The Board shall hold a regular meeting at 8:00 p.m. of the third Monday of each month at the offices of the Town of Cazenovia, located at 7 Albany Street, in the Village of Cazenovia.
Special meetings of the Board shall be held at the call of the Chairman upon written notice to each member mailed at least three days prior to the meeting. The notice shall set forth the date, place and time of the meeting and the special purpose for which it is to be held. No business other than that specified in the notice may be conducted at the meeting unless all the members of the Board are present. The call of special meetings shall be discretionary with the Chairman, except that he must call such a meeting upon the written request of any two members.
Three members at any regular or special meeting of the Board shall constitute a quorum, and no action, except adjournment to a specified date, time and place, shall be taken at such a meeting unless a quorum is present. The affirmative votes of at least three members shall be required to take any action at a regular or special meeting of the Board at which a quorum is present.
The order of business at the regular meetings of the Board shall be as follows:
Roll call.
Public hearings, if any.
Reading and approval of minutes of prior meeting.
Bills, communications and reports.
Unfinished business.
The voting upon all questions before the Board shall be by roll call, and the "aye" or "nay" of each member, or his absence or failure to vote, shall be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.
The Secretary shall keep minutes of the proceedings of the Board in a separate book kept for such purpose.