrubs and other vegetation.
Provisions for necessary utilities such as water supply, sewers, gas, electric, telephone, cable and fiber optics.
The stormwater management system for stormwater quality and quantity.
Noise abatement, odor and rodent control, recycling and trash collection facilities and screenings.
Provisions for incoming raw materials and outgoing finished products.
Provisions for soil erosion and sediment control.
Other environmental impacts as appropriate including soils, groundwater and percolation.
Preliminary site plan details. All preliminary site plans shall contain the following information:
Name of project.
Date of the original plan and each subsequent revision date.
North arrow.
Graphic scale.
Total tract acreage to 0.01 of an acre.
Wetlands and wetland transition areas.
Flood hazard areas.
All roads, driveways, watercourses and existing buildings within 200 feet of the tract.
A key map at a scale of one inch equals 2,000 feet showing the location of the site within the community.
The zoning of the site and the lots adjacent to it and the tax plate, block and lot numbers and the owner of record.
A topographic survey of the site with contours at two-foot intervals or closer if the topography of the ground is flat and if the Planning Board directs, and a title survey certified by a licensed land surveyor if the same is required by the Planning Board.
The exact size, shape and location of all existing and proposed buildings, structures, parking areas and open spaces.
All setbacks, lot and right-of-way lines and the dimensions, locations and purpose of all easements.
The location and arrangement of vehicular accessways and the location, size and capacities of all parking areas and curbs, sidewalks, walkways and all other areas devoted to pedestrian use.
Stormwater management system design, including size, type, location and grade of pipes; location of structures and improvements in the system, including but not limited to subsurface infiltration systems, retention/detention basins, swales and vegetation, and design calculations and drainage and improvement areas.
A parking schedule in accordance with the Borough ordinances.
A statement of how the sewer, water and all utilities to service the project will be provided.
The building's architectural elevations, floor plans, and first floor elevation.
Test borings distributed over the site to a depth of 10 feet showing soil types, depth of water and date of boring, if determined necessary by the Planning Board.
If on-site sewerage facilities are proposed, percolation test results from the area proposed for disposal shall be submitted.
Design concerns of topographic conditions.
Other information as required by the Planning Board.
Final site plan details. All final site plans shall contain the following information:
Setback dimensions.
Existing and proposed contours at two-foot contour intervals.
Front, rear and side elevations of the proposed buildings and structures.
The location and arrangement of vehicular accessways and locations, size and capacity of all existing and proposed parking, loading and all paved areas.
Curbs, sidewalks, walkways and all other areas devoted to pedestrian use including accessible improvements.
A complete landscape plan, consistent with the Pinelands Comprehensive Management Plan, including size, type and planting details of all proposed landscaping.
Location of all utilities shall be shown, including water supply, sewers, gas and electric services, lighting, illumination and refuse storage area.
Stormwater management system shall be consistent with the Pinelands Comprehensive Management Plan, and include drainage calculations to substantiate the size and location of the proposed stormwater management system.
A parking schedule consistent with the municipal ordinance.
Construction details, including dimensions and materials of pavement, curbs and walks and details of all special features, including but not limited to inlets, manholes, headwalls, lights, hydrants, valves, traffic control devices, ADA requirements, fencing, play equipment, soil erosion and sediment control, and landscaping installation methods.
Appropriate places for the signatures of the Chairman and Secretary of the Planning Board, the date of final Planning Board action and a place for the signature of the Planning Board Engineer who will certify the plan as to compliance with all conditions imposed by the Planning Board.
Accompanying the final site plan submission shall be copies of all approvals by other regulatory agencies.