[Adopted 10-4-1971 by Ord. No. 166]
[Amended 12-19-1991 by Ord. No. 458; 6-17-1993 by Ord. No. 474; at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
An annual tax as provided for in the First Class Township Code, 53 P.S. § 57080.2, is hereby levied to pay the cost and expense of the maintenance of the streetlights in Upper Allen Township as the Commissioners shall from time to time designate by ordinance or resolution.[1]
Editor's Note: The ordinance or resolution setting the current tax rate is on file in the office of the Township Secretary.
The annual cost and expense of maintenance of said streetlights shall be borne by the owners of the real estate within 250 feet of such lighting facility in proportion to the number of feet their property fronts on the street or highway or portion thereof to be lighted.
The assessment for the annual cost and expense of the maintenance of said streetlights per front foot against vacant lots shall be 25% of the assessment per front foot against property with improvements thereon.
The cost and expense of the furnishing and installation of ornamental standards for streetlighting with fittings and underground wiring therefor along such streets or highway or portion thereof affected shall be borne by the owners of the real estate situate within 250 feet of such standard in proportion to the number of feet the property fronts on the street or highway or portion thereof to be lighted.
There shall be no assessment made against any farmlands, but vacant lots between built-up sections, whether tilled or untilled, shall not be deemed to be farmlands.
In the event that an assessment would be inequitable because of the peculiar or pointed shapes of lots or at intersections, the Commissioners may, in their discretion, provide for an equitable reduction from the frontage of said lots.
If the assessments for the annual cost and expense of the maintenance of said streetlights remain unpaid on the first Monday of May of the succeeding year, the solicitor of Upper Allen Township shall collect the same together with 5% as attorney's commission and interest from the date such assessments were due, by a municipal claim filed against the property of the delinquent owner in like manner as municipal claims are by law filed and collected.
If the assessment to provide for furnishing the installation of ornamental standards for streetlighting with fittings and underground wiring therefor remain unpaid at the expiration of 90 days from the date the notice is received for the assessment of the same, the Solicitor of Upper Allen Township shall collect the same, together with 5% as attorney's commission and interest from the date such assessments were due, by municipal claim filed against the property of the delinquent owner in like manner as municipal claims are by law filed and collected.