The retirement system shall be under the sole direction of a Board, which shall consist of seven members: the Chief Executive; one member, who shall be a member of the retirement system, who shall be appointed by the Chief Executive with the consent of at least a majority of the seated members of County Council; one member, who shall be a member of the retirement system, appointed by at least a majority of the seated members of County Council; the Treasurer; the Controller; and two persons elected by ballot by the County's employees and retirees. The two members presently serving as members of the Board by election by the County's employees and retirees at the time of the adoption of this Administrative Code shall continue to serve the remainder of their elected terms of office. Following the completion of the terms of the members of the Board who are elected to the Board by the County's employees and retirees prior to the adoption of this Administrative Code, the stated terms of such members shall be four years. Ballots shall be mailed to each member of the retirement system at least 20 days prior to the date of the election. A vacancy occurring during the term of any member of the Board shall be filled for the unexpired term by the appointment or election of a successor in the same manner as the predecessor. A majority of the members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business.
The Allegheny County Retirement System established by the Second Class County Code Pension Provisions (16 P.S. § 4701 et seq.), and other applicable state and federal legislation and regulations shall remain in full force and effect.