The classification of a proposed subdivision as a minor subdivision shall only require the submission, review and approval of a final plan. A land development classified as a minor land development shall only require the submission, review and approval of a final plan. The classification shall be based upon the definitions of terms "minor subdivision" and "minor land development" as provided for under Article II of this chapter.
The submission procedure for a minor subdivision or minor land development shall be in accordance with § 210-19 of this chapter.
The distribution of a minor subdivision plan or minor land development plan shall be in accordance with § 210-20 of this chapter.
The final plan for a proposed minor subdivision or minor land development shall be clearly and legibly drawn to a scale not greater than:
One inch equals 50 feet for a property in excess of two acres.
One inch equals 20 feet for a property equal to or less than two acres.
The original drawing and all submitted prints thereof shall be made on a sheet size of 24 inches by 36 inches.
The final plan shall be noted as "minor subdivision final plan" or "minor land development final plan" and contain the following information:
Name and address of record owner, including certification of ownership which carries a notarial seal.
The name and address of the applicant, if different from owner.
Name of proposed subdivision or land development.
Name and address of registered engineer and/or registered land surveyor responsible for the subdivision plan or land development plan, including certification of the accuracy of the plan for an error of closure not to exceed one foot in 5,000 feet and its conformance to the applicable provisions of this chapter.
North point, graphic scale and date, including the month, day and year that the original drawing was completed and the month, day and year that the original drawing was revised for each revision.
Total tract boundaries of the property being subdivided and/or developed, showing bearings and distances, and total size of the property, expressed in acreage and square feet.
The total number of proposed lots within a subdivision, with identification numbers for each or, for a land development, the location of buildings upon the lot with identification numbers for each.
The dimensions and area of all lots, expressed in both square feet and acres.
The zoning district or districts delineated upon the plan, along with the required building setback line and/or the proposed placement of each building shall be shown and, where corner lots are involved, the setback lines on both streets shall be shown.
The required yard setbacks, as provided in Chapter 255, Zoning, for all lots along each street or, in the case of a land development, the proposed placement of each building along each street and the proposed use of each building.
The location and dimensions of all existing structures, including accessory structures and off-street parking areas upon the subject property.
The distance of all existing structures to lot lines, front, rear and side, which will result upon approval of the plan.
The names of all adjoining property owners, including block and lot numbers, from the Luzerne County Assessor's office.
All existing streets, public or private, including streets of record (recorded but not constructed) on or abutting the subject tract, including their names and right-of-way widths.
All existing sewer lines, water lines, fire hydrants, utility transmission lines, utility easements or rights-of-way, culverts, storm drains, bridges, railroad rights-of-way and other significant man-made features located within the boundaries of the proposed subdivision or land development.
Existing watercourses, streams, ponds, wetlands, floodplain and/or flood-prone areas, wooded areas, tree masses and rock outcrops within the proposed subdivision or land development.
With regard to wetlands, all plans must specifically address the subject of as to whether any wetlands are located upon the site. If no wetlands are located within the site, a certification of the absence of wetlands shall be so noted upon the plan, which is certified by a person with appropriate training and experience in the identification of wetlands. If wetlands are located within the site, a delineation of all wetlands boundaries upon the site shall be provided by a person with appropriate training and experience in the identification of wetlands. The inclusion of wetlands upon the site shall require a complete survey, delineation and total acreage of said wetlands boundaries included upon the plans. The total acreage of any wetlands area proposed to be disturbed shall also be indicated upon the plans. Any parcels or portions thereof which are not intended to be developed in any manner, including but not limited to new structures, shall be exempt from providing the above information, subject to clearly indicating such areas upon the plan and including written notification of same upon the plan as recorded.
Existing contour lines at vertical intervals of not greater than five feet, when existing slopes are 5% or greater. Existing contour lines at vertical intervals of not greater than 10 feet, when existing slopes are less than 5%.
If the lots or development are to be serviced by individual on-lot sewage disposal:
The location of soil percolation test sites.
Location and extent of various soil types within the site with DEP definitions for each.
Proposed or typical location of building and/or structure with proposed location of wells, if applicable;
Copy of the applicable report and findings of the Township's Sewage Enforcement Officer.
All easements, existing and/or proposed, including their location, dimensions and purpose.
The following information, as applicable, shall be submitted with the final plan of a minor subdivision or minor land development:
Proof of ownership, including a copy of the existing deed.
Application for minor subdivision plan or minor land development plan, and the required fee.
Required fee for Luzerne County Planning Commission review.
If applicable, an approved highway occupancy permit, as required by Foster Township, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and/or the Luzerne County Bridge Department, or a deed restriction that prohibits development or improvements to the site or parcels to be created thereunder until the appropriate highway occupancy permit is secured.
If applicable, a letter of commitment from the Municipal Sanitary Authority that said Authority can and shall adequately serve the proposed subdivision or land development and accept the conveyance of sewage for treatment and disposal, including any conditions required for the provision of service.
Written certification from the appropriate public utility company which authorizes and approves the provision of water, gas and electrical service for the proposed subdivision and/or land development, including any conditions required for the provision of service.
If applicable, the Sewage Enforcement Officer's report and findings regarding percolation testing of the site for suitability of the site for any proposed on-lot sewage system as required by DEP.
Copies of deed restrictions, those existing and those to be included upon recording of plan.
Copies of description of easements, existing easements of record and any proposed easements to be included upon recording of plan.
If applicable, an appropriate soil erosion and sedimentation control plan, approved by the Luzerne County Conservation District.
An appropriate planning module for land development, approved by DEP.
Any other information as required by the Planning Commission.
The cost of all consulting fees incurred by the Township for the review of the application, plans and supporting formation, data and/or reports or studies, including, but not limited to, any required impact analysis and site inspections of the property to ensure compliance with the terms of approval and required improvements.
The applicant shall record the final plan in accordance with the requirements as set forth in § 210-26 of this chapter.