Editor's Note: The Township Manager or his designee shall hereafter and from time-to-time as may be necessary promulgate and thereafter amend such "Rules and Regulations" as is deemed necessary and proper for the proper operation of the Galloway Township Police Department pursuant to Ordinance No. 982.
Generally. The Township Manager shall exercise those functions, powers and duties as set forth in the Charter, general law and ordinances. The Manager shall appoint and remove such technical, professional and clerical personnel as may be required for the administration of any office, board or committee, except as otherwise provided herein or by other ordinance of the Township. The Manager may designate a qualified Administrative Officer of the Township to perform his duties during his temporary absence or disability. In the event of the Manager's failure to make such designation or in the event of the absence of such deputy, the Council may by resolution designate another qualified administrative officer of the Township to perform the Manager's duties during such temporary absence, disability or disqualification.
[Amended 12-13-2016 by Ord. No. 1951-2016]
Personnel. The Manager shall be Personnel Officer and shall have full charge of all matters pertaining to personnel administration.
Budget. The Manager shall prepare the annual budget and maintain a continuing review and analysis of budget operations. He shall also authorize the payment of bills, claims, demands and payroll upon the proper certification of the Treasurer of the amount due and owing.
Generally. The Council shall appoint a Township Clerk, who shall serve under the Manager's direction. The Manager may appoint a Deputy Clerk who shall perform the powers and duties of the Clerk in the event of the Clerk's absence or disability.
Tenure. Nothing contained in this chapter shall in any way affect the tenure of the present Township Clerk.
Powers and duties. The Clerk shall:
Serve as Clerk of the Council, keep the minutes and records of its proceedings and maintain and compile its ordinances and resolutions as required by the Charter.
Serve as Registrar of Vital Statistics, including births, deaths and marriages, in accordance with state law, and issue marriage licenses pursuant to law.
Have custody of the Township Seal and affix it to such books, papers and documents as may be authorized pursuant to law.
Have custody of all official books, papers and documents of the township for which no other repository is provided by Charter or ordinance, and preserve and keep them safely.
Perform such functions as are vested in the Clerk by the licensing provisions of state law or ordinance.
Make searches for municipal improvements.
Perform all of the functions required of Municipal Clerks by the General Election Law (Title 19 of the Revised Statutes).
Supervise employees within his office.
Statutory officer. Notwithstanding the authority of the Manager to provide direction to the Clerk and the Clerk's office, nothing in this section authorizes the Manager to exercise any of the statutory powers and duties of the Clerk or to limit the Clerk's independent authority as a statutory officer pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:9-133.
[Added 12-13-2016 by Ord. No. 1951-2016]