Delineation of Historic District. The Historic District shall be as described in writing in this section and delineated on a map designated as the Historic District Map of the Borough of Lansdowne. The Historic District is described as follows: All properties containing any frontage along Lansdowne Avenue, extending from Stewart Avenue at the north to Nyack Avenue at the south, as well as all properties containing any frontage along Baltimore Avenue, extending from Owen Avenue at the west to Maple Avenue at the east. The Historic District Map of the Borough shall be located in the office of the Building Inspector and made available for public inspection.
Work regulated within Historic District. No person shall commence or cause to be commenced any work involving the erection, alteration, restoration, reconstruction, demolition or razing of any building or structure within the Historic District without first applying for and obtaining a certificate of appropriateness from the Borough Council and otherwise complying with the requirements of this chapter.