The Allegheny County Real Estate Website shall include, but not be limited
to, searching capabilities, property record information, and municipal tax
maps as detailed in the subsequent sections of this article. All such information
shall be considered to be public information and shall be available on the
County's Real Estate Website at no cost to the user.
[Amended 11-20-2007 by Ord. No. 48-07]
The Allegheny County Real Estate Website shall have searching capabilities
which shall include, but not be limited to, the ability to search by property
address, block and lot number, street, and municipality.
The Allegheny County Real Estate Website shall include access to property
record information for each property within the County. Each property record
shall contain, at a minimum, eight categories of information: General Information,
Building Information, Tax Information/Pay Taxes, Previous Owners, Image, Comparables,
Appeal Status, and Maps.
A. The General Information category shall include, but not
be limited to, the following information:
(2) Name of municipality in which the property is located.
(4) Previous block lot number.
(5) Name of school district in which the property is located.
(8) Property location (street address).
(13) Indication of whether the property is a qualified homestead
or farmstead.
(19) Lot area, including dimensions such as width, length
and frontage.
(20) Prior year's assessed land value, building value
and total market value.
(21) Prior year's market land value, building value and
total market value.
(22) Current year's assessed land value, building value
and total market value.
(23) Current year's market land value, building value
and total market value.
(24) Tax bill mailing address information.
(25) Change notice mailing address information.
B. The Building Information category shall include, but
not be limited to, the following information regarding the building characteristics:
(2) Name of municipality in which the property is located.
(5) Property location (street address).
(17) Number of full bathrooms.
(18) Number of half bathrooms.
C. The Tax Information/Pay Taxes category shall include,
but not be limited to, the following information:
(2) Name of municipality in which the property is located.
(5) Property location (street address).
(6) Mortgage agent and mailing address.
(7) Current tax information including gross tax, net tax,
taxable market value, and code and line information.
(8) Current and three prior year's tax information,
including amount of tax, penalty, interest, total amount paid, date paid and
a pay indicator.
D. The Previous Owners category shall include, but not be
limited to, the following information:
(2) Name of municipality in which the property is located.
(5) Property location (street address).
(8) List of owners of record, including date sale recorded
and sale price.
E. The Image category shall include, but not be limited
to, the following information:
F. Comparables category.
(1) The Comparables category shall include, but not be limited
to, the following information:
(f) Amount of finished living space.
(g) Assessed value of the land.
(h) Assessed value of the building.
(2) Such information shall be provided for each comparable,
or in the alternative, a statement shall be provided as to why comparables
are not available.
G. The Appeal Status category shall include, but not be
limited to, the following information:
(2) Name of municipality in which the property is located.
(4) Property location (street address).
(5) School district in which the property is located.
(6) Year, appellant name, appealed by, hearing date, and
status for each appeal filed within the current year and three prior years.
H. The Maps category shall include, but not be limited to,
the following information:
(3) Property location (street address).
(15) Map indicating sales and appeals around the property
The Allegheny County Real Estate Website shall include access to a municipality
tax map which shall include, but not be limited to, the following information:
A. Aggregate types of property value for the entire municipality.
B. The current and two prior year's millage rates for
the County, municipality, and school district.
C. The median residential property value for the municipality.
D. The taxes for the current and two prior years for a $100,000
property and the median value property.
This chapter shall take effect on January 1, 2004.