Application for special use permits shall be made to the Town Board and shall be acted on by the Town Board only after a public hearing in relation thereto. Notice of such public hearing shall be published in the official newspaper of the Town at least five days prior to the date thereof. Prior to such public hearing, the application shall be referred to the Board of Appeals for report and recommendation. In the event that the Board of Appeals shall fail to submit a report within 45 days after said referral, the Town Board shall hold such public hearing at the earliest possible date.
A plan for the proposed development of a site for a permitted special use shall be submitted with an application for a special permit, and such plan shall show the location of all streets, sidewalks, buildings, parking areas, traffic access and circulation drives, open spaces, landscaping, water supply and sewage disposal facilities and other pertinent information that may be necessary to determine if the proposed special use meets the requirements of this chapter.
The Zoning Board of Appeals may recommend and/or the Town Board may set out conditions and requirements which promote and safeguard the public health, safety, morals, comfort, convenience and general welfare and shall otherwise carry out the intent and purpose of § 143-2. Such terms and contingents may be more stringent than or enlarge upon the regulations otherwise applicable to the district in which the special use permit is being sought.
[Added 10-11-1990 by L.L. No. 4-1990]
A special permit shall be deemed to authorize only one particular special use and shall expire if the special use shall cease for more than nine months for any reason.
[Added 10-11-1990 by L.L. No. 4-1990]
For the special and additional services the Town is or may be required to secure for processing, reviewing and acting upon an application for a special use permit, or a planned unit development or a proposed action subject to State Environmental Quality Review Act review,[1] an applicant shall include in the application its agreement to reimburse the Town for the reasonable and necessary costs of any engineering, technical, legal and/or financial fees and services the Town shall be required to expend, together with payment of the cost of publication, notices(s) and fee(s) for issuance of the special use permit or environmental determination. The applicant's undertaking, pursuant to this section, shall be in form and substance acceptable to the Town Board.
Editor's Note: See Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law.
[Added 9-9-1991 by L.L. No. 1-1991]
Any expansion, change or modification of a use or structure for which a special use permit is now required or was previously issued under this chapter shall require an application for a new special use permit in accordance with the requirements of § 143-67 above and the several applicable provisions of this chapter as if an application for a special use permit is being made for the first time.