[Amended 11-5-1997 by Ord. No. 97-04]
In addition to any other fees, charges or sewer rents provided by law, the owner or tenant of any parcel of real property connected with the sewer system, including but not limited to real property connected with the sewer system by means of a private sewer or drain emptying into the sewer system, shall pay a sewer use charge for the use of the sewer system for discharging any industrial or domestic waste and other wastes accepted for admission thereto.
Charges listed in this article shall apply to all sewer users who have a discharge to the sewer system. This shall include residences, commercial establishments, and industries.
Acceptance of a commercial or industrial discharge into the sewer system is contingent upon receipt by the City Engineer the information required by § 139-99.
The owner of real property shall comply with all provisions of this Part 3. The charge for a significant industrial user (SIU) shall be based upon the SIU's percentage contributions of various parameters to the POTW. These percentages shall be based on the pollutant concentration as determined by chemical analyses of the samples taken in accordance with this article. In case of toxic or prohibited wastes discharged by a tenant of any building or any parcel of real property, as determined by chemical analyses of samples taken, the City Engineer may hold either the tenant or the owner or both, responsible for failure to comply with any provisions of these rules and regulations applicable to toxic and prohibited waste discharge.
Failure to submit payment of a sewer service charge as determined under this article will result in penalties and fines as prescribed by this Part 3.
[Amended 11-5-1997 by Ord. No. 97-04]
All persons discharging or depositing normal sewage into the public sewers shall pay a sewer service charge proportional to the liquid volume of waste so deposited, which charge shall be collected as a sewer rent. A significant industrial user shall pay a sewer service charge as determined by § 139-145 of the article, which charge shall cover the cost of treating both the normal and abnormal sewage components of its discharge into the POTW.
[Amended 1-7-1997 by Ord. No. 97-01; 11-5-1997 by Ord. No. 97-04]
In accordance with the principles for the user charge established by Section 204(b)(1) of P.L. 92-500, a sewer use charge shall be computed by City Engineer using the following formula:
UC(i) = B/1200 * [(BB * BIA) + (BS * SIA) + (BP * PIA) + (BN * NIA) + BF * FIA)]
Total monthly sewer service charge
Annual O&M plus applicable debt service costs
Percent of POTW budget attributable to the treatment of BOD
Percent of POTW budget attributable to the treatment of suspended solids
Percent of POTW budget attributable to the treatment of total phosphorus
Percent of POTW budget attributable to the treatment of TKN
Percent of POTW budget attributable to the treatment of flow
Average daily BOD loading (lb/day) from POTW user
Average daily suspended solids loading (lb/day) from POTW user
Average daily total phosphorus loading (lb/day) from POTW user
Average daily TKN loading (lb/day) from POTW user
Average daily flow from POTW user
Average daily BOD loading (lb/day) at the POTW treatment plant
Average daily suspended solids loading (lb/day) at the POTW treatment plant
Average daily total phosphorus loading (lb/day) at the POTW treatment plant
Average daily TKN loading (lb/day) at the POTW treatment plant
Billable flow1
1 Billable flow is defined to mean the total of the following:
Annual sum of the metered water consumption for all users of the City of Oneida POTW, with the exception of significant industrial users, for the preceding calendar year divided by 12;
Sum of the actual wastewater flow for the month being invoiced from all significant industrial users; and
Sum of the actual wastewater flow for the month being invoiced from those users of the City of Oneida POTW whose access to the POTW is governed by an intermunicipal agreement under § 139-25 of Chapter 139, Sewers, Part 3, Sewer Use.
The sewer use charge shall be applied to the user on user's water bill and shall be distinctly denoted as "sewer use." Charges for the first charge period shall be based on estimated operation and maintenance costs for those periods and the anticipated water consumption. Rates shall be adjusted as required to keep the charges at levels which will fully reimburse the total operation and maintenance costs to the City, but at the same time will not create excess revenue over and above actual operation costs and capital costs as stated below.
Consistent with General Municipal Law § 453 and § 139-10 of this chapter, nothing herein shall prevent the inclusion within the sewer use charge of an additional amount sufficient to pay for capital improvements, including replacement of sewers, treatment plant additions and sewer extensions, and principal and interest on obligations incurred therefor.
[Amended 11-5-1997 by Ord. No. 97-04]
The volume of flow to be used in computing sewer service charges for SIUs and non-SIUs shall be based upon metered water consumption as shown on the records of meter readings maintained by the City Water Department. In the event that a person discharging wastes into the POTW produces evidence to the City Engineer demonstrating that a substantial portion of the total amount of metered water does not reach the POTW, then the City Engineer shall either establish a percentage of the total metered water to be used as a basis for such computations, or direct the installation of appropriate flow measuring (and totalizing) devices to measure and record the actual amount of flow into the POTW. In the event that a person discharging wastes into the POTW procures all or part of his water supply from unmetered sources, the City Engineer shall either direct the installation of water meters on the other sources of water supply, or direct the installation of appropriate flow measuring devices to measure and record the actual amount of flow into the POTW. Any water meters and/or flow measuring devices installed pursuant to this section shall be of a type and design acceptable to the City Engineer and shall be installed, maintained, and periodically tested as required by the City Engineer, at the owner's expenses. All such meters and/or flow measuring devices shall be subject to periodic inspection, testing, and reading by the City Engineer. Any person discharging wastes into the POTW may install a flow measuring device at his option, of the type, design, installation, and maintenance standards of the City Engineer, at the owner's expense.
[Amended 11-5-1997 by Ord. No. 97-04]
The pollutant concentration of any wastewater shall usually be determined from representative samples discharged to the public sewers, taken by representatives of the City Engineer at sampling stations as described under § 139-108, at any period, or time, or of such duration and in such a manner as the City Engineer may elect, or at any place or manner mutually agreed upon between the person and the City Engineer. The intent of any sampling procedure is to establish the pollutant concentration in the wastewater discharged during an average or typical working day. This concentration may be derived, according to the best judgment of the City Engineer, by combining repeated subsamplings during one day, or by combination of a series of such days.
The analyses of samples taken shall be performed in the laboratory certified by the New York State Department of Health Environmental Laboratory Approval Program. Sampling and analytical frequency shall be determined by the City Engineer.
In the event that the pollutant concentration of the waste discharged from a premises to a public sewer as determined under the above provisions is disputed by a person, a program of resampling may be instituted by the City Engineer. In such cases the user may split samples and perform analyses independent of the City Engineer as long as all ELAP certifications can be verified. The results of the resampling and reanalysis shall be considered to be the current analysis of the wastes discharged to the sewer system and shall be used for determining the sewer service charge and/or acceptability of the wastes.
The billing period shall be monthly for SIUs and as established by the City Water Department for non-SIU's.
The additional charges and fees associated with the operation of the pretreatment program shall be assessed the user and include:
Reimbursement of costs of setting up and operating the pretreatment program;
Issuing permits;
Monitoring, inspections, and surveillance procedures;
Costs of equipment and supplies;
Reviewing accidental discharge procedures;
Construction inspections;
Filing appeals;
Application for consistent removal status as outlined in 40 CFR 403; and/or
Other reasonable expenses to carry out the program to satisfy the requirements of this Part 3, the NYSDEC, and the federal government.
The charge for treatment and disposal of trucked or hauled waste which has been introduced into the POTW shall be as established by the Common Council. The manner of determining the volume dumped shall be at the discretion of the City Engineer.
The City may institute an equitable procedure for recovering the costs of any capital improvements of those parts of the POTW which collect, pump, treat, and dispose of industrial wastewaters from those persons discharging such wastewaters into the POTW.
[Amended 11-5-1997 by Ord. No. 97-04]
Provisions of Article XIII of this Part 3 relating to the collection of penalties shall apply to the collection of sewer service charges, unless where otherwise provided by application of Part 2, Rates and Charges, of this chapter.
The POTW shall be operated on the basis of a fiscal year commencing the first day of January and ending on the 31st day of December.
The Common Council shall have the authority to impose impact fees on new development, which development may:
Cause enlargement of the service area of the POTW; and/or
Cause increased hydraulic and/or treatment demands on the POTW.
Such impact fees shall be charged equitably to the user or discreet group of users responsible for the increased demand.
Revenues derived from user charges and associated penalties, and impact fees, shall be credited to a special fund. Moneys in this fund shall be used exclusively for the following functions:
For the payment of the operation and maintenance, including repair and replacement costs of the City POTW;
For the discovery and correction of inflow and infiltration;
For the payment of interest on and the amortization of or payment of indebtedness which has been or shall be incurred for the construction or extension of the City of Oneida POTW; and
For the extension, enlargement, replacement of, and/or additions to the POTW, including any necessary appurtenances.
The City shall maintain and keep proper books of records and accounts for the POTW, separate from all other records and accounts, in which shall be made full and correct entries of all transactions relating to the POTW. The City will cause an annual audit of such books of record and account for the preceding fiscal year to be made by a recognized independent certified public accountant, and will supply such audit report to authorized officials, and the public, on request.
In conjunction with the audit, there shall be an annual review of the sewer charge system to determine if it is adequate to meet expenditures for all programs for the coming year. Classification of old and new industrial users should also be reviewed annually.
The City shall maintain and carry insurance on all physical properties of the POTW, of the kinds and in the amounts normally carried by public utility companies and municipalities engaged in the operation of sewage disposal systems. All moneys received for losses under any such insurance policies shall be applied solely to the replacement and restoration of the property damaged or destroyed.