The MH1 Mobile Home Community District is designed to provide for planned communities for mobile homes. This district is intended for the location of mobile homes on land under common ownership or for the creation of lots for mobile homes. Such planned developments are intended to be provided with appropriate roadways and amenities and suitable landscaping and transition areas to blend the mobile home community with surrounding land uses.
The following uses are allowed:
Mobile homes.
Mobile home parks.
Mobile home subdivisions.
Churches and places of worship.
[Amended 7-10-2024]
Public parks, playgrounds and recreational uses.
Accessory uses.
Public utilities excluding energy-generating facilities.
[Amended 1-8-2020]
Fire stations and companies and rescue squads.
Home occupations.
Totally enclosed storage facilities for use by the residents of the mobile home park or subdivision.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection L, regarding certain business signs, amended 2-13-2008, was repealed 5-10-2023.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection M, Residential subdivision identification signs, added 2-13-2008, was repealed 5-10-2023.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection N, Signs allowed in § 165-201.06B, added 2-13-2008, was repealed 5-10-2023.
Short-term lodging.
[Added 9-28-2022]
The following uses are permitted with a conditional use permit:
Cottage occupations.
Mobile homes may be located in planned developments on parcels of land under common ownership or as mobile home subdivisions. Such mobile home parks and subdivisions shall meet the following requirements:
Dimensional requirements.
Density. The gross density of any mobile home park or subdivision shall not exceed eight units per acre.
Spacing requirements. No mobile home shall be placed within 20 feet of another.
Lot requirements. Minimum lots of 4,000 square feet shall be established for each dwelling unit. The corners of such lots shall be clearly posted by permanent markers which shall be maintained.
Setbacks. All dwelling units shall be set back a minimum of 20 feet from any street right-of-way. All dwelling units shall be set back at least 10 feet from all common areas, parking lots and sidewalks. All accessory uses shall be set back at least five feet from any lot line or property boundary.
Perimeter. All structures shall be set back at least 50 feet from the perimeter boundary of the mobile home park.
Common areas. All mobile home parks and subdivisions shall have a common area of at least 4,000 square feet in area. In addition, at least 15% of the total gross area of all mobile home parks or subdivisions shall be in common areas. There shall be at least 50 square feet of common area for each dwelling unit.
Landscaping. All common areas shall be planted with appropriate landscaping, including trees, shrubs and grass lawns. This landscaping shall be properly maintained.
Recreation facilities. All mobile home parks and subdivisions shall contain at least one recreational unit as described by § 165-402.08 of this chapter. This recreational unit shall be intended to meet the needs of 30 dwelling units. One recreational unit shall be provided for each 30 dwelling units. The design and amount of recreational facilities shall be approved by the Administrator and the Department of Parks and Recreation at the time of site plan review.
Homeowners' associations. In the case of mobile home subdivisions, common areas shall be dedicated to and maintained by homeowners' associations. The mobile home subdivisions and the homeowners' associations shall meet all requirements of this chapter.
All mobile home lots in a mobile home park shall have direct access to a dedicated public street which meets all requirements of the Virginia Department of Transportation.
Private streets in existing mobile home parks. The Board of Supervisors may allow new sections of existing mobile home parks, which are currently served by a complete system of private streets, to be provided with access using private streets. In such cases, the private streets must meet the following requirements:
[Amended 9-26-2012]
Street widths. The minimum right-of-way width for private streets in a mobile home park shall be 30 feet. Dead-end streets shall be provided with culs-de-sac, with a minimum radius of 40 feet. A minimum pavement width of 20 feet shall be provided, with a minimum shoulder width of six feet. The minimum paved radius for a cul-de-sac shall be 30 feet.
Street construction. Private streets shall be adapted to the topography and shall have suitable alignment and gradient for traffic safety, satisfactory surface drainage and proper functioning of sanitary and storm sewer systems. A surface of bituminous prime-and-double-seal treatment shall be applied on a base of no less than six inches of compacted gravel. The full width of the street shall be properly graded to provide suitable grades for pavements, adequate surface drainage and convenient access to the mobile home lots.
Intersections. Street intersections shall generally be at right angles. Offsets at intersections and intersections of more than two streets at one point shall be avoided.
Off-street parking. At least two off-street parking spaces shall be provided for each dwelling unit. Mobile home parks and subdivisions may employ common parking lots to provide off-street parking. Such parking lots shall meet all requirements of this chapter.
Sewer and water facilities. It must be certified by the Virginia Department of Health that each mobile home lot will be provided with an approved source of water supply and an approved means of sewage disposal before the mobile home park will be approved. Water and sewer service must be provided through the use of public or community systems. All community systems shall be dedicated to a public authority.