To ensure that development in the Town of East Hampton is in accord
with the Plan of Conservation and Development and does not adversely affect
surrounding properties, the Town Council establishes this Design Review Board
(“DRB”) to serve as an advisory body to the Planning and Zoning
Commission ("P&Z") and Zoning Board of Appeals (“ZBA”) on
matters of commercial site and building design. The DRB is charged with reviewing
all projects regarding nonresidential exterior construction and renovation
submitted to the P&Z and ZBA, and suggesting ways to preserve, enhance
and add to the design or appearance of proposed projects.
The DRB consists of seven members, including: two ex-officio members
(Town Manager and Town Planner or their respective designees), and five full
citizen members to be appointed by the Town Council for two-year terms. There
shall also be two alternate members of the DRB, who shall be citizens appointed
by the Town Council for two-year terms. Because the DRB benefits from a membership
whose backgrounds and expertise are in the fields of architecture, arboriculture,
site planning, landscape architecture, construction, historic preservation,
professional engineering, commercial real estate, and graphic design, preference
should be given to appointment of citizen members who are professionals in
the above-mentioned or related fields.
DRB review is required of all nonresidential projects in the Town of
East Hampton. “Project” is defined as new construction or exterior
alterations or modifications requiring a building permit. Interior changes,
ordinary maintenance and temporary emergency repairs shall not be considered
projects. The Town Planner shall consider each application requiring a building
permit for technical review and determine when referral to DRB review of the
project is required. The DRB advisory opinion shall be rendered in sufficient
time to enable the P&Z and ZBA to act upon the site plan within the time
prescribed by state statute.
The Planning Department shall forward an applicant’s site plan drawings and any supporting materials that have been provided (such as color swatches and sample materials) to the DRB. Such drawings shall include a rendering of the overall design of the proposed project, including the elevation of the facade and all other exterior elevations abutting a public way, showing all fenestration, signs, and other architectural features, including the color and style of building materials and any architectural details or peculiarities. The DRB shall meet as required to review the applicant’s submission prior to P&Z and/or ZBA review. The DRB review shall be based upon the standards for review set forth in §
28-7 of this chapter. The DRB may recommend changes in scope, design, and materials relating to a project. After a majority vote, the DRB will then render its advisory opinion in writing in a method determined by the Planning Department to the appropriate commissions and board and to the applicant.
The P&Z and ZBA have the final authority to deny or approve all
projects within their jurisdictions. The P&Z and ZBA may urge that the
applicant make modifications to the proposed project as it deems necessary
to conform to the DRB advisory opinion. The DRB advisory opinion shall not
bind the P&Z and ZBA, but shall provide guidance to the P&Z and ZBA
in the performance of their duties.
The DRB shall base its evaluation for project review on the following:
A. The compatibility with the Plan of Conservation and Development
of the Town of East Hampton (the “POCD”) and existing zoning regulations
as same may be amended from time to time (refer to §§ 28.1.C
through 28.1.G).
B. The compatibility of a proposed architectural design with the
architectural designs of existing adjacent buildings and the architectural
character of the neighborhood as a whole.
C. The impact on the historical significance of the affected property/structure
and other properties in the immediate area.
D. The compatibility of the landscape and layout on the parcel with
the landscaping and layout of adjacent parcels.
E. The landscape treatment should enhance architectural features,
strengthen vistas, and provide shade and other means of public comfort, and
establish a desirable transition with the streetscape and provide safe pedestrian
movement and parking.
F. Mechanical equipment or other utility hardware on the roof, ground,
or building, service yards, refuse storage areas, dumpsters, and other places
that tend to be unsightly should be screened from public view by use of walls,
fencing, plantings, or a combination of the above, and should be equally effective
in winter and summer.
G. Fencing, walls, paving, brick, stone, gravel and cobbles should
be used where appropriate to enhance the project.
H. Exterior lighting should enhance the architectural and landscape
design, and the lighting fixtures should be compatible with the design of
the building and neighborhood.
I. Style and color of building materials should be in harmony with
the design of the building and with adjacent buildings.
J. Relationship of width to height of new structures should be consistent
with the ratio of existing adjacent buildings.
K. Landscaping of all open spaces and buffer zones, including the
location, type, and size of all trees and shrubbery.
L. The lighting, design, materials, colors, size and location, but
not content of signs.