The Town Board hereby makes the following statements of intent and purpose:
To promote the health, safety and general welfare of the Town of Cazenovia. A clean, wholesome, attractive environment is important to the health and safety of the inhabitants of the Town and essential to the maintenance and continued development of the economy of the Town and the general welfare of its inhabitants.
To ensure the optimum overall conservation, protection, preservation, development and use of the natural and man-related resources of the Town by regulating land use activity within the Town through review and approval of site plans. It is not the intent of this chapter to prohibit per se any land use activity but to allow all land use activities which will meet the standards set forth in this chapter and other applicable laws.
To protect and enhance the natural, cultural, historic and scenic attributes of the Town enjoyed by residents, business owners and visitors.
To protect the rural agrarian character that has historically influenced the Town.
To protect and manage quality open space throughout the Town.
To facilitate the preservation of scenic views, vistas, panoramic views and corridors that have been identified as scenic resources of community significance.
To prevent the overcrowding of land, promote a coordinated development of unbuilt areas and conserve and restore natural beauty and other natural resources.
To encourage originality, flexibility and innovation in site planning and development, including the architecture, landscaping and graphic design of proposed developments in relation to surrounding areas and in conjunction with the Town's Comprehensive Plan.
To discourage monotonous and inharmonious developments, minimize discordant and unsightly surroundings and visual blight and avoid inappropriate and poor quality design.
To promote orderly growth, protect and enhance property values and other environmental and aesthetic considerations which generally enhance rather than detract from standards and values of the comfort and prosperity and the preservation of natural beauty and other natural resources, which are the proper concern of local government, and to promote and enhance construction and maintenance practices that will tend to enhance environmental and aesthetic quality.
To aid in assuring that structures, signs and other improvements are properly related to their sites and the surrounding sites and structures, with due regard to the aesthetic qualities of the natural terrain and landscaping and that proper attention is given to exterior appearances of structures, signs and other improvements.
To protect and enhance the Town's pleasant environments for living and working and to support, stimulate and promote the desirability of investment and occupancy in business and other properties.
To stabilize and improve property values and prevent blight to help provide an adequate tax base to the Town to enable it to provide required services to its citizens.
To foster civic pride and community spirit by reason of the Town's favorable environment and thus promote the peace, health and welfare of the Town and its citizens.
To encourage designs and uses that discourage light pollution and which will protect and preserve "dark skies" in the Town.
To ensure compliance with the intent and requirements of the Cazenovia Lakefront Development Guidelines, as last amended and adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Cazenovia, as applicable to lakefront developments.
[Added 2-12-2018 by L.L. No. 1-2018]
Pursuant to the provisions of § 274-a of the Town Law, the Planning Board is hereby authorized to review and approve, approve with modifications or disapprove site plans for land uses within the Town as hereinafter designated pursuant to and in accordance with the standards and procedures set forth in this chapter.