Prior to the Township's approval of a final subdivision plat or the acceptance or approval of any public utility, or other improvements, acceptable construction record drawings must be submitted to the Director.
Initially, two sets of construction record prints shall be submitted for review to the Director. After the construction record prints have been approved, one complete set drawn on reproducible Mylar (minimum of three mils thick) shall be submitted, including detail sheets.
Construction record plans shall be prepared based on the Michigan South State Plane Coordinates, North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 1983) for the x and y coordinate system, and based on the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) for the z coordinate system.
In addition, an electronic copy of each drawing shall be submitted in accordance with the following standards:
One file shall be in AutoCAD*.dwg format aligned to the Michigan South NAD 1983 - feet coordinate system.
One file shall be pdf format.
All construction record information shall be clearly identified as such.
All location changes in excess of five inches horizontal or 0.05 foot vertical shall be "lined out" and redrawn.
Construction record drawings shall contain all the information shown on the approved construction drawings with the addition of, but not limited to, the following as-built information:
Sanitary sewers and storm sewers.
GPS locations for each manhole and all force main bends.
Length of sewer as measured between manholes shown on both plan and profile sheets.
Length of manhole stubs.
Manhole, inlet, and catch basin cover as-built elevations.
Construction record invert elevations of pipes within each structure.
Construction record percent of grade between manholes.
Any changes to the total quantities shall be shown.
Retention and detention ponds.
Construction record dimensions and sufficient additional information to calculate final volume. Certification of final computed volume of the pond as measured from high-water elevation to the invert of the outlet pipe shall also be provided.
Construction record location and all dimensions of the overflow structure, and other physical improvements, including fence and gate sizes and locations.
The following construction record elevations:
Overflow spillway.
Inlet and outlet pipe inverts.
Outlet structure cover.
Spillway elevations at fifty-foot intervals.
Outlet and inlet ditch elevations at fifty-foot intervals.
Top- and bottom-of-bank elevations at fifty-foot maximum intervals.
Water mains.
Construction record location of all water mains with respect to property lines.
Rim elevations on gate wells.
Top-of-pipe elevations at gate wells.
Fire hydrant duty line elevations.
Distances between gate wells, fittings, and fire hydrants.
GPS locations for all water system structures.
Type of materials used.
All construction record plans shall contain a statement by an engineer or land surveyor, who is currently registered in the State of Michigan, certifying the drawings to be construction record. All plans shall be sealed and signed by the certifying registered engineer or surveyor.