The Parks, Recreation and Conservation Commission
is hereby created to construct, maintain and operate all public parks
and recreational facilities and to conserve the environment of the
City of Jamestown.
[Amended 10-16-1995; 1-31-2000]
The Commission shall consist of 12 members,
10 of whom shall be appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City
Council to serve for terms of five years or until their successors
are appointed, except that the member of such Commission first appointed
shall be appointed for terms in a manner such that the term of one
Commissioner shall expire annually thereafter. In addition, this Commission
shall consist of two members of the City Council, the Mayor, one member
of the Board of Education of the Jamestown City School District to
be selected by the President of the Board of Education, one member
of the Planning Commission to be selected annually by the Chairman
of the Planning Commission, and other members that may be hereafter
designated by the City Council shall be ex officio members of the
Commission. Vacancies in such Commission occurring otherwise than
by expiation of term shall be as original appointments.
At the first meeting of each year, members of
the Parks, Recreation and Conservation Commission shall select from
their own number a Chairman and Secretary and other necessary officers
to serve for a one-year period. Six members of said Commission shall
constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, but no resolution
involving expenditure of money shall be passed and no appointee or
employee shall be removed except by the concurring vote of six members
of the Parks, Recreation and Conservation Commission. Said Commission
shall hold regular meetings at least once a month and may hold special
meetings at the call of the Chairman or upon the request of any three
members of the Commission.
The Parks, Recreation and Conservation Commission
shall undertake the following functions:
A. To direct, supervise, care for and manage the parks
of the City.
B. To acquire, construct, install and maintain recreational
facilities, equipment and other recreational property of the City.
C. To arrange, provide for, operate and conduct public
recreation programs in the parks and schools of the City and on other
City property where permitted, subject to the regulations of the Board
of Education, where applicable.
D. To care for the shade trees of the City.
E. To establish, by regulation, the schedule of fees
for use of parks and recreational facilities.
F. To grant, on approval of the Council, concessions
to be operated within the parks and other recreational facilities.
G. To advise the City Council on all matters involving
the reclamation, preservation, utilization, development, public access
and management of that portion of the Chadakoin River, riverbanks
and watershed that traverses the City of Jamestown and to further
advise the City Council on all other matters affecting the preservation,
development, management and use of the natural and man-made features
and conditions of the City of Jamestown insofar as beauty, quality,
biologic integrity and other environmental factors are concerned and,
in the case of man's activities and developments, with regard to any
major threats posed to environmental quality, so as to enhance the
long-range value of the Chadakoin River basin and the overall environment
to the people of the City of Jamestown.
[Amended 6-23-1997]
H. To develop and conduct a program of public information
in the community which shall be designed to foster increased understanding
of the nature of environmental problems and issues and support for
the solutions.
I. To maintain liaison and communications with public
and agencies and organizations of local, state and national scope
whose programs and activities have an impact on the quality of the
environment or who can be of assistance to the Commission.
J. To perform such other and further duties as may be
necessary and required for carrying out the purpose of this chapter
or as may be assigned from time to time by the City Council.
[Added 4-5-1976 by L.L. No. 2-1976]
A. The powers vested in the Parks, Recreation and Conservation
Commission shall be exercised through a Director of Parks, Recreation
and Conservation, who shall be appointed by the Mayor and confirmed
by the City Council. In performing his functions, the Director of
Parks, Recreation and Conservation shall have the authority to appoint
and remove such foremen, advisors and employees as may be required
to carry out the purposes of this section and under the express authorization
of the City Council. In addition, the Director of Parks, Recreation
and Conservation, subject to the approval of the City Council, shall
have the power to do all other acts and to give effect to the purposes
set forth in the law.
B. The Director of Parks, Recreation and Conservation
is empowered to designate and employ a Deputy Director of Parks, Recreation
and Conservation. The Deputy Director of Parks, Recreation and Conservation
shall perform such duties as the Director of Parks, Recreation and
Conservation may direct and in the absence of the Director of Parks,
Recreation and Conservation shall have the power and authority to
act as the Director of Parks, Recreation and Conservation.
C. The appointment of the Director of Parks, Recreation
and Conservation and employment of his Deputy shall be for a term
of two years, to run concurrently with the term of the Mayor.
[Amended 6-23-1997; 7-28-2014]
Powers and duties affecting the environment (as set out by §
57-4G through
J) shall be effectuated by the Riverfront Management Council. The Riverfront Management Council shall be under the jurisdiction and control of the Parks, Recreation and Conservation Commission and shall consist of 15 members composed of 14 citizen members and one City Council Member. Five members shall be citizen appointments and shall be residents of the City of Jamestown. Three members, including the Councilmanic member, shall be members of the Parks, Recreation and Conservation Commission. Seven members, who need not be residents of the City of Jamestown as a qualification for appointment, shall be the Chairman of the Chautauqua County Watershed Conservancy or his or her designated representative, the Chairman of the Roger Tory Peterson Institute or his or her designated representative, the Chairman of the Audubon Society or his or her designated representative, one representative of Jamestown High School and three student representatives of Jamestown High School. Members of said Riverfront Management Council shall be appointed by the Mayor to serve for terms of five years or until their successors are appointed. With the exception of the Councilmanic member, none of the members of the Riverfront Management Council shall be deemed to be officers of the City of Jamestown.
The Commission shall recommend to the City Council
the salaries or other compensation to be paid to the several officers
and employees in its jurisdiction. The several amounts to be fixed
as said salary or compensation, however, shall be determined by the
City Council. The members of the Parks, Recreation and Conservation
Commission shall serve without pay.