[Adopted 11-14-2005]
All that tract or parcel of land situate in the Town of Hornellsville, County of Steuben, State of New York, and being more particularly bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point where the centerline of Ice House Road intersects with the City of Hornell/Town of Hornellsville line being approximately 570+' from the centerline intersection of Ice House Road and East Avenue; at station 5+70.13+; thence along the centerline of Ice House Road
S 10°16'01"E, a distance of 110.61' to a point; thence continuing
S 14°37'30"E, a distance of 137.90' to a point; thence continuing
S 16°29'14" E, a distance of 1816.38' to a point where the centerline of Ice House Road intersects the north bounds of the Hornell Industrial Development Agency, said point being station 26+35.00 in the centerline of Ice House Road, said centerline having its 0+00 point at its intersection with the centerline of East Avenue. Thence along the lands of the Hornell IDA the following courses and distances
N 73°30'46" E, a distance of 24.75' to a point on the easterly bounds of Ice House Road; thence continuing
N 74° E, a distance of 298+ feet to a point approximately 30 feet westerly of and at right angles to the centerline of Conrail Corporation's track No. 117; thence
S 43° E, a distance of 1034+ feet; thence
S 38° E, a distance of 1725+ feet; thence
S 60° E, a distance of 1331+ feet; the last three courses and distances generally paralleling at a distance of approximately 30 feet westerly there from the centerline of said Track No. 117; thence
S 27° W, a distance of 106+ feet to a point on the before mentioned easterly highway boundary of Ice House Road; thence along said easterly boundary
4294+ feet to course no. 5 above.
Intending to convey 23.92 acres of land more or less set forth in courses five through ten and a 249.5' width road centering on courses one through three. This would be a 49.5' roadway and a 100-foot wide strip of land on either side from the present City of Hornell to the northerly terminus of the lands of the Hornell I.D.A.
Also intending to convey all that tract or parcel of land lying along the westerly line of the above 23.92 acres being a strip of land 49.5' in width. Said strip of land being the location of Ice House Road from Station 26+35.00 to approximately Station 69+29.00+ and ending at the southerly limit of said above 23.92 acre parcel; and
Whereas, the Town of Hornellsville has agreed to a memorandum of understanding with the City of Hornell to allow the friendly annexation of real property being commonly known as the South Yards property from the Town into the City of Hornell; and whereas, a public hearing on said annexation was properly and formally held at 6:45 p.m. November 14, 2005, in Hornell City Hall; now, therefore, the Common Council duly convened, does hereby resolve that the Common Council approves the annexation of the South Yards property, as described by the above description, into the City of Hornell.