The following definitions shall apply in the
interpretation and enforcement of these regulations:
Allegheny County Health Department Rules & Regulations,
Article XIV, Sewage Disposal.
A piping system to carry sewage wastes from a single building,
which terminates with a connection to a public sewer, common sewer
lateral, or sewage disposal system.
A private sewer that collects the sewage discharge of more
than one building sewer and conveys it to a public sewer. A common
sewer lateral does not include a private sewer conveying wastes from
more than one building under one ownership (i.e., shopping centers,
A proposed method of addressing a sewage problem submitted
by a responsible person in response to an order of the Department.
The Director of the Allegheny County Health Department, or
the Director's authorized representative.
For planning purposes only, to determine the number of lots
in a subdivision, that part of a multiple-family dwelling or commercial
or industrial establishment with flows equal to 400 gallons per day.
Any activity attracting more than 50 persons that is sponsored,
organized, promoted, managed or financed by any person, group of persons,
partnership, organization, corporation, business or government entity
where individuals congregate to participate in or observe an activity
in an outdoor setting or semi-enclosed structure for more than two
consecutive hours.
An agreement between two or more municipalities sharing a
water drainage basin, which provides for cooperation and apportioning
responsibility for conveyance and treatment of sewage in the water
drainage basin.
A part of a subdivision or parcel of land used as a building
site or intended to be used for building purposes, whether immediate
or future, which would not be further subdivided. Whenever a lot is
used for a multiple-family dwelling or for commercial, institutional
or industrial purposes, the lot shall be deemed to have been subdivided
into an equivalent number of single-family residential lots as determined
by estimated sewage flows.
A city, incorporated town, township, borough, or home rule
municipality other than a county, or any authority created pursuant
to the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
A portable, self-contained holding tank/toilet unit that
is designed to provide toilet facilities for a temporary period of
time, such as at events and building construction sites.
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System.
A person certified by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania who
operates a wastewater treatment facility as required by law or regulation.
The person who is the owner of record or equitable owner
of a wastewater treatment facility, home, property, residence or development,
including but not limited to the executor, trustee, or administrator
of any property which falls under this regulation.
The person to whom a permit is issued.
An individual, association, public or private corporation
for profit or not for profit, partnership, firm, trust, estate, department,
board, bureau, or agency of the United States, Commonwealth, political
subdivision, municipality, district, authority, or another legal entity
which is recognized by law as the subject of rights and duties. The
term includes the members of an association, partnership, or firm
and the officers of a local agency or municipal, public, private corporation
for profit or not for profit.
Any practice that reduces or eliminates potentially harmful
pollutants at the source, or that reduces the use and consumption
of resources, such as water or energy, in accordance with the National
Pollution Prevention Policy.
A common sewer owned and/or controlled by a municipality
or municipal authority.
A watertight receptacle which receives and retains sewage
and is designed and constructed to facilitate ultimate disposal of
the sewage at another site. The term includes, but is not limited
to, the following:
A substance that contains the waste products or excrement
or other discharge from the bodies of human beings or animals and
any noxious or deleterious substances being harmful or inimical to
the public health, or to animal or aquatic life, or to the use of
waters for domestic water supply or for recreation, or which constitutes
pollution under the PA Clean Streams Law.
Systems of sewage collection, conveyance, treatment and disposal
which will prevent the discharge of untreated or inadequately treated
sewage or other waste into waters of this commonwealth or otherwise
provide for the safe and sanitary treatment and disposal of sewage
or other waste.
COMMUNITY SEWAGE SYSTEM- A sewage facility, whether publicly or privately owned, for the collection of sewage from two or more lots, or two or more equivalent dwelling units and the treatment or disposal, or both, of the sewage on one or more of the lots or at another site.
COMMUNITY ON-LOT SEWAGE SYSTEM- A community sewage system which uses a system of piping, tanks, or other facilities for collecting, treating and disposing of sewage into a subsurface absorption area or a retaining tank.
COMMUNITY SEWERAGE SYSTEM- A community sewage system which uses a method of sewage collection, conveyance, treatment and disposal other than renovation into a subsurface absorption area, or retention in a retaining tank.
INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE SYSTEM- A sewage facility, whether publicly or privately owned, located on a single lot and serving one equivalent dwelling unit and collecting, treating, and disposing of sewage in whole or in part into the soil or into waters of this commonwealth, or by means of conveyance of retaining tank wastes to another site for final disposal.
INDIVIDUAL ON-LOT SEWAGE SYSTEM- An individual sewage system which uses a system of piping, tanks, or other facilities for collecting, treating and disposing of sewage into a subsurface absorption area or a retaining tank.
INDIVIDUAL SEWERAGE SYSTEM- An individual sewage system which uses a method of sewage collection, conveyance, treatment and disposal other than renovation into a subsurface absorption area, or retention in a retaining tank.
A program authorized by the official action of a municipality,
authority, or political subdivision for the administration, management,
and regulation of the disposal and/or conveyance of sewage.
That area drained by a river, stream, or other body of water
whether artificial or natural.
Rivers, streams, creeks, rivulets, impoundments, ditches,
water courses, storm sewers, lakes, dammed water, ponds, springs and
other bodies or channels of conveyance of surface and underground
water, or of their parts, whether natural or artificial, within or
on the boundaries of this commonwealth.
When a sewage facility is to be abandoned, it
shall be the responsibility of the property owner and permittee of
such system to properly abandon such sewage facility. This section
shall not apply to tankage converted to equalization and retention
facilities. Proper abandonment shall include:
A. Removal and proper disposal of all liquids, sludges,
and solids from all tanks and distribution boxes;
B. Removal or filling of all tanks and distribution boxes
with inert material; and
C. Such other conditions as may be required by the Director.
Any permittee of a community sewage system shall
develop an operation and maintenance plan and an emergency response
plan for such facility. These plans must be submitted to the Department
for approval and updated by March 31 of each year.
Whenever the Director determines that an emergency
exists which necessitates immediate action to protect the public health,
safety or welfare, he/she shall without prior notice, issue a written
order reciting the existence of the emergency and requiring whatever
action he/she deems advisable to meet the emergency, notwithstanding
the provisions of § 875-13A and B. This order shall be effective
upon service as provided in § 875-13C and shall be complied
with immediately or as specified in the order.
In the event of noncompliance with an order
issued pursuant to any section of these rules and regulations, the
Director may institute appropriate actions or proceedings at law or
inequity to restrain, correct or abate the violations of the order,
including causing the order to be carried out at the expense of the
County. The County may recover the amount of the expense of any action
or proceeding or of causing construction work to be postponed in carrying
out an order, by action of assumpsit, or, where appropriate in the
manner provided by law for the collection of claims under the Act
of May 16, 1923, P. L. 207, or any amendment or reenactment thereof.
Any person aggrieved by any action taken by
the Director may request a hearing within 10 days, in accordance with
Article XI of the Rules and Regulations of the Allegheny County Health
Upon the effective date of this chapter, the
existing Article XIV, Sewage Disposal, effective June 1, 1963, as
amended, is hereby repealed and superseded by this chapter.