[Adopted 9-8-1995 by Ord. No. 50-95; amended in its entirety 7-14-2006 by Ord. No. 136-06]
As authorized by Section C-4B(28) of the Town Charter, any person who violates any provision of this Code and who has been served a summons, complaint, citation, or warrant for such violation (each and all hereinafter referred to as “citation”) by any police officer, Code Enforcement Constable, or other Town Official lawfully authorized to issue same may admit guilt and pay the minimum fine or civil penalty provided for such violation (either in person or by mail) at the Town Hall; provided, however, that the citation shall provide notice: 1) of the minimum and maximum penalties for such violation; 2) that the violator has the right to a hearing before a court of competent jurisdiction; and 3) that any person having elected to admit guilt and pay the minimum fine or civil penalty for such citation may revoke such election and proceed to a hearing on the charge if the violator notifies the Town Hall of such revocation and request for a hearing prior to the due date set forth on the citation.