[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Lake Grove 11-21-1996 by L.L. No. 9-1996. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The definition, form and content of an appearance ticket for the alleged commission of offenses within the Village of Lake Grove shall be the same as New York State Criminal Procedure Law § 150.10.
The following officials, officers, employees and personnel of the Village of Lake Grove shall have the power to issue and serve, within the Village of Lake Grove, appearance tickets in cases arising in connection with the performance of their duties. Such services shall have the same force and effect as if served by a peace officer, without them being peace officers.
Building Inspector.
Fire Marshal.
Code Enforcement Officer.
Public Safety Inspector.
[Added 2-15-2024 by L.L. No. 4-2024]
Ordinance Inspector.
[Added 2-15-2024 by L.L. No. 4-2024]
[Amended 2-15-2024 by L.L. No. 4-2024]
Violations of Chapter 69 (Buildings, Unsafe), Chapter 89 (Fire Prevention), Chapter 92 (Flood Damage Prevention), Chapter 95 (Graffiti), Chapter 98 (Hookah and Vapor Bars), Chapter 100 (Landscapers), Chapter 108 (Marijuana), Chapter 117 (Parks and Recreation Areas), Chapter 125 (Property Maintenance), Chapter 127 (Rental Regulations), Chapter 134 (Sand and Gravel Pits), Chapter 138 (Shopping Centers), Chapter 142 (Signs), Chapter 159 (Subdivision of Land), Chapter 170 (Vehicles, Commercial), Chapter 172 (Vehicles Storage of), and Chapter 175 (Zoning) of the Lake Grove Village Code shall be deemed violations of local zoning ordinances, violations of local zoning laws or building code violations for purposes of service of process pursuant to the NYS Criminal Procedure Law § 150.40, Subdivision 2.
Violations of Chapter 136 (Sanitary Standards) and Chapter 150 (Solid Waste) of the Lake Grove Village Code shall be deemed sanitation code violations for purposes of service of process pursuant to the NYS Criminal Procedure Law § 150.40, Subdivision 2.
Any local law, ordinance or resolution of the Village of Lake Grove in conflict with this chapter is hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict, except that such repeal shall not affect or prevent the prosecution or punishment of any person for any act committed in violation of such local law, ordinance or resolution prior to the effective date of this chapter. In all respects this chapter shall be in addition to other legislation regulating and governing the subject matter covered by this chapter.
[Added 5-17-2007 by L.L. No. 6-2007; 2-15-2024 by L.L. No. 4-2024]
For any act within any section of this Code where there is no specific penalty provision, the penalty shall be up to $2,000 and up to 15 days in jail (See § 1-14, Penalties for offenses, of the Lake Grove Village Code.) for each violation thereof. Each day that the violation exists may be considered a separate violation covered in the original complaint.