Whenever the Code Official determines that there has been a violation of this code, or whenever he has condemned any structure or equipment, he shall give notice to the owner or the person or persons responsible therefor in the manner prescribed below. If he has condemned the property or part thereof, he shall give notice to the owner and to the occupants of his intent to placard and to vacate the property or to order equipment out of service.
Such notice shall:
Be in writing.
Include a description of the real estate sufficient for identification.
Include a statement of the reason or reasons why it is being issued.
Include a correction order allowing a reasonable time for the repairs and improvements required to bring the dwelling unit or structure into compliance with the provisions of this code.
Such service shall be deemed to be properly served upon such owner if a copy thereof is delivered to him personally, by certified or registered mail addressed to the owner at his last known address with return receipt request or, if the certified or registered letter is returned with receipt showing that it has not been delivered, by posting a copy thereof in a conspicuous place in or about the structure affected by such notice and publishing such notice in a local newspaper of general circulation at least once a week for two consecutive weeks.
When a condemnation order is served on an occupant other than the owner or person responsible for such compliance, a reasonable time (30 days) to vacate the property after noncompliance shall be stated. Owners or persons responsible for compliance must vacate at the time set for correction of defects if there is failure of compliance.
It shall be unlawful for the owner of any dwelling unit or structure who has received a compliance order or upon whom a notice of violation has been served to sell, transfer, mortgage, lease or otherwise dispose of to another until the provisions of the compliance order or notice of violation have been complied with or until such owner shall first furnish the grantee, transferee, mortgagee or lessee a true copy of any compliance order or notice of violation issued by the Code Official and shall furnish to the Code Official a signed and notarized statement from the grantee, transferee, mortgagee or lessee acknowledging the receipt of such compliance order or notice of violation and fully accepting the responsibility without condition for making the corrections or repairs required by such compliance order or notice of violation.
Whenever a Code Official finds that an emergency exists on any premises or on any defective equipment which requires immediate action to protect the public's health and safety or that of the occupants thereof, he shall with proper notice and service issue an order reciting the existence of such an emergency and requiring the vacating of the premises or such action taken as he deems necessary to meet such emergency. Notwithstanding other provisions of this code, such order shall be effective immediately, and the premises or equipment involved shall be placarded immediately upon service of the order.