Enforcement of the penalties contained in this article shall begin 12 months following the adoption of this chapter. During the period between the date of adoption and the beginning date of enforcement, the Town of Ocean View shall inform the public of the adoption of this chapter, the requirements thereof, the consequences for failure to comply with the chapter, and the date on which the Town will begin to enforce the penalties for failure to comply.
In the event any person, corporation or other legal entity shall violate the requirements of this chapter, the Town or its designee shall take the following action regarding the violation:
The alleged violators shall be notified in writing of the portion or portions of this chapter they are is alleged to have violated, and all of the requirements necessary for them to complete in order to comply with the terms of this chapter. Such notice shall be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the person or entity at the address listed in the Town's tax records. If the violation is not resolved within 45 calendar days following receipt of said written notice, the violator shall be charged with a violation of this chapter and shall be assessed a fine in the amount of $50. A notice of the assessment of the fine shall be sent to the violator by certified mail, return receipt requested, at the address set forth in the Town's tax records.
If the violator has not complied with the requirements of the chapter within 45 calendar days from the date of the letter notifying him or her of the assessment of the fine and the steps required to comply, an additional fine of $25 per day shall be assessed beginning on the 45th day following receipt of notice sent by certified mail, return receipt requested. Wherever notice is provided herein to be made by certified mail, return receipt requested, the Town may elect at its option to deliver the notice by hand delivery to one of the property owners or another adult person in or upon the property at the time of the delivery. If and when a fine of $25 per day begins to accrue, it shall continue to accrue at that rate, not to exceed $500. A properly authenticated photograph of the subject property, showing the absence of the information required by this chapter, shall be considered sufficient proof of noncompliance in any enforcement action.
Town officials and Town employees are hereby authorized to enter upon private property for the purposes of inspection and to give notice by personal service or by certified mail to persons in violation of this policy directing them to abate the situation within 30 days after issuance of such notice.