All commercial, industrial, institutional and multifamily units shall be required to connect into an existing or proposed Township or county sewer. The owner(s) of such units shall file an application accompanied by the required information and fees as outlined below. This application shall be submitted to the Galloway Township Municipal Utilities Division.
[Amended 7-27-1993 by Ord. No. 1132; 9-28-2004 by Ord. No. 1579]
Upon receiving the application, the Galloway Township Municipal Utilities Division will determine the extent of review which is necessary. Simple commercial units with discharges similar in flow and strength to residential connections will be handled according to the rules and regulations described in Article II for individual building connections. Larger commercial units and all industrial units will be reviewed under the procedure outlined in Article III for subdivisions and developments, taking into account the requirements of that article in addition to the requirements listed below.
No commercial, industrial, institutional or multifamily unit shall make any connection into, use of, alteration or disturbance to, addition to or expansion of, whether internally or otherwise, or in any other way disturb any Galloway Township Municipal Utilities Division sewer or appurtenance thereto or thereof without first obtaining certification of approval from the Galloway Township Municipal Utilities Division.
[Amended 9-4-1984 by Ord. No. 773; 7-27-1993 by Ord. No. 1132]
All costs and expenses required for the installation and connection of a large commercial, industrial, institutional or multifamily building or unit sewer shall be borne by the builder or developer. The owner shall be liable to the Galloway Township Municipal Utilities Division for any loss or damage that may directly or indirectly result from the installation of any building sewer or any other cause.
[Amended 7-27-1993 by Ord. No. 1132]
An industrial building sewer shall be a minimum of eight inches in diameter and shall be connected to a Galloway Township Municipal Utilities Division sewer or county sewer.
Whenever the Galloway Township Municipal Utilities Division determines that it is necessary, the discharge must be metered for flow and strength prior to its acceptance into the Galloway Township Municipal Utilities Division system. The cost of all metering facilities shall be borne by the owner.
The Galloway Township Municipal Utilities Division will determine whether industrial pretreatment is required. When required, the applicant shall submit plans for such pretreatment for review by the Galloway Township Municipal Utilities Division. During operation, the Galloway Township Municipal Utilities Division will monitor industrial pretreatment. Failure to comply with industrial pretreatment requirements may result in additional charges as determined by the Galloway Township Municipal Utilities Division or in disconnection of the building sewer, or both.
The owners of all large commercial and industrial units shall comply with the user charge system described in Article VI.
Nondomestic users are prohibited from introducing any waste into the sewer system which will interfere with the operation or performance of publicly owned treatment works, including but not limited to the introduction of any pollutants, either alone or in conjunction with any other discharge into the system, which will, if discharged in sufficient volume or strength, cause interference in the treatment works.
[Added 6-13-1989 by Ord. No. 958]
If the Federal Categorical Pretreatment Standard applicable to a particular industrial subcategory is more stringent than the limitations imposed by this chapter for sources in that particular subcategory, the Federal Standard shall supersede the limitations set forth herein.
[Added 6-13-1989 by Ord. No. 958]
In addition to the items described in Article III for subdivisions and developments, the Galloway Township Municipal Utilities Division shall consider the requirements of industrial pretreatment, the industrial cost recovery system and metering proposals for volume and strength.
Final review shall be submitted in accordance with §§ 281-9 and 281-10 of Article II or §§ 281-18 and 281-19 of Article III of this chapter.
[Amended 7-27-1993 by Ord. No. 1132]
In addition to the above requirements, the applicant may be required to submit a written report on the proposed industrial wastes. Such a report should include:
Volume and strength.
Type of industrial processes.
Proposed treatment.
Proposed metering system.
Two copies of the original report shall be submitted at the time of preliminary application, and four copies of the revised report shall be submitted at the time of final application.
Review and approval of the application and supporting documents will be completed by the Galloway Township Municipal Utilities Division in accordance with those guidelines outlined in § 281-10 of Article II or § 281-19 of Article III of this chapter.
Editor's Note: Former § 281-27, Requests for exemptions, was repealed 9-28-2004 by Ord. No. 1579.